system_info now contains all information previously available only through __get_system_info_etc(B_MEMORY_INFO, ...).
640 lines
27 KiB
640 lines
27 KiB
* Copyright 2004-2011, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <arch_config.h>
#include <DiskDeviceDefs.h>
#include <elf_common.h>
#include <image.h>
#include <OS.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct attr_info;
struct dirent;
struct fd_info;
struct fd_set;
struct fs_info;
struct iovec;
struct msqid_ds;
struct net_stat;
struct pollfd;
struct rlimit;
struct scheduling_analysis;
struct _sem_t;
struct sembuf;
union semun;
struct sigaction;
struct signal_frame_data;
struct stat;
struct system_profiler_parameters;
struct user_timer_info;
struct disk_device_job_progress_info;
struct partitionable_space_data;
struct thread_creation_attributes;
struct user_disk_device_data;
struct user_disk_device_job_info;
struct user_disk_system_info;
// This marks the beginning of the syscalls prototypes for gensyscallinfos.
// NOTE:
// * Nothing but those prototypes may live here.
// * The arguments of the functions must be named to be processed properly.
# define __NO_RETURN
# pragma syscalls begin
# define __NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
extern int _kern_is_computer_on(void);
extern status_t _kern_generic_syscall(const char *subsystem, uint32 function,
void *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
extern int _kern_getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit * rlp);
extern int _kern_setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit * rlp);
extern status_t _kern_shutdown(bool reboot);
extern status_t _kern_get_safemode_option(const char *parameter,
char *buffer, size_t *_bufferSize);
extern ssize_t _kern_wait_for_objects(object_wait_info* infos, int numInfos,
uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
/* user mutex functions */
extern status_t _kern_mutex_lock(int32* mutex, const char* name,
uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_mutex_unlock(int32* mutex, uint32 flags);
extern status_t _kern_mutex_switch_lock(int32* fromMutex, int32* toMutex,
const char* name, uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
/* sem functions */
extern sem_id _kern_create_sem(int count, const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_delete_sem(sem_id id);
extern status_t _kern_switch_sem(sem_id releaseSem, sem_id id);
extern status_t _kern_switch_sem_etc(sem_id releaseSem, sem_id id,
uint32 count, uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_acquire_sem(sem_id id);
extern status_t _kern_acquire_sem_etc(sem_id id, uint32 count, uint32 flags,
bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_release_sem(sem_id id);
extern status_t _kern_release_sem_etc(sem_id id, uint32 count, uint32 flags);
extern status_t _kern_get_sem_count(sem_id id, int32* thread_count);
extern status_t _kern_get_sem_info(sem_id semaphore, struct sem_info *info,
size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_sem_info(team_id team, int32 *cookie,
struct sem_info *info, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_set_sem_owner(sem_id id, team_id proc);
/* POSIX realtime sem syscalls */
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_open(const char* name,
int openFlagsOrShared, mode_t mode, uint32 semCount,
struct _sem_t* userSem, struct _sem_t** _usedUserSem);
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_close(sem_id semID,
struct _sem_t** _deleteUserSem);
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_unlink(const char* name);
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_get_value(sem_id semID, int* value);
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_post(sem_id semID);
extern status_t _kern_realtime_sem_wait(sem_id semID, bigtime_t timeout);
/* POSIX XSI semaphore syscalls */
extern int _kern_xsi_semget(key_t key, int numSems, int flags);
extern int _kern_xsi_semctl(int semID, int semNumber, int command,
union semun* args);
extern status_t _kern_xsi_semop(int semID, struct sembuf *semOps,
size_t numSemOps);
/* POSIX XSI message queue syscalls */
extern int _kern_xsi_msgctl(int messageQueueID, int command,
struct msqid_ds *buffer);
extern int _kern_xsi_msgget(key_t key, int messageQueueFlags);
extern ssize_t _kern_xsi_msgrcv(int messageQueueID, void *messagePointer,
size_t messageSize, long messageType, int messageFlags);
extern int _kern_xsi_msgsnd(int messageQueueID,
const void *messagePointer, size_t messageSize,
int messageFlags);
/* team & thread syscalls */
