/* * Copyright 2008, Michael Lotz, mmlr@mlotz.ch. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Copyright 2002-2006, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Copyright 2001, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define TRACE_HEAP #ifdef TRACE_HEAP # define TRACE(x) dprintf x #else # define TRACE(x) ; #endif // initialize newly allocated memory with something non zero #define PARANOID_KMALLOC 1 // check for double free, and fill freed memory with 0xdeadbeef #define PARANOID_KFREE 1 // validate sanity of the heap after each operation (slow!) #define PARANOID_VALIDATION 0 // store size, thread and team info at the end of each allocation block #define KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK 0 #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK typedef struct heap_leak_check_info_s { size_t size; thread_id thread; team_id team; } heap_leak_check_info; #endif typedef struct heap_page_s { uint16 index; uint16 bin_index : 5; uint16 free_count : 10; uint16 in_use : 1; heap_page_s * next; heap_page_s * prev; uint16 empty_index; addr_t * free_list; } heap_page; // used for bin == bin_count allocations #define allocation_id free_count typedef struct heap_bin_s { uint32 element_size; uint16 max_free_count; heap_page * page_list; // sorted so that the desired page is always first } heap_bin; typedef struct heap_allocator_s { addr_t base; size_t size; mutex lock; vint32 large_alloc_id; uint32 bin_count; uint32 page_count; heap_page * free_pages; heap_bin * bins; heap_page * page_table; heap_allocator_s * next; } heap_allocator; static heap_allocator *sHeapList = NULL; static heap_allocator *sLastGrowRequest = NULL; static heap_allocator *sGrowHeap = NULL; static thread_id sHeapGrowThread = -1; static sem_id sHeapGrowSem = -1; static sem_id sHeapGrownNotify = -1; // #pragma mark - Tracing #ifdef KERNEL_HEAP_TRACING namespace KernelHeapTracing { class Allocate : public AbstractTraceEntry { public: Allocate(addr_t address, size_t size) : fAddress(address), fSize(size) { Initialized(); } virtual void AddDump(TraceOutput &out) { out.Print("heap allocate: 0x%08lx (%lu bytes)", fAddress, fSize); } private: addr_t fAddress; size_t fSize; }; class Reallocate : public AbstractTraceEntry { public: Reallocate(addr_t oldAddress, addr_t newAddress, size_t newSize) : fOldAddress(oldAddress), fNewAddress(newAddress), fNewSize(newSize) { Initialized(); }; virtual void AddDump(TraceOutput &out) { out.Print("heap reallocate: 0x%08lx -> 0x%08lx (%lu bytes)", fOldAddress, fNewAddress, fNewSize); } private: addr_t fOldAddress; addr_t fNewAddress; size_t fNewSize; }; class Free : public AbstractTraceEntry { public: Free(addr_t address) : fAddress(address) { Initialized(); }; virtual void AddDump(TraceOutput &out) { out.Print("heap free: 0x%08lx", fAddress); } private: addr_t fAddress; }; } // namespace KernelHeapTracing # define T(x) if (!kernel_startup) new(std::nothrow) KernelHeapTracing::x; #else # define T(x) ; #endif // #pragma mark - Debug functions static void dump_page(heap_page *page) { uint32 count = 0; for (addr_t *temp = page->free_list; temp != NULL; temp = (addr_t *)*temp) count++; dprintf("\t\tpage %p: bin_index: %u; free_count: %u; empty_index: %u; free_list %p (%lu entr%s)\n", page, page->bin_index, page->free_count, page->empty_index, page->free_list, count, count == 1 ? "y" : "ies"); } static void dump_bin(heap_bin *bin) { dprintf("\telement_size: %lu; max_free_count: %u; page_list %p;\n", bin->element_size, bin->max_free_count, bin->page_list); for (heap_page *temp = bin->page_list; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) dump_page(temp); } static void dump_allocator(heap_allocator *heap) { uint32 count = 0; for (heap_page *page = heap->free_pages; page != NULL; page = page->next) count++; dprintf("allocator %p: base: 0x%08lx; size: %lu; bin_count: %lu; free_pages: %p (%lu entr%s)\n", heap, heap->base, heap->size, heap->bin_count, heap->free_pages, count, count == 1 ? "y" : "ies"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < heap->bin_count; i++) dump_bin(&heap->bins[i]); dprintf("\n"); } static int dump_heap_list(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "grow") == 0) { // only dump dedicated grow heap info dprintf("dedicated grow heap:\n"); dump_allocator(sGrowHeap); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "stats") == 0) { uint32 heapCount = 0; heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { heapCount++; heap = heap->next; } dprintf("current heap count: %ld\n", heapCount); } else print_debugger_command_usage(argv[0]); return 0; } heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { dump_allocator(heap); heap = heap->next; } return 0; } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK static int dump_allocations(int argc, char **argv) { team_id team = -1; thread_id thread = -1; bool statsOnly = false; for (int32 i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "team") == 0) team = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0); else if (strcmp(argv[i], "thread") == 0) thread = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0); else if (strcmp(argv[i], "stats") == 0) statsOnly = true; else { print_debugger_command_usage(argv[0]); return 0; } } size_t totalSize = 0; uint32 totalCount = 0; heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { // go through all the pages heap_leak_check_info *info = NULL; for (uint32 i = 0; i < heap->page_count; i++) { heap_page *page = &heap->page_table[i]; if (!page->in_use) continue; addr_t base = heap->base + i * B_PAGE_SIZE; if (page->bin_index < heap->bin_count) { // page is used by a small allocation bin uint32 elementCount = page->empty_index; size_t elementSize = heap->bins[page->bin_index].element_size; for (uint32 j = 0; j < elementCount; j++, base += elementSize) { // walk the free list to see if this element is in use bool elementInUse = true; for (addr_t *temp = page->free_list; temp != NULL; temp = (addr_t *)*temp) { if ((addr_t)temp == base) { elementInUse = false; break; } } if (!elementInUse) continue; info = (heap_leak_check_info *)(base + elementSize - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info)); if ((team == -1 && thread == -1) || (team == -1 && info->thread == thread) || (thread == -1 && info->team == team)) { // interesting... if (!statsOnly) { dprintf("team: % 6ld; thread: % 6ld; address: 0x%08lx; size: %lu bytes\n", info->team, info->thread, base, info->size); } totalSize += info->size; totalCount++; } } } else { // page is used by a big allocation, find the page count uint32 pageCount = 1; while (i + pageCount < heap->page_count && heap->page_table[i + pageCount].in_use && heap->page_table[i + pageCount].bin_index == heap->bin_count && heap->page_table[i + pageCount].allocation_id == page->allocation_id) pageCount++; info = (heap_leak_check_info *)(base + pageCount * B_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info)); if ((team == -1 && thread == -1) || (team == -1 && info->thread == thread) || (thread == -1 && info->team == team)) { // interesting... if (!statsOnly) { dprintf("team: % 6ld; thread: % 6ld; address: 0x%08lx; size: %lu bytes\n", info->team, info->thread, base, info->size); } totalSize += info->size; totalCount++; } // skip the allocated pages i += pageCount - 1; } } heap = heap->next; } dprintf("total allocations: %lu; total bytes: %lu\n", totalCount, totalSize); return 0; } #endif // KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK #if PARANOID_VALIDATION static void heap_validate_heap(heap_allocator *heap) { mutex_lock(&heap->lock); // validate the free pages list uint32 freePageCount = 0; heap_page *lastPage = NULL; heap_page *page = heap->free_pages; while (page) { if ((addr_t)page < (addr_t)&heap->page_table[0] || (addr_t)page >= (addr_t)&heap->page_table[heap->page_count]) panic("free page is not part of the page table\n"); if (page->index >= heap->page_count) panic("free page has invalid index\n"); if ((addr_t)&heap->page_table[page->index] != (addr_t)page) panic("free page index does not lead to target page\n"); if (page->prev != lastPage) panic("free page entry has invalid prev link\n"); if (page->in_use) panic("free page marked as in use\n"); lastPage = page; page = page->next; freePageCount++; } // validate the page table uint32 usedPageCount = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < heap->page_count; i++) { if (heap->page_table[i].in_use) usedPageCount++; } if (freePageCount + usedPageCount != heap->page_count) { panic("free pages and used pages do not add up (%lu + %lu != %lu)\n", freePageCount, usedPageCount, heap->page_count); } // validate the bins for (uint32 i = 0; i < heap->bin_count; i++) { heap_bin *bin = &heap->bins[i]; lastPage = NULL; page = bin->page_list; int32 lastFreeCount = 0; while (page) { if ((addr_t)page < (addr_t)&heap->page_table[0] || (addr_t)page >= (addr_t)&heap->page_table[heap->page_count]) panic("used page is not part of the page table\n"); if (page->index >= heap->page_count) panic("used page has invalid index\n"); if ((addr_t)&heap->page_table[page->index] != (addr_t)page) panic("used page index does not lead to target page\n"); if (page->prev != lastPage) panic("used page entry has invalid prev link (%p vs %p bin %lu)\n", page->prev, lastPage, i); if (!page->in_use) panic("used page marked as not in use\n"); if (page->bin_index != i) panic("used page with bin index %u in