John Scipione 0d2645e44f Deskbar: New single line mini-mode
Mini-mode is when Deskbar is in the 4 corners with the application
menu tucked away into the leaf menu bar. This commit changes mini-
mode from putting the clock and replicants below the leaf menu to
attaching them to the side forming a single line.

The main advantage of this is that if Deskbar is in the top right
corner you can maximize a window without losing any access to
Deskbar or any screen real-estate. The other three corners lose screen
real-estate similar to horizontal mode.

Replace team icon with HVIF version kindly donated by meanwhile.
Scale icon size according to font size. Grow the vector rendered icon
size by 1px to match bitmap size. Add Team_Registrar icon to
data/artwork/icons. Tweak Team_Registrar icon to match the area of the
bitmap taken up by the bitmap icon so they will render at the same size.
The bitmap can be now NULL if an invalid icon is passed, handle this
case with an fInitStatus member in BarMenuTitle.

Switch order of leaf and team menus on the left side so that the
team menu is always on the screen edge. The team menu is more in
need of quick corner access than the leaf menu in this mode.

Adjust leaf menu position so that it continues to be cut-off while
allowing the team menu icon to display normally. Center vertically in
horizontal mode but it's still cut-off at 16x16. In vertical mode the
leaf continues to be cut-off at all font sizes. Constrain leaf bitmap
to its menu item frame as it can bleed out into the adjacent team menu
item at larger font sizes.

Grow team menu items to fit the widest label up to the max vertical
expando window width (currently 2x min) before truncating.
LegacyPackageInstaller now fits in the team menu. More on
LegacyPackageInstaller in horizontal mode below.

Update SetSizeLimits for mini-mode - no upper limit on height or width.

Switch to mini-mode using 1/4 screen left and right of screen instead
of using 1/6. Mini mode is now wider and this change makes switching
between mini mode and horizontal mode more reliable.
 * Rename frame to screenFrame here for clarity.

Set menu bar height to window tab height in vertical mode. This is
so that when you maximize a window the tab size will match. The menu
bar height is also a few pixels taller (25px vs 21px) than it was in
vertical expando mode at the default 12px font size. The change was
made to match the tab height. 21px was the height of a window tab
on BeOS R5's default decorator.

Adjust the width of the team menu for larger icon sizes. If app
names are hidden limit to half of min width so the menu doesn't
appear too short. SetMaxContentSize to width, this fixes a bug where
the menu item wasn't quite the right size for the menu.

No longer truncate time in vertical mini mode because the time can now
expand itself horizontally without limit (within reason.)

Center replicants vertically in mini-mode based on tab height and max
replicant height. Simplify mini-mode menu width and position calculation.
Fix a bar menu bar placement bug when Deskbar starts hidden in mini-mode.

Fix numerous layout issues. Put replicant tray where it should be in all
modes and then start adjusting things. The Replicant tray is now where
it should be in all modes, any fiddling with replicant icon locations
now can be relegated solely to LocationForReplicant().

Implements bug #5876 step 1.

*** Other related Deskbar improvements also made in this commit ***

Implemented underflow in horizontal mode ExpandoMenuBar to make items
wider when you close a team to take up more of available space. Max item
width is currently set to 1.25x min width so that LegacyPackageInstaller
fits in horizontal mode as well. In team menu it make sense to calculate
the widest label but in horizontal mode it would not be very nice if
ARogueAppWithAVeryVeryLongAndAnnoyingName were to grow all of your team
menu items. 1.25x is a fair compromise that gets us some extra width but
not too much. ExpandoMenuBar will truncate items to minimum width to buy
some space before it turns on the scroll arrows. Eliminate
kMinMenuItemWidth, create convinience methods to calculate limits.

Add BarView pointer to TimeView. Ditch fVertical and SetOrientation
in TTimeView and get the information from BarView instead. This way
we don't have to keep the state in sync. Also pass BarView pointer to
TTeamMenu constructor and use it instead of getting the pointer in a
roundabout way from be_app.

Eliminate kMiniHeight constant, the mini-mode height is now based
on the height of a window tab which changes with be_bold_font size.
Limit maximum height of replicants by be_bold_font size as well.
Also limit team menu and leaf menu icon heights by be_bold_font size.

Eliminate TExpandoMenuBar::fVertical, use fBarView instead. Switch the
order of layout and barView in ctor so that barView can be optional.
Change the ctor vertical param to layout and use the passed-in menu_layout
to pass to BMenuBar only. Once TExpandoMenuBar has been constructed, use
fBarView from then on. In Deskbar the menu_layout can change via
BMenuPrivate::SetLayout, if we needed to know TExpandoMenuBar's menu_layout
for some reason, we can call Layout().

Maintain 2px border around replicants in vertical expando mode on all
sides. Maintain 2px border around replicants in horizontal mode, except for
at 16x16 reduce the border to 1px because we're really short on height.
Improve clock centering in vertical expando mode. Also improve clock
centering in mini-mode across all font sizes. Reduce clock height by 2px
so that it won't draw over the top and bottom borders in horizontal mode.

Refactor TBarView::PlaceTray(). The code is basically the same but the
method is now better layed out. Calculate resize dragger location based
on width setting. This is valid since it is only ever used in vertical
expando mode. Hide the resize control better by moving it off-screen
when not in use. Hide() alone was not enough.

Fix size and position of the drag region to prevent minor drawing glitches
that were occuring in horizontal and left vertical mode because the drag
region was not in quite the right size and place.