extern thread_id _kern_load_image(const char* const* flatArgs,
size_t flatArgsSize, int32 argCount, int32 envCount,
int32 priority, uint32 flags, port_id errorPort,
uint32 errorToken);
extern void __NO_RETURN _kern_exit_team(status_t returnValue);
extern status_t _kern_kill_team(team_id team);
extern team_id _kern_get_current_team();
extern status_t _kern_wait_for_team(team_id team, status_t *_returnCode);
extern pid_t _kern_wait_for_child(thread_id child, uint32 flags,
siginfo_t* info);
extern status_t _kern_exec(const char *path, const char* const* flatArgs,
size_t flatArgsSize, int32 argCount, int32 envCount,
mode_t umask);
extern thread_id _kern_fork(void);
extern pid_t _kern_process_info(pid_t process, int32 which);
extern pid_t _kern_setpgid(pid_t process, pid_t group);
extern pid_t _kern_setsid(void);
extern status_t _kern_change_root(const char *path);
extern thread_id _kern_spawn_thread(
struct thread_creation_attributes* attributes);
extern thread_id _kern_find_thread(const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_suspend_thread(thread_id thread);
extern status_t _kern_resume_thread(thread_id thread);
extern status_t _kern_rename_thread(thread_id thread, const char *newName);
extern status_t _kern_set_thread_priority(thread_id thread,
int32 newPriority);
extern status_t _kern_kill_thread(thread_id thread);
extern void _kern_exit_thread(status_t returnValue);
extern status_t _kern_cancel_thread(thread_id threadID,
void (*cancelFunction)(int));
extern void _kern_thread_yield(void);
extern status_t _kern_wait_for_thread(thread_id thread,
status_t *_returnCode);
extern bool _kern_has_data(thread_id thread);
extern status_t _kern_send_data(thread_id thread, int32 code,
const void *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
extern int32 _kern_receive_data(thread_id *_sender, void *buffer,
size_t bufferSize);
extern int64 _kern_restore_signal_frame(
struct signal_frame_data* signalFrameData);
extern status_t _kern_get_thread_info(thread_id id, thread_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_thread_info(team_id team, int32 *cookie,
thread_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_team_info(team_id id, team_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_team_info(int32 *cookie, team_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_team_usage_info(team_id team, int32 who,
team_usage_info *info, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_get_extended_team_info(team_id teamID, uint32 flags,
void* buffer, size_t size, size_t* _sizeNeeded);
extern status_t _kern_start_watching_system(int32 object, uint32 flags,
port_id port, int32 token);
extern status_t _kern_stop_watching_system(int32 object, uint32 flags,
port_id port, int32 token);
extern status_t _kern_block_thread(uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_unblock_thread(thread_id thread, status_t status);
extern status_t _kern_unblock_threads(thread_id* threads, uint32 count,
status_t status);
extern bigtime_t _kern_estimate_max_scheduling_latency(thread_id thread);
extern status_t _kern_set_scheduler_mode(int32 mode);
extern int32 _kern_get_scheduler_mode(void);
// user/group functions
extern gid_t _kern_getgid(bool effective);
extern uid_t _kern_getuid(bool effective);
extern status_t _kern_setregid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid,
bool setAllIfPrivileged);
extern status_t _kern_setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid,
bool setAllIfPrivileged);
extern ssize_t _kern_getgroups(int groupCount, gid_t* groupList);
extern status_t _kern_setgroups(int groupCount, const gid_t* groupList);
// signal functions
extern status_t _kern_send_signal(int32 id, uint32 signal,
const union sigval* userValue, uint32 flags);
extern status_t _kern_set_signal_mask(int how, const sigset_t *set,
sigset_t *oldSet);
extern status_t _kern_sigaction(int sig, const struct sigaction *action,
struct sigaction *oldAction);
extern status_t _kern_sigwait(const sigset_t *set, siginfo_t *info,
uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_sigsuspend(const sigset_t *mask);
extern status_t _kern_sigpending(sigset_t *set);
extern status_t _kern_set_signal_stack(const stack_t *newStack,
stack_t *oldStack);
// image functions
extern image_id _kern_register_image(image_info *info, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_unregister_image(image_id id);
extern void _kern_image_relocated(image_id id);
extern void _kern_loading_app_failed(status_t error);
