/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Stephan Aßmus * John Scipione * Ingo Weinhold */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int32 kMaxDecimalPlaces = 32; enum { TOKEN_NONE = 0, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, TOKEN_CONSTANT, TOKEN_END_OF_LINE = '\n', TOKEN_PLUS = '+', TOKEN_MINUS = '-', TOKEN_STAR = '*', TOKEN_SLASH = '/', TOKEN_MODULO = '%', TOKEN_POWER = '^', TOKEN_FACTORIAL = '!', TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET = '(', TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET = ')', TOKEN_AND = '&', TOKEN_OR = '|', TOKEN_NOT = '~' }; struct ExpressionParser::Token { Token() : string(""), type(TOKEN_NONE), value(0), position(0) { } Token(const Token& other) : string(other.string), type(other.type), value(other.value), position(other.position) { } Token(const char* string, int32 length, int32 position, int32 type) : string(string, length), type(type), value(0), position(position) { } Token& operator=(const Token& other) { string = other.string; type = other.type; value = other.value; position = other.position; return *this; } BString string; int32 type; MAPM value; int32 position; }; class ExpressionParser::Tokenizer { public: Tokenizer() : fString(""), fCurrentChar(NULL), fCurrentToken(), fReuseToken(false), fHexSupport(false) { } void SetSupportHexInput(bool enabled) { fHexSupport = enabled; } void SetTo(const char* string) { fString = string; fCurrentChar = fString.String(); fCurrentToken = Token(); fReuseToken = false; } const Token& NextToken() { if (fCurrentToken.type == TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) return fCurrentToken; if (fReuseToken) { fReuseToken = false; //printf("next token (recycled): '%s'\n", fCurrentToken.string.String()); return fCurrentToken; } while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && isspace(*fCurrentChar)) fCurrentChar++; if (*fCurrentChar == 0) return fCurrentToken = Token("", 0, _CurrentPos(), TOKEN_END_OF_LINE); bool decimal = *fCurrentChar == '.' || *fCurrentChar == ','; if (decimal || isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { if (fHexSupport && *fCurrentChar == '0' && fCurrentChar[1] == 'x') return _ParseHexNumber(); BString temp; const char* begin = fCurrentChar; // optional digits before the comma while (isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { temp << *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; } // optional post comma part // (required if there are no digits before the comma) if (*fCurrentChar == '.' || *fCurrentChar == ',') { temp << '.'; fCurrentChar++; // optional post comma digits while (isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { temp << *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; } } // optional exponent part if (*fCurrentChar == 'E') { temp << *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; // optional exponent sign if (*fCurrentChar == '+' || *fCurrentChar == '-') { temp << *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; } // required exponent digits if (!isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { throw ParseException("missing exponent in constant", fCurrentChar - begin); } while (isdigit(*fCurrentChar)) { temp << *fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar++; } } int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; BString test = temp; test << "&_"; double value; char t[2]; int32 matches = sscanf(test.String(), "%lf&%s", &value, t); if (matches != 2) { throw ParseException("error in constant", _CurrentPos() - length); } fCurrentToken = Token(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_CONSTANT); fCurrentToken.value = temp.String(); } else if (isalpha(*fCurrentChar) && *fCurrentChar != 'x') { const char* begin = fCurrentChar; while (*fCurrentChar != 0 && (isalpha(*fCurrentChar) || isdigit(*fCurrentChar))) { fCurrentChar++; } int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken = Token(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); } else if (strncmp(fCurrentChar, "π", 2) == 0) { fCurrentToken = Token(fCurrentChar, 2, _CurrentPos() - 1, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); fCurrentChar += 2; } else { int32 type = TOKEN_NONE; switch (*fCurrentChar) { case TOKEN_PLUS: case TOKEN_MINUS: case TOKEN_STAR: case TOKEN_SLASH: case TOKEN_MODULO: case TOKEN_POWER: case TOKEN_FACTORIAL: case TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET: case TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET: case TOKEN_AND: case TOKEN_OR: case TOKEN_NOT: case TOKEN_END_OF_LINE: type = *fCurrentChar; break; case '\\': case ':': type = TOKEN_SLASH; break; case 'x': if (!fHexSupport) { type = TOKEN_STAR; break; } // fall through default: throw ParseException("unexpected character", _CurrentPos()); } fCurrentToken = Token(fCurrentChar, 1, _CurrentPos(), type); fCurrentChar++; } //printf("next token: '%s'\n", fCurrentToken.string.String()); return fCurrentToken; } void RewindToken() { fReuseToken = true; } private: static bool _IsHexDigit(char c) { return isdigit(c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'); } Token& _ParseHexNumber() { const char* begin = fCurrentChar; fCurrentChar += 2; // skip "0x" if (!