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Pengaturan:~/config/settings/ActivityMonitor settings

Anda dapat melacak sumber daya sistem dengan meluncurkan ActivityMonitor dan mengaktifkan berbagai item menarik.


Dengan mengeklik kanan ke jendela, Anda dapat beralih tampilan semua jenis sumber daya:
Used/Cached Memory, Swap Space, CPU Usage, Network Receive/Send, Page faults, Semaphores, Ports, Threads, Teams, Running Applications, Raw/Text Clipboard Size, Media Nodes.

Below the graph is a legend (hideable from the context menu). You can change the colors and that of the graph's background via drag & drop from any color picker, e.g. from Icon-O-Matic.

You can add more views from the File menu if it gets too crowded.

The Settings menu opens a panel to set the update interval.

Each view has it's own Replicant handle and can thus be arranged, for example, on the Desktop.