extern status_t _kern_get_image_info(image_id id, image_info *info,
size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_image_info(team_id team, int32 *cookie,
image_info *info, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_read_kernel_image_symbols(image_id id,
elf_sym* symbolTable, int32* _symbolCount,
char* stringTable, size_t* _stringTableSize,
addr_t* _imageDelta);
// VFS functions
extern dev_t _kern_mount(const char *path, const char *device,
const char *fs_name, uint32 flags, const char *args,
size_t argsLength);
extern status_t _kern_unmount(const char *path, uint32 flags);
extern status_t _kern_read_fs_info(dev_t device, struct fs_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_write_fs_info(dev_t device, const struct fs_info *info,
int mask);
extern dev_t _kern_next_device(int32 *_cookie);
extern status_t _kern_sync(void);
extern status_t _kern_entry_ref_to_path(dev_t device, ino_t inode,
const char *leaf, char *userPath, size_t pathLength);
extern status_t _kern_normalize_path(const char* userPath,
bool traverseLink, char* buffer);
extern int _kern_open_entry_ref(dev_t device, ino_t inode,
const char *name, int openMode, int perms);
extern int _kern_open(int fd, const char *path, int openMode,
int perms);
extern int _kern_open_dir_entry_ref(dev_t device, ino_t inode,
const char *name);
extern int _kern_open_dir(int fd, const char *path);
extern int _kern_open_parent_dir(int fd, char *name,
size_t nameLength);
extern status_t _kern_fcntl(int fd, int op, size_t argument);
extern status_t _kern_fsync(int fd);
extern status_t _kern_flock(int fd, int op);
extern off_t _kern_seek(int fd, off_t pos, int seekType);
extern status_t _kern_create_dir_entry_ref(dev_t device, ino_t inode,
const char *name, int perms);
extern status_t _kern_create_dir(int fd, const char *path, int perms);
extern status_t _kern_remove_dir(int fd, const char *path);
extern status_t _kern_read_link(int fd, const char *path, char *buffer,
size_t *_bufferSize);
extern status_t _kern_create_symlink(int fd, const char *path,
const char *toPath, int mode);
extern status_t _kern_create_link(int pathFD, const char *path, int toFD,
const char *toPath, bool traverseLeafLink);
extern status_t _kern_unlink(int fd, const char *path);
extern status_t _kern_rename(int oldDir, const char *oldpath, int newDir,
const char *newpath);
extern status_t _kern_create_fifo(int fd, const char *path, mode_t perms);
extern status_t _kern_create_pipe(int *fds);
extern status_t _kern_access(int fd, const char *path, int mode,
bool effectiveUserGroup);
extern ssize_t _kern_select(int numfds, struct fd_set *readSet,
struct fd_set *writeSet, struct fd_set *errorSet,
bigtime_t timeout, const sigset_t *sigMask);
extern ssize_t _kern_poll(struct pollfd *fds, int numFDs,
bigtime_t timeout);
extern int _kern_open_attr_dir(int fd, const char *path,
bool traverseLeafLink);
extern ssize_t _kern_read_attr(int fd, const char *attribute, off_t pos,
void *buffer, size_t readBytes);
extern ssize_t _kern_write_attr(int fd, const char *attribute, uint32 type,
off_t pos, const void *buffer, size_t readBytes);
extern status_t _kern_stat_attr(int fd, const char *attribute,
struct attr_info *attrInfo);
extern int _kern_open_attr(int fd, const char* path, const char *name,
uint32 type, int openMode);
extern status_t _kern_remove_attr(int fd, const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_rename_attr(int fromFile, const char *fromName,
int toFile, const char *toName);
extern int _kern_open_index_dir(dev_t device);
extern status_t _kern_create_index(dev_t device, const char *name,
uint32 type, uint32 flags);
extern status_t _kern_read_index_stat(dev_t device, const char *name,
struct stat *stat);
extern status_t _kern_remove_index(dev_t device, const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_getcwd(char *buffer, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_setcwd(int fd, const char *path);
extern int _kern_open_query(dev_t device, const char *query,
size_t queryLength, uint32 flags, port_id port,
int32 token);
// file descriptor functions
extern ssize_t _kern_read(int fd, off_t pos, void *buffer,
size_t bufferSize);
extern ssize_t _kern_readv(int fd, off_t pos, const struct iovec *vecs,
size_t count);
extern ssize_t _kern_write(int fd, off_t pos, const void *buffer,
size_t bufferSize);
extern ssize_t _kern_writev(int fd, off_t pos, const struct iovec *vecs,
size_t count);
extern status_t _kern_ioctl(int fd, uint32 cmd, void *data, size_t length);
extern ssize_t _kern_read_dir(int fd, struct dirent *buffer,
