/* * Copyright 2000-2008, François Revol, . All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "ThemeItem.h" #include #include #include // #pragma mark - ThemeItem::ThemeItem(int32 id, const char *name, bool ro) : BStringItem(name) { fCurrent = false; fId = id; fRo = ro; } ThemeItem::~ThemeItem() { } void ThemeItem::DrawItem(BView *owner, BRect frame, bool complete) { rgb_color col; if (fCurrent || fRo) owner->PushState(); if (fCurrent) { BFont f; owner->GetFont(&f); f.SetFace(B_BOLD_FACE); owner->SetFont(&f); } if (fRo) { col = owner->LowColor(); if (col.red < 220) col.red += 15; else { if (col.green > 20) col.green -= 10; if (col.blue > 20) col.blue -= 10; } owner->SetLowColor(col); owner->FillRect(frame, B_SOLID_LOW); } BStringItem::DrawItem(owner, frame, complete); if (fCurrent || fRo) owner->PopState(); } int32 ThemeItem::ThemeId() { return fId; } bool ThemeItem::IsCurrent() { return fCurrent; } void ThemeItem::SetCurrent(bool set) { fCurrent = set; } bool ThemeItem::IsReadOnly() { return fRo; } void ThemeItem::SetReadOnly(bool set) { fRo = set; }