BeOS 位图图标 VS Haiku 矢量图标



在正式开始使用图标套件创建图标之前,我们需要了解一些有关 Haiku 图标的基本信息。

index 位图图标 VS 矢量图标

与 BeOS 不同,Haiku 使用矢量图标而非点阵图标。Haiku 项目已经开发了一种特殊的矢量图标格式(HVIF),并且对文件大小和快速渲染做了充分的优化。这就是我们的大部分图标所占的空间要比点阵图标和常用的 SVG 格式图标小 非常多 的原因。同时,和 BeOS 的点阵图标不同,Haiku 图标并没有限制于 8 位的调色板(256 色)。

i-o-m-terminal-bitmap32 i-o-m-terminal-bitmap16terminal-icon_32terminal-icon_32
1,024 字节
+ 256 字节
7,192 字节 768 字节

Note that the BeOS used two versions of an icon, one 16x16 and one 32x32, to achieve good visuals in List and Icon View mode.

矢量图标则无需这种技巧。它们除了仅需使用几百字节的空间,而且缩放效果也要比点阵图标好很多。(注意:BeOS 仅提供了16x16 和 32x32 两种图标。)

点阵图标 i-o-m-bitmap16 i-o-m-bitmap32 i-o-m-bitmap64 i-o-m-bitmap128
矢量图标 i-o-m-vector16 i-o-m-vector32 i-o-m-vector64 i-o-m-vector128

index 图标属性

图标保存为相应文件的属性。但是,这也并不意味着,每个文件都必须具有该属性,并在文件浏览器窗口中显示为图标:数据文件从其文件类型继承图标。您可以使用 文件类型 首选项全局修改文件类型的图标。如果您只希望为单个文件添加图标,您可以使用其中的 文件类型附加组件。更多信息请查阅 文件类型

图标作为属性之一,只有支持元数据的文件系统才可以保留文件的单独图标。因此,如果您需要从 BFS 卷发送文件,请考虑将它们打包,这样可以保留它们的图标和其他属性。

index 创建图标

图标套件是 Haiku 的图标编辑工具,它允许您将作品保存成为 HVIF,SVG 或者 PNG 格式。图标也可以直接附属为某个文件的属性,或者导出为程序员可以使用的资源和源文件。因为应用程序可以剪裁为优化的 HVIF 格式,它的使用也反映了该格式的内部情况。

Other than your normal vector graphics software, you don't deal with separate objects that each include all their specific properties like path, stroke width, stroke and fill color etc. Rather, you assemble your objects ("shapes") from shared paths and colors ("styles") and set certain properties. This re-using of elements is one secret of HVIF's efficiency. Although that imposes some constraints on the icon designer, there are a few advantages, too.
For example, by re-using a path, several objects can be modified together by manipulating this one path. Think of an object and its shadow. Modifying their shared path will change the object itself and automatically its (maybe slightly distorted/translated) shadow.

下面是 图标套件 窗口的预览截图:


To create any visible object on the canvas, you need a shape with a path and a style. Conveniently, you can create one, two or all three of those together from the Shape menu. Every kind of object (Paths, Shapes, Transformers, and Styles) has a menu above its list of elements, offering various commands. Every element has certain options that are set in the Properties view.

index 路径

A path consists of several points which are connected with lines or Bezier curves. To add or change points, make sure the path is selected in the path list.

Simply clicking in the canvas will set the first point. While setting a point, you decide if the resulting line will be straight or curved: a simple click and release produces a straight line, holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse will drag out the handles for a Bezier curve. Of course, you can also change it all later on.


To get from "A" to "B", you have to transform some points from corner-points to curve-points. That's done by holding ALT while clicking on a point and dragging out the handles. This results in a symmetrical Bezier: the second handle follows the movement of the other. If you need to move the handles independently, again click&drag on a Bezier handle while holding ALT.
Vice versa, to go from Bezier to a corner-point, hold ALT and click on a point.

To move a point, simply click&drag it. To select more than one point, hold down SHIFT and draw a selection rectangle. Selected points are marked with a red border instead of the usual black.
To insert a point into a path you click on the connecting line between two points.
Selected points are deleted by pressing DEL or by clicking on any point while holding CTRL.


i-o-m-pointer-move-path i-o-m-pointer-insert i-o-m-pointer-add i-o-m-pointer-delete i-o-m-pointer-bezier i-o-m-pointer-select
移动点 插入点 添加点 删除点


全选ALT A选中当前路径中的所有点。
翻转将选中点旋转 180°。仅对贝塞尔曲线点有效。


The Path menu offers a few obvious entries to Add Rectangle and Add Circle or to Duplicate or Remove a path. Here are some that may need a bit more explaining:

撤销If your path isn't "closed" (see Path Properties below), a click into the canvas always creates a new point, connecting it with the last one. "Reverse" will reverse this order and your new point will connect to original start point instead.
清除Most useful with imported SVGs, this function will remove redundant points.
Rotate Indices RightALT RPractically, this rotates the opening of a path. It's best seen when using a not-closed path with a style and a shape with a stroke transformer. Now, if your path looks like a ⊂ it will rotate like this: ⊂ ∩ ⊃ ∪.
Rotate Indices LeftALT SHIFT RDoes the same in the other direction.


Properties at the bottom left of the window offers all available settings of the currently selected object. A path only has two: a Name and if it's Closed or not.

index 模型

A shape groups together one or more paths with a style. Practically, it's the object that you'll actually see on the canvas. The grouping is done with the checkboxes in front of the paths and styles: Just select your shape and tick off the desired path(s) and a style.