size_t bufferSize, uint32 maxCount);
extern status_t _kern_rewind_dir(int fd);
extern status_t _kern_read_stat(int fd, const char *path, bool traverseLink,
struct stat *stat, size_t statSize);
extern status_t _kern_write_stat(int fd, const char *path,
bool traverseLink, const struct stat *stat,
size_t statSize, int statMask);
extern status_t _kern_close(int fd);
extern int _kern_dup(int fd);
extern int _kern_dup2(int ofd, int nfd);
extern status_t _kern_lock_node(int fd);
extern status_t _kern_unlock_node(int fd);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_fd_info(team_id team, uint32 *_cookie,
struct fd_info *info, size_t infoSize);
// socket functions
extern int _kern_socket(int family, int type, int protocol);
extern status_t _kern_bind(int socket, const struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t addressLength);
extern status_t _kern_shutdown_socket(int socket, int how);
extern status_t _kern_connect(int socket, const struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t addressLength);
extern status_t _kern_listen(int socket, int backlog);
extern int _kern_accept(int socket, struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t *_addressLength);
extern ssize_t _kern_recv(int socket, void *data, size_t length,
int flags);
extern ssize_t _kern_recvfrom(int socket, void *data, size_t length,
int flags, struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t *_addressLength);
extern ssize_t _kern_recvmsg(int socket, struct msghdr *message,
int flags);
extern ssize_t _kern_send(int socket, const void *data, size_t length,
int flags);
extern ssize_t _kern_sendto(int socket, const void *data, size_t length,
int flags, const struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t addressLength);
extern ssize_t _kern_sendmsg(int socket, const struct msghdr *message,
int flags);
extern status_t _kern_getsockopt(int socket, int level, int option,
void *value, socklen_t *_length);
extern status_t _kern_setsockopt(int socket, int level, int option,
const void *value, socklen_t length);
extern status_t _kern_getpeername(int socket, struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t *_addressLength);
extern status_t _kern_getsockname(int socket, struct sockaddr *address,
socklen_t *_addressLength);
extern int _kern_sockatmark(int socket);
extern status_t _kern_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol,
int *socketVector);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_socket_stat(int family, uint32 *cookie,
struct net_stat *stat);
// node monitor functions
extern status_t _kern_stop_notifying(port_id port, uint32 token);
extern status_t _kern_start_watching(dev_t device, ino_t node, uint32 flags,
port_id port, uint32 token);
extern status_t _kern_stop_watching(dev_t device, ino_t node, port_id port,
uint32 token);
// time functions
extern status_t _kern_set_real_time_clock(bigtime_t time);
extern status_t _kern_set_timezone(int32 timezoneOffset, const char *name,
size_t nameLength);
extern status_t _kern_get_timezone(int32 *_timezoneOffset, char *name,
size_t nameLength);
extern status_t _kern_set_real_time_clock_is_gmt(bool isGMT);
extern status_t _kern_get_real_time_clock_is_gmt(bool *_isGMT);
extern status_t _kern_get_clock(clockid_t clockID, bigtime_t* _time);
extern status_t _kern_set_clock(clockid_t clockID, bigtime_t time);
extern bigtime_t _kern_system_time();
extern status_t _kern_snooze_etc(bigtime_t time, int timebase, int32 flags,
bigtime_t* _remainingTime);
extern int32 _kern_create_timer(clockid_t clockID, thread_id threadID,
uint32 flags, const struct sigevent* event,
const struct thread_creation_attributes*
extern status_t _kern_delete_timer(int32 timerID, thread_id threadID);
extern status_t _kern_get_timer(int32 timerID, thread_id threadID,
struct user_timer_info* info);
extern status_t _kern_set_timer(int32 timerID, thread_id threadID,
bigtime_t startTime, bigtime_t interval, uint32 flags,
struct user_timer_info* oldInfo);
// area functions
extern area_id _kern_create_area(const char *name, void **address,
uint32 addressSpec, size_t size, uint32 lock,
uint32 protection);
extern status_t _kern_delete_area(area_id area);
extern area_id _kern_area_for(void *address);
extern area_id _kern_find_area(const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_get_area_info(area_id area, area_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_area_info(team_id team, ssize_t *cookie,
area_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_resize_area(area_id area, size_t newSize);
