/* * Copyright 2004-2006, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef _UTF8_FUNCTIONS_H #define _UTF8_FUNCTIONS_H #include static inline bool IsInsideGlyph(uchar ch) { return (ch & 0xc0) == 0x80; } static inline uint32 UTF8NextCharLenUnsafe(const char *text) { const char *ptr = text; do { ptr++; } while (IsInsideGlyph(*ptr)); return ptr - text; } static inline uint32 UTF8NextCharLen(const char *text) { if (text == NULL || *text == 0) return 0; return UTF8NextCharLenUnsafe(text); } static inline uint32 UTF8PreviousCharLen(const char *text, const char *limit) { const char *ptr = text; if (ptr == NULL || limit == NULL) return 0; do { if (ptr == limit) break; ptr--; } while (IsInsideGlyph(*ptr)); return text - ptr; } /*! UTF8CountBytes gets the length (in bytes) of a UTF8 string. Up to numChars characters are read. If numChars is a negative value it is ignored and the string is read up to the terminating 0. */ static inline uint32 UTF8CountBytes(const char *bytes, int32 numChars) { if (!bytes) return 0; if (numChars < 0) numChars = INT_MAX; const char *base = bytes; while (*bytes && numChars-- > 0) { if (bytes[0] & 0x80) { if (bytes[0] & 0x40) { if (bytes[0] & 0x20) { if (bytes[0] & 0x10) { if (bytes[1] == 0 || bytes[2] == 0 || bytes[3] == 0) return (bytes - base); bytes += 4; continue; } if (bytes[1] == 0 || bytes[2] == 0) return (bytes - base); bytes += 3; continue; } if (bytes[1] == 0) return (bytes - base); bytes += 2; continue; } /* Not a startbyte - skip */ bytes += 1; continue; } bytes += 1; } return (bytes - base); } /*! UTF8CountChars gets the length (in characters) of a UTF8 string. Up to numBytes bytes are read. If numBytes is a negative value it is ignored and the string is read up to the terminating 0. */ static inline uint32 UTF8CountChars(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) { if (!bytes) return 0; uint32 length = 0; const char *last = bytes + numBytes - 1; if (numBytes < 0) last = (const char *)UINT_MAX; while (*bytes && bytes <= last) { if (bytes[0] & 0x80) { if (bytes[0] & 0x40) { if (bytes[0] & 0x20) { if (bytes[0] & 0x10) { if (bytes[1] == 0 || bytes[2] == 0 || bytes[3] == 0) return length; bytes += 4; length++; continue; } if (bytes[1] == 0 || bytes[2] == 0) return length; bytes += 3; length++; continue; } if (bytes[1] == 0) return length; bytes += 2; length++; continue; } /* Not a startbyte - skip */ bytes += 1; continue; } bytes += 1; length++; } return length; } /*! UTF8ToCharCode converts the input that includes potential multibyte chars to UTF-32 char codes that can be used by FreeType. The string pointer is then advanced to the next character in the string. In case the terminating 0 is reached, the string pointer is not advanced anymore and spaces are returned. This makes it safe to overruns and enables streamed processing of UTF8 strings. */ static inline uint32 UTF8ToCharCode(const char **bytes) { register uint32 result = 0; if ((*bytes)[0] & 0x80) { if ((*bytes)[0] & 0x40) { if ((*bytes)[0] & 0x20) { if ((*bytes)[0] & 0x10) { if ((*bytes)[0] & 0x08) { /* A five byte char?! Something's wrong, substitute. */ result += 0x20; (*bytes)++; return result; } if ((*bytes)[1] == 0 || (*bytes)[2] == 0 || (*bytes)[3] == 0) return 0x00; /* A four byte char */ result += (*bytes)[0] & 0x07; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[1] & 0x3f; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[2] & 0x3f; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[3] & 0x3f; (*bytes) += 4; return result; } if ((*bytes)[1] == 0 || (*bytes)[2] == 0) return 0x00; /* A three byte char */ result += (*bytes)[0] & 0x0f; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[1] & 0x3f; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[2] & 0x3f; (*bytes) += 3; return result; } if ((*bytes)[1] == 0) return 0x00; /* A two byte char */ result += (*bytes)[0] & 0x1f; result <<= 6; result += (*bytes)[1] & 0x3f; (*bytes) += 2; return result; } /* This (10) is not a startbyte. Substitute with a space. */ result += 0x20; (*bytes)++; return result; } if ((*bytes)[0] == 0) { /* We do not advance beyond the terminating 0. */ return 0x00; } result += (*bytes)[0]; (*bytes)++; return result; } #endif // _UTF8_FUNCTIONS_H