#include "pageManager.h" extern pageManager pageMan; /* This is the template * replace TYPE with the type you need a pool for * class poolTYPE { private: list unused; sem_id inUse; public: poolTYPE(void) { inUse = create_sem(1,"TYPEpool"); } TYPE *get(void) { TYPE *ret=NULL; if (unused.count()) { printf ("poolTYPE::get: Getting an unused one!\n"); acquire_sem(inUse); ret=(TYPE *)unused.next(); release_sem(inUse); } if (ret) { printf ("poolTYPE::get: Returning address:%x \n",ret); return ret; } else { printf ("poolTYPE::get: Getting a new page!\n"); page *newPage=pageMan.getPage(); if (!newPage) throw ("Out of pages to allocate a pool!"); int newCount=PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(TYPE); acquire_sem(inUse); printf ("poolTYPE::get: Adding %d new elements to the pool!\n",newCount); for (int i=0;igetAddress()+(i*sizeof(TYPE))))); release_sem(inUse); return (get()); // A little cheat - call self again to get the first one from stack... } } void put(TYPE *in) { acquire_sem(inUse); unused.add(in); release_sem(inUse); } }; */