extern area_id _kern_transfer_area(area_id area, void **_address,
uint32 addressSpec, team_id target);
extern status_t _kern_set_area_protection(area_id area,
uint32 newProtection);
extern area_id _kern_clone_area(const char *name, void **_address,
uint32 addressSpec, uint32 protection,
area_id sourceArea);
extern status_t _kern_reserve_address_range(addr_t* _address,
uint32 addressSpec, addr_t size);
extern status_t _kern_unreserve_address_range(addr_t address, addr_t size);
extern area_id _kern_map_file(const char *name, void **address,
uint32 addressSpec, size_t size, uint32 protection,
uint32 mapping, bool unmapAddressRange, int fd,
off_t offset);
extern status_t _kern_unmap_memory(void *address, size_t size);
extern status_t _kern_set_memory_protection(void *address, size_t size,
uint32 protection);
extern status_t _kern_sync_memory(void *address, size_t size, int flags);
extern status_t _kern_memory_advice(void *address, size_t size,
uint32 advice);
extern status_t _kern_get_memory_properties(team_id teamID,
const void *address, uint32* _protected, uint32* _lock);
/* kernel port functions */
extern port_id _kern_create_port(int32 queue_length, const char *name);
extern status_t _kern_close_port(port_id id);
extern status_t _kern_delete_port(port_id id);
extern port_id _kern_find_port(const char *port_name);
extern status_t _kern_get_port_info(port_id id, struct port_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_port_info(team_id team, int32 *cookie,
struct port_info *info);
extern ssize_t _kern_port_buffer_size_etc(port_id port, uint32 flags,
bigtime_t timeout);
extern int32 _kern_port_count(port_id port);
extern ssize_t _kern_read_port_etc(port_id port, int32 *msgCode,
void *msgBuffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32 flags,
bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_set_port_owner(port_id port, team_id team);
extern status_t _kern_write_port_etc(port_id port, int32 msgCode,
const void *msgBuffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32 flags,
bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_writev_port_etc(port_id id, int32 msgCode,
const struct iovec *msgVecs, size_t vecCount,
size_t bufferSize, uint32 flags, bigtime_t timeout);
extern status_t _kern_get_port_message_info_etc(port_id port,
port_message_info *info, size_t infoSize, uint32 flags,
bigtime_t timeout);
// debug support functions
extern status_t _kern_kernel_debugger(const char *message);
extern void _kern_debugger(const char *message);
extern int _kern_disable_debugger(int state);
extern status_t _kern_install_default_debugger(port_id debuggerPort);
extern port_id _kern_install_team_debugger(team_id team,
port_id debuggerPort);
extern status_t _kern_remove_team_debugger(team_id team);
extern status_t _kern_debug_thread(thread_id thread);
extern void _kern_wait_for_debugger(void);
extern status_t _kern_set_debugger_breakpoint(void *address, uint32 type,
int32 length, bool watchpoint);
extern status_t _kern_clear_debugger_breakpoint(void *address,
bool watchpoint);
extern status_t _kern_system_profiler_start(
struct system_profiler_parameters* parameters);
extern status_t _kern_system_profiler_next_buffer(size_t bytesRead,
uint64* _droppedEvents);
extern status_t _kern_system_profiler_stop();
extern status_t _kern_system_profiler_recorded(
struct system_profiler_parameters* parameters);
/* atomic_* ops (needed for CPUs that don't support them directly) */
extern int32 _kern_atomic_set(vint32 *value, int32 newValue);
extern int32 _kern_atomic_test_and_set(vint32 *value, int32 newValue,
int32 testAgainst);
extern int32 _kern_atomic_add(vint32 *value, int32 addValue);
extern int32 _kern_atomic_and(vint32 *value, int32 andValue);
extern int32 _kern_atomic_or(vint32 *value, int32 orValue);
extern int32 _kern_atomic_get(vint32 *value);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_set64(vint64 *value, int64 newValue);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_test_and_set64(vint64 *value, int64 newValue,
int64 testAgainst);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_add64(vint64 *value, int64 addValue);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_and64(vint64 *value, int64 andValue);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_or64(vint64 *value, int64 orValue);
extern int64 _kern_atomic_get64(vint64 *value);
/* System informations */
extern status_t _kern_get_system_info(system_info* info);
extern status_t _kern_get_cpu_info(uint32 firstCPU, uint32 cpuCount,
