/* MarginView.h Copyright (c) 2002 OpenBeOS. Authors: Philippe Houdoin Simon Gauvin Michael Pfeiffer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Documentation: The MarginView is designed to be a self contained component that manages the display of a BBox control that shows a graphic of a page and its' margings. The component also includes text fields that are used to mofify the margin values and a popup to change the units used for the margins. There are two interfaces for the MarginView component: 1) Set methods: - page size - orientation Get methods to retrieve: - margins - page size The method interface is available for the parent Component to call on the MarginView in response to the Window receiveing messages from other BControls that it contains, such as a Page Size popup. The Get methods are used to extract the page size and margins so that the printer driver may put these values into a BMessage for printing. 2) 'Optional' Message interface: - Set Page Size - Flip Orientation The message interface is available for GUI Controls, BPopupMenu to send messages to the MarginView if the parent Window is not used to handle the messages. General Use of MarginView component: 1) Simply construct a new MarginView object with the margins you want as defaults and add this view to the parent view of the dialog. MarginView *mv; mv = new MarginView(viewSizeRect, pageWidth, pageHeight); parentView->AddChild(mv); * you can also set the margins in the constructor, and the units: mv = new MarginView(viewSizeRect, pageWidth, pageHeight marginRect, kUnitPointS); ! but remeber to have the marginRect values match the UNITS :-) 2) Set Page Size with methods: mv-SetPageSize( pageWidth, pageHeight ); mv->UpdateView(); 3) Set Page Size with BMessage: BMessage* msg = new BMessage(CHANGE_PAGE_SIZE); msg->AddFloat("width", pageWidth); msg->AddFloat("height", pageHeight); mv->PostMessage(msg); 4) Flip Page with methods: mv-SetPageSize( pageHeight, pageWidth ); mv->UpdateView(); 5) Flip Page with BMessage: BMessage* msg = new BMessage(FLIP_PAGE); mv->Looper()->PostMessage(msg); Note: the MarginView DOES NOT keep track of the orientation. This should be done by the code for the Page setup dialog. 6) Get Page Size BPoint pageSize = mv->GetPageSize(); 7) Get Margins BRect margins = mv->GetMargins(); 8) Get Units uint32 units = mv->GetUnits(); where units is one of: kUnitInch, 72 points/in kUnitCM, 28.346 points/cm kUnitPoint, 1 point/point */ #ifndef _MARGIN_VIEW_H #define _MARGIN_VIEW_H #include #include class BTextControl; class MarginManager; // Messages that the MarginManager accepts const uint32 TOP_MARGIN_CHANGED = 'tchg'; const uint32 RIGHT_MARGIN_CHANGED = 'rchg'; const uint32 LEFT_MARGIN_CHANGED = 'lchg'; const uint32 BOTTOM_MARGIN_CHANGED = 'bchg'; const uint32 MARGIN_CHANGED = 'mchg'; const uint32 CHANGE_PAGE_SIZE = 'chps'; const uint32 FLIP_PAGE = 'flip'; const uint32 MARGIN_UNIT_CHANGED = 'mucg'; enum MarginUnit { kUnitInch = 0, kUnitCM, kUnitPoint }; class PageView : public BView { public: PageView(); void SetPageSize(float pageWidth, float pageHeight); void SetMargins(BRect margins); virtual void Draw(BRect bounds); private: float fPageWidth; float fPageHeight; BRect fMargins; }; /** * Class MarginView */ class MarginView : public BBox { friend class MarginManager; public: MarginView(int32 pageWidth = 0, int32 pageHeight = 0, BRect margins = BRect(1, 1, 1, 1), // 1 inch MarginUnit unit = kUnitInch); virtual ~MarginView(); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *msg); // point.x = width, point.y = height BPoint PageSize() const; void SetPageSize(float pageWidth, float pageHeight); // margin BRect Margin() const; // units MarginUnit Unit() const; // will cause a recalc and redraw void UpdateView(uint32 msg); private: // all the GUI construction code void _ConstructGUI(); // utility method void _AllowOnlyNumbers(BTextControl *textControl, int32 maxNum); // performed internally using text fields void _SetMargin(BRect margin); // performed internally using the supplied popup void _SetMarginUnit(MarginUnit unit); private: BTextControl* fTop; BTextControl* fBottom; BTextControl* fLeft; BTextControl* fRight; // the actual size of the page in points float fPageHeight; float fPageWidth; // rect that holds the margins for the page as a set of point offsets BRect fMargins; // the units used to calculate the page size MarginUnit fMarginUnit; float fUnitValue; PageView* fPage; BStringView* fPageSize; }; #endif // _MARGIN_VIEW_H