//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2001-2003, OpenBeOS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // File Name: String.h // Author(s): Stefano Ceccherini (burton666@libero.it) // Description: String class supporting common string operations. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __BSTRING__ #define __BSTRING__ #include <BeBuild.h> #include <SupportDefs.h> #include <string.h> class BString { public: BString(); BString(const char *); BString(const BString &); BString(const char *, int32 maxLength); ~BString(); /*---- Access --------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char *String() const; /* returns null-terminated string */ int32 Length() const; /* length of corresponding string */ int32 CountChars() const; /* returns number of UTF8 characters in string */ /*---- Assignment ----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &operator=(const BString &); BString &operator=(const char *); BString &operator=(char); BString &SetTo(const char *); BString &SetTo(const char *, int32 length); BString &SetTo(const BString &from); BString &Adopt(BString &from); /* leaves <from> empty, avoiding a copy */ BString &SetTo(const BString &, int32 length); BString &Adopt(BString &from, int32 length); /* leaves <from> empty, avoiding a copy */ BString &SetTo(char, int32 count); /*---- Substring copying ---------------------------------------------------*/ BString &CopyInto(BString &into, int32 fromOffset, int32 length) const; /* returns <into> ref as it's result; doesn't do * anything if <into> is <this> */ void CopyInto(char *into, int32 fromOffset, int32 length) const; /* caller guarantees that <into> is large enough */ /*---- Appending -----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &operator+=(const BString &); BString &operator+=(const char *); BString &operator+=(char); BString &Append(const BString &); BString &Append(const char *); BString &Append(const BString &, int32 length); BString &Append(const char *, int32 length); BString &Append(char, int32 count); /*---- Prepending ----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &Prepend(const char *); BString &Prepend(const BString &); BString &Prepend(const char *, int32); BString &Prepend(const BString &, int32); BString &Prepend(char, int32 count); /*---- Inserting ----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &Insert(const char *, int32 pos); BString &Insert(const char *, int32 length, int32 pos); BString &Insert(const char *, int32 fromOffset, int32 length, int32 pos); BString &Insert(const BString &, int32 pos); BString &Insert(const BString &, int32 length, int32 pos); BString &Insert(const BString &, int32 fromOffset, int32 length, int32 pos); BString &Insert(char, int32 count, int32 pos); /*---- Removing -----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &Truncate(int32 newLength, bool lazy = true); /* pass false in <lazy> to ensure freeing up the * truncated memory */ BString &Remove(int32 from, int32 length); BString &RemoveFirst(const BString &); BString &RemoveLast(const BString &); BString &RemoveAll(const BString &); BString &RemoveFirst(const char *); BString &RemoveLast(const char *); BString &RemoveAll(const char *); BString &RemoveSet(const char *setOfCharsToRemove); BString &MoveInto(BString &into, int32 from, int32 length); void MoveInto(char *into, int32 from, int32 length); /* caller guarantees that <into> is large enough */ /*---- Compare functions ---------------------------------------------------*/ bool operator<(const BString &) const; bool operator<=(const BString &) const; bool operator==(const BString &) const; bool operator>=(const BString &) const; bool operator>(const BString &) const; bool operator!=(const BString &) const; bool operator<(const char *) const; bool operator<=(const char *) const; bool operator==(const char *) const; bool operator>=(const char *) const; bool operator>(const char *) const; bool operator!=(const char *) const; /*---- strcmp-style compare functions --------------------------------------*/ int Compare(const BString &) const; int Compare(const char *) const; int Compare(const BString &, int32 n) const; int Compare(const char *, int32 n) const; int ICompare(const BString &) const; int ICompare(const char *) const; int ICompare(const BString &, int32 n) const; int ICompare(const char *, int32 n) const; /*---- Searching -----------------------------------------------------------*/ int32 FindFirst(const BString &) const; int32 FindFirst(const char *) const; int32 FindFirst(const BString &, int32 fromOffset) const; int32 FindFirst(const char *, int32 fromOffset) const; int32 FindFirst(char) const; int32 FindFirst(char, int32 fromOffset) const; int32 FindLast(const BString &) const; int32 FindLast(const char *) const; int32 FindLast(const BString &, int32 beforeOffset) const; int32 FindLast(const char *, int32 beforeOffset) const; int32 FindLast(char) const; int32 FindLast(char, int32 beforeOffset) const; int32 IFindFirst(const BString &) const; int32 IFindFirst(const char *) const; int32 IFindFirst(const BString &, int32 fromOffset) const; int32 IFindFirst(const char *, int32 fromOffset) const; int32 IFindLast(const BString &) const; int32 IFindLast(const char *) const; int32 IFindLast(const BString &, int32 beforeOffset) const; int32 IFindLast(const char *, int32 beforeOffset) const; /*---- Replacing -----------------------------------------------------------*/ BString &ReplaceFirst(char replaceThis, char withThis); BString &ReplaceLast(char replaceThis, char withThis); BString &ReplaceAll(char replaceThis, char withThis, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &Replace(char replaceThis, char withThis, int32 maxReplaceCount, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &ReplaceFirst(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis); BString &ReplaceLast(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis); BString &ReplaceAll(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &Replace(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis, int32 maxReplaceCount, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &IReplaceFirst(char replaceThis, char withThis); BString &IReplaceLast(char replaceThis, char withThis); BString &IReplaceAll(char replaceThis, char withThis, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &IReplace(char replaceThis, char withThis, int32 maxReplaceCount, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &IReplaceFirst(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis); BString &IReplaceLast(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis); BString &IReplaceAll(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &IReplace(const