cpu_info* info);
extern status_t _kern_get_cpu_topology_info(
cpu_topology_node_info* topologyInfos,
uint32* topologyInfoCount);
extern status_t _kern_analyze_scheduling(bigtime_t from, bigtime_t until,
void* buffer, size_t size,
struct scheduling_analysis* analysis);
/* Debug output */
extern void _kern_debug_output(const char *message);
extern void _kern_ktrace_output(const char *message);
extern status_t _kern_frame_buffer_update(addr_t baseAddress, int32 width,
int32 height, int32 depth, int32 bytesPerRow);
/* messaging service */
extern area_id _kern_register_messaging_service(sem_id lockingSem,
sem_id counterSem);
extern status_t _kern_unregister_messaging_service();
extern void _kern_clear_caches(void *address, size_t length,
uint32 flags);
extern bool _kern_cpu_enabled(int32 cpu);
extern status_t _kern_set_cpu_enabled(int32 cpu, bool enabled);
#if defined(__INTEL__) || defined(__x86_64__)
// our only x86 only syscall
extern status_t _kern_get_cpuid(cpuid_info *info, uint32 eax, uint32 cpu);
/* Disk Device Manager syscalls */
// iterating, retrieving device/partition data
extern partition_id _kern_get_next_disk_device_id(int32 *cookie,
size_t *neededSize);
extern partition_id _kern_find_disk_device(const char *filename,
size_t *neededSize);
extern partition_id _kern_find_partition(const char *filename,
size_t *neededSize);
extern partition_id _kern_find_file_disk_device(const char *filename,
size_t *neededSize);
extern status_t _kern_get_disk_device_data(partition_id deviceID,
bool deviceOnly, struct user_disk_device_data *buffer,
size_t bufferSize, size_t *neededSize);
extern partition_id _kern_register_file_device(const char *filename);
extern status_t _kern_unregister_file_device(partition_id deviceID,
const char *filename);
// Only a valid deviceID or filename need to be passed. The other one
// is -1/NULL. If both is given only filename is ignored.
extern status_t _kern_get_file_disk_device_path(partition_id id,
char* buffer, size_t bufferSize);
// disk systems
extern status_t _kern_get_disk_system_info(disk_system_id id,
struct user_disk_system_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_get_next_disk_system_info(int32 *cookie,
struct user_disk_system_info *info);
extern status_t _kern_find_disk_system(const char *name,
struct user_disk_system_info *info);
// disk device modification
extern status_t _kern_defragment_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter);
extern status_t _kern_repair_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, bool checkOnly);
extern status_t _kern_resize_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32* childChangeCounter, off_t size,
off_t contentSize);
extern status_t _kern_move_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32* childChangeCounter, off_t newOffset,
partition_id* descendantIDs,
int32* descendantChangeCounters, int32 descendantCount);
extern status_t _kern_set_partition_name(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32* childChangeCounter, const char* name);
extern status_t _kern_set_partition_content_name(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, const char* name);
extern status_t _kern_set_partition_type(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32* childChangeCounter, const char* type);
extern status_t _kern_set_partition_parameters(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32* childChangeCounter, const char* parameters);
extern status_t _kern_set_partition_content_parameters(
partition_id partitionID, int32* changeCounter,
const char* parameters);
extern status_t _kern_initialize_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, const char* diskSystemName,
const char* name, const char* parameters);
extern status_t _kern_uninitialize_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter);
extern status_t _kern_create_child_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, off_t offset, off_t size,
const char* type, const char* name,
const char* parameters, partition_id* childID,
int32* childChangeCounter);
extern status_t _kern_delete_child_partition(partition_id partitionID,
int32* changeCounter, partition_id childID,
int32 childChangeCounter);
// disk change notification
extern status_t _kern_start_watching_disks(uint32 eventMask, port_id port,
int32 token);
extern status_t _kern_stop_watching_disks(port_id port, int32 token);
// The end mark for gensyscallinfos.
#pragma syscalls end
#undef __NO_RETURN
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SYSTEM_SYSCALLS_H */