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Deskbar :Applications
Localisation :/boot/system/apps/WebPositive
Réglages :~/config/settings/WebPositive/ - Fichiers de configuration, cookies, cache et historique de navigation
~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks - Tous les signets sous forme de fichiers

WebPositive, ou Web+, est le navigateur natif de Haiku. Une partie de son nom vient du navigateur de BeOS NetPositive, l’autre de son moteur : WebKit. Ce dernier est une bibliothèque de rendu HTML utilisée dans Safari sous Mac OS X, et Google Chrome. Grâce à cette ressource en perpétuelle évolution, Web+ pourra bénéficier des dernières innovations technologiques du Web.


WebPositive's interface is pretty straight forward: Under a menu bar is another bar with buttons to navigate to the previous and next sites in your browsing history, to stop the loading of a page and (optionally) a button to jump to your starting page.
Then comes the locator field to enter a site's URL.
Below this navigating bar appear the webpages. You can open many pages in parallel by loading them into their own tab.
At the bottom of the window is a status bar, showing the URL of the site being loaded or of the link the mouse pointer is hovering over. While a page is being loaded, a progress bar appears to the right.


From the Window menu you can open a Settings panel to configure a few essentials of WebPositive.


The first tab deals with general settings: What file or URL serves as a Start page, what's used as a Search page, what Download folder is used for stuff you get from the net.
Two pop-up menus let you decide what page to load - if any - when opening a new window or tab.
Via the following checkboxes you can avoid showing the tab bar when there's only one page open anyway. WebPositive's interface can be told to automatically hide in full screen mode, and the mouse pointer can be automatically hidden whenever it's not moved for a while.
Finally, you can decide to include the "Home" button in the navigation bar and set the number of days the browser remembers the sites you have visited in its history.

In the second tab you can choose the fonts used for standard, serif, non-serif and monospaced fonts and set their default sizes.

Le dernier onglet permet de configurer un serveur proxy.


If you have used any browser before, WebPositive shouldn't provide too many surprises. Instead of going through every menu item and feature, let's have a look at just a few points.

After a while you may experience web pages being loaded slower and slower. Not really a bug in the truest sense, it's more an effect of a deficient handling of cookies. Either way, until that is fixed you'll have to manually intervene: Have a look at ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Cookies.curl. This file stores cookies from webpages and slowly grows while surfing the web. Once it's a few dozen kilobytes in size, it starts to slow down browsing. Just delete the file at that point to start with a clean slate.


WebPositive's bookmarks are managed as files and folders in ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/. Adding a bookmark will create a new file there. You can quickly open the folder with Manage Bookmarks....


You can change a bookmark's URL, name, title and enter keywords just like with any other file with attributes. Just make sure you have all their columns displayed via Tracker's Attributes menu, then select a file, press ALT E and start editing the attribute; change attribute columns with TAB.
You can sort bookmarks into different folders you create yourself.

By using Tracker to manage and navigate bookmarks you can lift its unique features to quickly find what you're looking for.
Activating Type-ahead filtering in Tracker's preferences, you can instantly trim down your list of bookmarks to matches of your filter-string. A few more or to move the selection and pressing ENTER opens the site. Make sure to display all attribute columns to have the filter applied to name, title, URL and keywords.

For this to work, all bookmarks should be kept in the ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/ folder and only copies should be sorted into custom subfolders for usage in WebPositive's Bookmarks menu (if at all). Also, actually filling the keywords attribute helps...


Window | Downloads opens a window listing all past and ongoing downloads:


Currently downloading files are shown with a growing progress bar and, similar to copying files in Tracker, information on the download speed, file size and expected finishing time. Buttons to the right let you Cancel and Restart a download, or Open the file, or Remove its entry from the list. The Remove missing and Remove finished buttons at the bottom do this for all entries in this list. "Missing" are files that were deleted in the meantime.

Moving a file that is currently being downloaded to Trash will stop the download. You'll also notice, that its icon becomes "ghosted".
Generally, WebPositive is very tolerant when it comes to managing files with Tracker. Files can be renamed or moved even while they are being downloaded and even after the download is finished, these changes are reflected in the Downloads window.

Ever wondered from what site you downloaded a particular package, image or any other file? You can track that down by opening the file with DiskProbe and have a look at its META:url attribute.

Want to have the URL permanently shown in your downloads folder? Just copy a bookmark into it, have the bookmark's URL attribute column displayed and remove the bookmark again.

indexRaccourcis claviers

Voici quelques raccourcis claviers bien utiles :

Alt TOuvre un nouvel onglet.
Alt W Ferme l'onglet actif.
Alt N Ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre.
MAJ ALT W Ferme la fenêtre courante.
Alt Entrée Toggles full screen mode.
Alt R ou F5 Rafraîchi la page courante.
Alt H Opens the home page.
Alt D Affiche ou masque la fenêtre des téléchargements.
Alt F Shows the find bar for in-page searching (hide with ESC).
Alt B Place un signet sur cette page.
Alt M Gérer les signets via l'ouverture du dossier des signets.
Alt Page précédente dans l'historique.
Alt Page suivante dans l'historique.