Call DrawDragger() from DrawAfterChildren() instead of Draw() (and set
B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN flag) so that the dragger will always be drawn even if
there are other items on top. In theory this should not be needed but in
practice this fixes a few drawing glitches. Rename DrawDragRegion() to
private DrawDragger() method - the name was confusing and other classes
shouldn't be allowed to draw the dragger directly.

TDragRegion should be renamed to TStatusView since that's what it really is.
Then we should create a new TDragControl class based on TResizeControl that
is a child of TStatusView like everybody else. TDragControl would be
responsible for drawing itself and knowing where its bounds are. For now
DrawAfterChildren() will have to do.

Rework status tray border drawing. It is identical in vertical exando mode
and in the same spirit in horizontal mode just a little bit nicer looking.
Draw hilight on top, left, and bottom edges in horizontal mode. Draw hilight
on top, and left edges in mini-mode this creates the appearance of a shadow.
Best appreciated using Magnify.

May the following (Open Tracker License) code forever be memorialized in
this commit message:

TDragRegion::Draw(BRect updateRect)
	rgb_color menuColor = ViewColor();
	rgb_color hilite = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_1_TINT);
	rgb_color ldark = tint_color(menuColor, 1.02);
	rgb_color dark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_2_TINT);
	rgb_color vvdark = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_4_TINT);
	rgb_color light = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT);

	BRect frame(Bounds());

	if (be_control_look != NULL) {
		if (fBarView->Vertical()) {
			AddLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.RightTop(), dark);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.left, + 1),
				BPoint(frame.right, + 1), ldark);
			AddLine(frame.LeftBottom(), frame.RightBottom(), hilite);
		} else if (fBarView->AcrossTop() || fBarView->AcrossBottom()) {
				BPoint(frame.left, frame.bottom), dark);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.left + 1, + 1),
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, + 1), light);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.right, + 2),
				BPoint(frame.right, frame.bottom), hilite);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.left + 1, frame.bottom),
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom), hilite);
	} else {
		if (fBarView->Vertical()) {
			AddLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.RightTop(), light);
			AddLine(frame.LeftTop(), frame.LeftBottom(), light);
			AddLine(frame.RightBottom(), frame.RightTop(), hilite);
		} else if (fBarView->AcrossTop()) {
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.left, + 1),
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, + 1), light);
			AddLine(frame.RightTop(), frame.RightBottom(), vvdark);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 1, + 2),
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom - 1), hilite);
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom), hilite);
		} else if (fBarView->AcrossBottom()) {
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.left, + 1), BPoint(frame.right - 1, + 1), light);
			AddLine(frame.LeftBottom(), frame.RightBottom(), hilite);
			AddLine(frame.RightTop(), frame.RightBottom(), vvdark);
			AddLine(BPoint(frame.right - 1, + 1),
				BPoint(frame.right - 1, frame.bottom - 1), hilite);


Refactor mode switching.

Change TDragRegion::SwitchModeForRect() to SwitchModeForRegion() and pass
in BRegion's instead of BRect's. Create a new CalculateRegions() method
which is called once at startup and again on ScreenChanged() instead of
calculating the rect's over and over again inside MouseMoved(). Simplify
calculations using BRegion's.

Get the screen_where parameter from the Window()'s CurrentMessage() instead
of converting the passed in where parameter to screen coordinates. This
makes mode switching work 100% better.

Restore full state, fix all issues, and disable it again.

Fix issue with the window not resizing itself correctly when hiding the
scroller arrows in vertical expando mode because Deskbar was using the
bottom value of a scrolled view rather than its height. We only need to
call CheckForScrolling() once before we resize the window. Consolidate all
the window resizing code into ExpandoMenuBar::SizeWindow(), call
CheckForScrolling() there one time, then resize the window and lay
everything out again.

Simplify expando menu bar background drawing. The only part of this
drawing code that was actually being shown was the part where it stroked a
vertical line like this:

rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
SetHighColor(tint_color(menuColor, 1.22));
StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.LeftBottom());

The rest of the code was never seen. May the following code also be forever
memorialized in this commit message:

TExpandoMenuBar::DrawBackground(BRect updateRect)
	if (Vertical())

	BRect bounds(Bounds());
	rgb_color menuColor = ui_color(B_MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
	rgb_color hilite = tint_color(menuColor, B_DARKEN_1_TINT);
	rgb_color vlight = tint_color(menuColor, B_LIGHTEN_2_TINT);

	int32 count = CountItems() - 1;
	if (count >= 0)
		bounds.left = ItemAt(count)->Frame().right + 1;
		bounds.left = 0;

	if (be_control_look != NULL) {
		SetHighColor(tint_color(menuColor, 1.22));
		StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.LeftBottom());
		uint32 borders = BControlLook::B_TOP_BORDER
			| BControlLook::B_BOTTOM_BORDER | BControlLook::B_RIGHT_BORDER;

		be_control_look->DrawButtonBackground(this, bounds, bounds, menuColor,
			0, borders);
	} else {
		StrokeLine(bounds.LeftTop(), bounds.RightTop());
		StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left, + 1), bounds.LeftBottom());
		StrokeLine(BPoint(bounds.left + 1, bounds.bottom),

Change-Id: Id9ddd60c997a785184208ba02938bee1416aeae9
Reviewed-by: Adrien Destugues <>
2020-03-09 08:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-09 08:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-09 08:48:46 +00:00
2019-05-14 19:32:29 -04:00
2020-02-03 13:39:46 +01:00
2020-02-17 14:43:59 -05:00


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