_IsHexDigit(*fCurrentChar)) throw ParseException("expected hex digit", _CurrentPos()); fCurrentChar++; while (_IsHexDigit(*fCurrentChar)) fCurrentChar++; int32 length = fCurrentChar - begin; fCurrentToken = Token(begin, length, _CurrentPos() - length, TOKEN_CONSTANT); // MAPM has no conversion from long long, so we need to improvise. uint64 value = strtoll(fCurrentToken.string.String(), NULL, 0); if (value <= 0x7fffffff) { fCurrentToken.value = (long)value; } else { fCurrentToken.value = (int)(value >> 60); fCurrentToken.value *= 1 << 30; fCurrentToken.value += (int)((value >> 30) & 0x3fffffff); fCurrentToken.value *= 1 << 30; fCurrentToken.value += (int)(value& 0x3fffffff); } return fCurrentToken; } int32 _CurrentPos() const { return fCurrentChar - fString.String(); } BString fString; const char* fCurrentChar; Token fCurrentToken; bool fReuseToken; bool fHexSupport; }; ExpressionParser::ExpressionParser() : fTokenizer(new Tokenizer()), fDegreeMode(false) { } ExpressionParser::~ExpressionParser() { delete fTokenizer; } bool ExpressionParser::DegreeMode() { return fDegreeMode; } void ExpressionParser::SetDegreeMode(bool degrees) { fDegreeMode = degrees; } void ExpressionParser::SetSupportHexInput(bool enabled) { fTokenizer->SetSupportHexInput(enabled); } BString ExpressionParser::Evaluate(const char* expressionString) { fTokenizer->SetTo(expressionString); MAPM value = _ParseBinary(); Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) throw ParseException("parse error", token.position); if (value == 0) return BString("0"); char* buffer = value.toFixPtStringExp(kMaxDecimalPlaces, '.', 0, 0); if (buffer == NULL) throw ParseException("out of memory", 0); // remove surplus zeros int32 lastChar = strlen(buffer) - 1; if (strchr(buffer, '.')) { while (buffer[lastChar] == '0') lastChar--; if (buffer[lastChar] == '.') lastChar--; } BString result(buffer, lastChar + 1); free(buffer); return result; } int64 ExpressionParser::EvaluateToInt64(const char* expressionString) { fTokenizer->SetTo(expressionString); MAPM value = _ParseBinary(); Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) throw ParseException("parse error", token.position); char buffer[128]; value.toIntegerString(buffer); return strtoll(buffer, NULL, 0); } double ExpressionParser::EvaluateToDouble(const char* expressionString) { fTokenizer->SetTo(expressionString); MAPM value = _ParseBinary(); Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type != TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) throw ParseException("parse error", token.position); char buffer[1024]; value.toString(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 4); return strtod(buffer, NULL); } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseBinary() { return _ParseSum(); // binary operation appearantly not supported by m_apm library, // should not be too hard to implement though.... // double value = _ParseSum(); // // while (true) { // Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); // switch (token.type) { // case TOKEN_AND: // value = (uint64)value & (uint64)_ParseSum(); // break; // case TOKEN_OR: // value = (uint64)value | (uint64)_ParseSum(); // break; // // default: // fTokenizer->RewindToken(); // return value; // } // } } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseSum() { // TODO: check isnan()... MAPM value = _ParseProduct(); while (true) { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_PLUS: value = value + _ParseProduct(); break; case TOKEN_MINUS: value = value - _ParseProduct(); break; default: fTokenizer->RewindToken(); return _ParseFactorial(value); } } } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseProduct() { // TODO: check isnan()... MAPM value = _ParsePower(); while (true) { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_STAR: value = value * _ParsePower(); break; case TOKEN_SLASH: { MAPM rhs = _ParsePower(); if (rhs == MAPM(0)) throw ParseException("division by zero", token.position); value = value / rhs; break; } case TOKEN_MODULO: { MAPM rhs = _ParsePower(); if (rhs == MAPM(0)) throw ParseException("modulo by zero", token.position); value = value % rhs; break; } default: fTokenizer->RewindToken(); return _ParseFactorial(value); } } } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParsePower() { MAPM value = _ParseUnary(); while (true) { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type != TOKEN_POWER) { fTokenizer->RewindToken(); return _ParseFactorial(value); } value = value.pow(_ParseUnary()); } } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseUnary() { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type == TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) throw ParseException("unexpected end of expression", token.position); switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_PLUS: return _ParseUnary(); case TOKEN_MINUS: return -_ParseUnary(); // TODO: Implement ! // case TOKEN_NOT: // return ~(uint64)_ParseUnary(); case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: return _ParseFunction(token); default: fTokenizer->RewindToken(); return _ParseAtom(); } return MAPM(0); } struct Function { const char* name; int argumentCount; void* function; MAPM value; }; void ExpressionParser::_InitArguments(MAPM values[], int32 argumentCount) { _EatToken(TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET); for (int32 