char *replaceThis, const char *withThis, int32 maxReplaceCount, int32 fromOffset = 0); BString &ReplaceSet(const char *setOfChars, char with); BString &ReplaceSet(const char *setOfChars, const char *with); /*---- Unchecked char access -----------------------------------------------*/ char operator[](int32 index) const; char &operator[](int32 index); /*---- Checked char access -------------------------------------------------*/ char ByteAt(int32 index) const; /*---- Fast low-level manipulation -----------------------------------------*/ char *LockBuffer(int32 maxLength); /* Make room for characters to be added by C-string like manipulation. * Returns the equivalent of String(), <maxLength> includes space for * trailing zero while used as C-string, it is illegal to call other * BString routines that rely on data/length consistency until * UnlockBuffer sets things up again. */ BString &UnlockBuffer(int32 length = -1); /* Finish using BString as C-string, adjusting length. If no length * passed in, strlen of internal data is used to determine it. * BString is in consistent state after this. */ /*---- Upercase<->Lowercase ------------------------------------------------*/ BString &ToLower(); BString &ToUpper(); BString &Capitalize(); /* Converts first character to upper-case, rest to * lower-case */ BString &CapitalizeEachWord(); /* Converts first character in each * non-alphabethycal-character-separated * word to upper-case, rest to lower-case */ /*----- Escaping and Deescaping --------------------------------------------*/ BString &CharacterEscape(const char *original, const char *setOfCharsToEscape, char escapeWith); /* copies original into <this>, escaping characters * specified in <setOfCharsToEscape> by prepending * them with <escapeWith> */ BString &CharacterEscape(const char *setOfCharsToEscape, char escapeWith); /* escapes characters specified in <setOfCharsToEscape> * by prepending them with <escapeWith> */ BString &CharacterDeescape(const char *original, char escapeChar); /* copy <original> into the string removing the escaping * characters <escapeChar> */ BString &CharacterDeescape(char escapeChar); /* remove the escaping characters <escapeChar> from * the string */ /*---- Simple sprintf replacement calls ------------------------------------*/ /*---- Slower than sprintf but type and overflow safe ----------------------*/ BString &operator<<(const char *); BString &operator<<(const BString &); BString &operator<<(char); BString &operator<<(int); BString &operator<<(unsigned int); BString &operator<<(uint32); BString &operator<<(int32); BString &operator<<(uint64); BString &operator<<(int64); BString &operator<<(float); /* float output hardcodes %.2f style formatting */ /*----- Private or reserved ------------------------------------------------*/ private: void _Init(const char *, int32); void _DoAssign(const char *, int32); void _DoAppend(const char *, int32); char *_GrowBy(int32); char *_OpenAtBy(int32, int32); char *_ShrinkAtBy(int32, int32); void _DoPrepend(const char *, int32); int32 _FindAfter(const char *, int32, int32) const; int32 _IFindAfter(const char *, int32, int32) const; int32 _ShortFindAfter(const char *, int32) const; int32 _FindBefore(const char *, int32, int32) const; int32 _IFindBefore(const char *, int32, int32) const; BString &_DoReplace(const char *, const char *, int32, int32, bool); void _SetLength(int32); #if DEBUG void _SetUsingAsCString(bool); void _AssertNotUsingAsCString() const; #else void _SetUsingAsCString(bool) {} void _AssertNotUsingAsCString() const {} #endif char *_Alloc( int32); struct PosVect; void _ReplaceAtPositions( const PosVect* positions, int32 searchLen, const char* with, int32 withLen); protected: char *_privateData; }; /*----- Comutative compare operators --------------------------------------*/ bool operator<(const char *, const BString &); bool operator<=(const char *, const BString &); bool operator==(const char *, const BString &); bool operator>(const char *, const BString &); bool operator>=(const char *, const BString &); bool operator!=(const char *, const BString &); /*----- Non-member compare for sorting, etc. ------------------------------*/ int Compare(const BString &, const BString &); int ICompare(const BString &, const BString &); int Compare(const BString *, const BString *); int ICompare(const BString *, const BString *); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---- No user serviceable parts after this -------------------------------*/ inline int32 BString::Length() const { return _privateData ? (*((int32 *)_privateData - 1) & 0x7fffffff) : 0; /* the most significant bit is reserved; accessing * it in any way will cause the computer to explode */ } inline const char * BString::String() const { if (!_privateData) return ""; return _privateData; } inline BString & BString::SetTo(const char *str) { return operator=(str); } inline char BString::operator[](int32 index) const { return _privateData[index]; } inline char BString::ByteAt(int32 index) const { if (!_privateData || index < 0 || index > Length()) return 0; return _privateData[index]; } inline BString & BString::operator+=(const BString &string) { _DoAppend(string.String(), string.Length()); return *this; } inline BString & BString::Append(const BString &string) { _DoAppend(string.String(), string.Length()); return *this; } inline BString & BString::Append(const char *str) { return operator+=(str); } inline bool BString::operator==(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) == 0; } inline bool BString::operator<(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) < 0; } inline bool BString::operator<=(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) <= 0; } inline bool BString::operator>=(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) >= 0; } inline bool BString::operator>(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) > 0; } inline bool BString::operator!=(const BString &string) const { return strcmp(String(), string.String()) != 0; } inline bool BString::operator!=(const char *str) const { return !operator==(str); } inline bool operator<(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string > str; } inline bool operator<=(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string >= str; } inline bool operator==(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string == str; } inline bool operator>(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string < str; } inline bool operator>=(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string <= str; } inline bool operator!=(const char *str, const BString &string) { return string != str; } #endif /* __BSTRING__ */