A shape defines how a path and style is applied, e.g. if the object is filled or only stroked (which is done by using Transformers on the shape, we'll get to that later). Also, a shape can be moved, rotated or resized without touching the used path. That way, you can re-use a single path and get different, but related, shapes.


When a shape is selected from the list, a rectangle is drawn around it. Depending on where exactly you grab it, the shape is moved, resized or rotated around a point in its center, which itself can be moved. Holding SHIFT will lock direction when moving, limit rotating to 45° angles and restrict the aspect ratio while resizing. The mouse pointer again indicates the current mode:

i-o-m- move-shape i-o-m-pointer-resize i-o-m-pointer-rotate i-o-m-pointer-move-rotation
移动 定义大小 旋转 移动

Shapes lie on top of each other, each is on its own layer, if you will. To reorder them you drag&drop their entry to a different position in the list.


The Shape menu offers the before mentioned possibility to Add Empty, With Path/Style/Path&Style and to Duplicate or Remove a shape. Then, there is:

Reset TransformationReverts all the move, resize and rotate transformations you have applied to the shape.
Freeze TransformationWhen you transform a shape, its assigned path(s) stay in their original position. This may be intended; maybe more than one shape is using that path, maybe you intentionally used Options | Snap to Grid to set the points at precise pixel borders.
If not, "Freeze Transformation" will apply the current shape transformation to the assigned path(s). A future "Reset Transformation" will then return to this new state.



Min LODMinimum Level of Detail
Max LODMaximum Level of Detail
Level of Detail (LOD)
i-o-m-lod-icon_16 i-o-m-lod-icon_32 i-o-m-lod-icon_64

See how there are no numbers in the 16px version of the BeVexed icon? That's done with the "Level of Detail" setting of their shapes.
With the LOD you control the visibility of a shape depending on its size. That way, you can leave away details of an icon that look good on a bigger icon, but maybe not so much on its smaller version.

This is how it works: A LOD of 1.0 is defined as a 64px icon size. To get the LOD of a particular icon size you simply divide it by 64, e.g. a 16px icon has a LOD of 16/64 = 0.25. A shape won't be visible below its Min LOD and above its Max LOD.

So, if you set a shape's Min LOD to 0.0 and the Max LOD to 0.5, this means that the shape will only be visible for icon sizes smaller or equal to 32px. If you wanted to exclude the 32px icon size, you'd have to stay below 0.5, say 0.49.

The LOD is not only for leaving out detailing shapes, but also to e.g. change the stroke width at different sizes, if you feel that's needed. Simply duplicate a shape, make your changes and set both of their LOD settings to show either one or the other. Here lies the only source of potential confusion, when you unwittingly overlap LODs of shapes, and wonder why at some size both are visible...
For example, if Shape 1 were to be shown below 48px and Shape 2 from 48px upward (LOD: 48/64 = 0.75):

模型 1Min LOD0.00Min LOD0.00
Max LOD0.74Max LOD0.75
模型 2Min LOD0.75Min LOD0.75
Max LOD4.00Max LOD4.00

index 类型

A style can either be a solid color or some type of gradient.
Besides the predefined colors under Swatches, you can mix your own by clicking on the current color. Also, note the slider under the color spectrum which sets the alpha-channel (transparency).


You quickly create a new style by mixing your color and simply drag&dropping it into the list of styles.

If you go for a gradient, you set the type (Linear, Radial, Diamond, Cone) and then define the start and end colors. This is done with a drag&drop from a color bucket into the respective color indicator under the gradient.
Of course you can move these indicators to change the gradient to your liking. You can also insert more indicators to add more colors by double-clicking into the gradient. Pressing DEL removes the selected indicator.

You can move, resize and rotate the representing box of a gradient on the canvas until it fits your needs. This works just like with shapes.


The Style menu offers the usual entries to Add, Duplicate or Remove a style and to Reset Transformation.


名称 是 类型仅有的一个属性

index 压缩工具

A shape can have Transformers which change its appearance. The effects, however, are more subtle than a truck turning into a battle robot...

Transformer Add Menu

ContourAdds an outline to a shape.
StrokeStrokes the path of a shape instead of filling it with a style.

Depending on the kind of Transformer, you'll get a different set of properties.

Transformer Properties

Besides a Name and the actual Width for the transformer, the Properties view has these (depending on its type slightly differing) options:

CapsStroke only. Defines the end caps of a line: Butt, Square or Round.
Detect Orient.Contour only. Determines if the contour is to the inside or outside the path.
JoinsDefines how lines are joint at a point: Miter, Round or Bevel.
Miter LimitOnly when the above Joins is set to "Miter" this setting influences the looks of the miter joint.

index 保存图标

There's your usual menu bar at the top, File, Edit, Options. The usage is pretty much self-explaining, so we'll only look at how to save your work.

File | Save As... will save in a special Icon-O-Matic format that retains additional information like the names of paths, shapes and styles. These will be stripped from the actual icon once you export it to save space. It's a good idea to back-up your work like this, because without named objects everything's named "<path>/<shape>/<style>" which makes specific changes tedious.

File | Export As... opens a familiar save panel with a file format pop-up menu at the bottom, offering these choices:

HVIFHaiku 矢量图标格式
HVIF RDef保存为程序员使用的资源
HVIF Source Code保存为程序员使用的源代码。
PNG保存为 64 像素 PNG
PNG Set保存为 16,32 和 64 像素 PNG
BEOS:ICON Attribute选择文件并直接设置其图标属性
META:ICON Attribute选择文件并将鼠标附加为元数据

index 提示与技巧