i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) values[i] = _ParseBinary(); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET); } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseFunction(const Token& token) { if (token.string == "e") return _ParseFactorial(MAPM(MM_E)); else if (token.string.ICompare("pi") == 0 || token.string == "π") return _ParseFactorial(MAPM(MM_PI)); // hard coded cases for different count of arguments // supports functions with 3 arguments at most MAPM values[3]; if (strcasecmp("abs", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].abs()); } else if (strcasecmp("acos", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; if (values[0] < -1 || values[0] > 1) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].acos()); } else if (strcasecmp("asin", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; if (values[0] < -1 || values[0] > 1) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].asin()); } else if (strcasecmp("atan", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; return _ParseFactorial(values[0].atan()); } else if (strcasecmp("atan2", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 2); if (fDegreeMode) { values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; values[1] = values[1] * MM_PI / 180; } return _ParseFactorial(values[0].atan2(values[1])); } else if (strcasecmp("cbrt", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].cbrt()); } else if (strcasecmp("ceil", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].ceil()); } else if (strcasecmp("cos", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; return _ParseFactorial(values[0].cos()); } else if (strcasecmp("cosh", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); // This function always uses radians return _ParseFactorial(values[0].cosh()); } else if (strcasecmp("exp", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].exp()); } else if (strcasecmp("floor", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].floor()); } else if (strcasecmp("ln", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (values[0] <= 0) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].log()); } else if (strcasecmp("log", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (values[0] <= 0) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].log10()); } else if (strcasecmp("pow", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 2); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].pow(values[1])); } else if (strcasecmp("sin", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; return _ParseFactorial(values[0].sin()); } else if (strcasecmp("sinh", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); // This function always uses radians return _ParseFactorial(values[0].sinh()); } else if (strcasecmp("sqrt", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (values[0] < 0) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].sqrt()); } else if (strcasecmp("tan", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); if (fDegreeMode) values[0] = values[0] * MM_PI / 180; MAPM divided_by_half_pi = values[0] / MM_HALF_PI; if (divided_by_half_pi.is_integer() && divided_by_half_pi.is_odd()) throw ParseException("out of domain", token.position); return _ParseFactorial(values[0].tan()); } else if (strcasecmp("tanh", token.string.String()) == 0) { _InitArguments(values, 1); // This function always uses radians return _ParseFactorial(values[0].tanh()); } throw ParseException("unknown identifier", token.position); } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseAtom() { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type == TOKEN_END_OF_LINE) throw ParseException("unexpected end of expression", token.position); if (token.type == TOKEN_CONSTANT) return _ParseFactorial(token.value); fTokenizer->RewindToken(); _EatToken(TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET); MAPM value = _ParseBinary(); _EatToken(TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET); return _ParseFactorial(value); } MAPM ExpressionParser::_ParseFactorial(MAPM value) { if (fTokenizer->NextToken().type == TOKEN_FACTORIAL) { fTokenizer->RewindToken(); _EatToken(TOKEN_FACTORIAL); if (value < 1000) return value.factorial(); else { // Use Stirling's approximation (with extra term) // http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/math/stirling.html // n! ≈ (n/e)^n * sqrt(2πn) * (1 + (1/12n)) return value.pow(value) / value.exp() * (MAPM(2) * MAPM(MM_PI) * value).sqrt() * (MAPM(1) + (MAPM(1) / (MAPM(12) * value))); } } fTokenizer->RewindToken(); return value; } void ExpressionParser::_EatToken(int32 type) { Token token = fTokenizer->NextToken(); if (token.type != type) { BString expected; switch (type) { case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: expected = "an identifier"; break; case TOKEN_CONSTANT: expected = "a constant"; break; case TOKEN_PLUS: case TOKEN_MINUS: case TOKEN_STAR: case TOKEN_MODULO: case TOKEN_POWER: case TOKEN_FACTORIAL: case TOKEN_OPENING_BRACKET: case TOKEN_CLOSING_BRACKET: case TOKEN_AND: case TOKEN_OR: case TOKEN_NOT: expected << "'" << (char)type << "'"; break; case TOKEN_SLASH: expected = "'/', '\\', or ':'"; break; case TOKEN_END_OF_LINE: expected = "'\\n'"; break; } BString temp; temp << "Expected " << expected.String() << " got '" << token.string << "'"; throw ParseException(temp.String(), token.position); } }