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* Copyright 2013 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@pulkomandy.tk
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/net/AbstractSocket.h rev 43302
* src/kits/network/libnetapi/AbstractSocket.cpp rev 43302
\file AbstractSocket.h
\ingroup network
\brief Provides the BAbstractSocket interface.
\class BAbstractSocket
\ingroup network
\brief Abstract interface for all socket connections.
BAbstractSocket provides a common interface for all socket-based
communication streams. These include BDatagramSocket, BSocket,
BSecureSocket and BServerSocket.
BAbstractSocket implements common behavior between these different socket
types. This includes management of a BSD socket integer handle, knowledge
of the local and remote network addresses, as well as the connection state.
\fn BAbstractSocket::BAbstractSocket()
\brief Default constructor.
Creates an uninitialized socket in disconnected and unbound state.
\fn BAbstractSocket::BAbstractSocket(const BAbstractSocket& other)
\brief Copy constructor
The copied object accesses the same underlying socket.
\fn BAbstractSocket::~BAbstractSocket()
\brief Destructor
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::InitCheck() const
\brief Check connection status
\returns B_OK if the connection is working, or an error code if something
went wrong.
\fn bool BAbstractSocket::IsBound() const
A socket becomes bound when Bind succeeds, and stops being bound when
Disconnect is called.
\returns wether the socket is currently bound
\fn bool BAbstractSocket::IsConnected() const
A socket becomes connected when Connect succeeds, and disconnected when
Disconnect is called.
\returns wether the socket is currently connected
\fn void BAbstractSocket::Disconnect()
\brief Close the connection
The socket becomes disconnected and unbound. You can Connect or Bind it
again, either to the same or another peer.
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::SetTimeout(bigtime_t timeout)
\brief sets the read and write timeout
A negative value disables timeouts, so the Read and Write calls will wait
until data is available or can be sent.
\param timeout The timeout in microseconds, or B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT.
\fn bigtime_t BAbstractSocket::Timeout() const
\brief gets the socket timeout
\returns the timeout in microseconds, or B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT
\fn const BNetworkAddress& BAbstractSocket::Local() const
\brief gets the local address for this socket
This gives useful results only if the socket is either connected or bound.
Otherwise, an uninitialized address is returned.
\fn const BNetworkAddress& BAbstractSocket::Peer() const
\brief gets the peer address
This gives useful results only if the socket is either connected or bound.
Otherwise, an uninitialized address is returned.
\fn size_t BAbstractSocket::MaxTransmissionSize() const
\brief Return the maximal size of a transmission on this socket.
The default implementation always returns SSIZE_MAX, but subclasses may
restrict this to a smaller size.
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::WaitForReadable(bigtime_t timeout) const
\brief wait for incoming data
Wait until data comes in, or the timeout expires. After this function
returns B_OK, Read can be called without blocking.
\param timeout the timeout in microseconds, or B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT
\returns B_OK when data is available, B_TIMED_OUT when the timeout expires,
or B_WOULD_BLOCK when the wait was interrupted for other reasons.
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::WaitForWritable(bigtime_t timeout) const
\brief wait until writing is possible
Wait until the socket becomes ready for writing, or the timeout expires.
After this function returns B_OK, Write can be called without blocking.
\param timeout the timeout in microseconds, or B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT
\returns B_OK when the socket is ready to accept writes, B_TIMED_OUT when
the timeout expires, or B_WOULD_BLOCK when the wait was interrupted for
another reason.
\fn int BAbstractSocket::Socket() const
\brief get the underlying socket descriptor
The BSD socket descriptor can be used to modify advanced connection
paramters using the POSIX socket API.
\returns the socket descriptor
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::Bind(const BNetworkAddress& local, int type)
\brief binds the socket to the given address
If the socket was already bound, the previous binding is removed.
\param local the local address to bind
\param type the socket type
\return B_OK on success, other error codes on error.
\fn status_t BAbstractSocket::Connect(const BNetworkAddress& peer,
int type, bigtime_t timeout)
\brief Connect the socket to the given peer.
The socket is disconnected from any previous connections.
\param peer the peer to connect to
\param type the socket type
\param timeout The timeout in microseconds or B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT. This is
used for subsequent reads and writes as well.