page list of bin %lu\n", page->bin_index, i); if (page->free_count < lastFreeCount) panic("ordering of bin page list broken\n"); // validate the free list uint32 freeSlotsCount = 0; addr_t *element = page->free_list; addr_t pageBase = heap->base + page->index * B_PAGE_SIZE; while (element) { if ((addr_t)element < pageBase || (addr_t)element >= pageBase + B_PAGE_SIZE) panic("free list entry out of page range\n"); if (((addr_t)element - pageBase) % bin->element_size != 0) panic("free list entry not on a element boundary\n"); element = (addr_t *)*element; freeSlotsCount++; } uint32 slotCount = bin->max_free_count; if (page->empty_index > slotCount) panic("empty index beyond slot count (%u with %lu slots)\n", page->empty_index, slotCount); freeSlotsCount += (slotCount - page->empty_index); if (freeSlotsCount > slotCount) panic("more free slots than fit into the page\n"); lastPage = page; lastFreeCount = page->free_count; page = page->next; } } mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); } #endif // PARANOID_VALIDATION // #pragma mark - Heap functions heap_allocator * heap_attach(addr_t base, size_t size, bool postSem) { heap_allocator *heap = (heap_allocator *)base; base += sizeof(heap_allocator); size -= sizeof(heap_allocator); size_t binSizes[] = { 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 1024, 2048, B_PAGE_SIZE }; uint32 binCount = sizeof(binSizes) / sizeof(binSizes[0]); heap->bin_count = binCount; heap->bins = (heap_bin *)base; base += binCount * sizeof(heap_bin); size -= binCount * sizeof(heap_bin); for (uint32 i = 0; i < binCount; i++) { heap_bin *bin = &heap->bins[i]; bin->element_size = binSizes[i]; bin->max_free_count = B_PAGE_SIZE / binSizes[i]; bin->page_list = NULL; } uint32 pageCount = size / B_PAGE_SIZE; size_t pageTableSize = pageCount * sizeof(heap_page); heap->page_table = (heap_page *)base; base += pageTableSize; size -= pageTableSize; // the rest is now actually usable memory (rounded to the next page) heap->base = (addr_t)(base + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / B_PAGE_SIZE * B_PAGE_SIZE; heap->size = (size_t)(size / B_PAGE_SIZE) * B_PAGE_SIZE; // now we know the real page count pageCount = heap->size / B_PAGE_SIZE; heap->page_count = pageCount; // zero out the heap alloc table at the base of the heap memset((void *)heap->page_table, 0, pageTableSize); for (uint32 i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) heap->page_table[i].index = i; // add all pages up into the free pages list for (uint32 i = 1; i < pageCount; i++) { heap->page_table[i - 1].next = &heap->page_table[i]; heap->page_table[i].prev = &heap->page_table[i - 1]; } heap->free_pages = &heap->page_table[0]; heap->page_table[0].prev = NULL; if (postSem) { if (mutex_init(&heap->lock, "heap_mutex") < 0) { panic("heap_attach(): error creating heap mutex\n"); return NULL; } } else { // pre-init the mutex to at least fall through any semaphore calls heap->lock.sem = -1; heap->lock.holder = -1; } heap->next = NULL; dprintf("heap_attach: attached to %p - usable range 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx\n", heap, heap->base, heap->base + heap->size); return heap; } static inline uint32 heap_next_alloc_id(heap_allocator *heap) { return atomic_add(&heap->large_alloc_id, 1) & ((1 << 9) - 1); } static inline void heap_link_page(heap_page *page, heap_page **list) { page->prev = NULL; page->next = *list; if (page->next) page->next->prev = page; *list = page; } static inline void heap_unlink_page(heap_page *page, heap_page **list) { if (page->prev) page->prev->next = page->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = page->prev; if (list && *list == page) { *list = page->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = NULL; } } static void * heap_raw_alloc(heap_allocator *heap, size_t size, uint32 binIndex) { heap_bin *bin = NULL; if (binIndex < heap->bin_count) bin = &heap->bins[binIndex]; if (bin && bin->page_list != NULL) { // we have a page where we have a free slot void *address = NULL; heap_page *page = bin->page_list; if (page->free_list) { // there's a previously freed entry we can use address = page->free_list; page->free_list = (addr_t *)*page->free_list; } else { // the page hasn't been fully allocated so use the next empty_index address = (void *)(heap->base + page->index * B_PAGE_SIZE + page->empty_index * bin->element_size); page->empty_index++; } page->free_count--; if (page->free_count == 0) { // the page is now full so we remove it from the page_list bin->page_list = page->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = NULL; page->next = page->prev = NULL; } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK heap_leak_check_info *info = (heap_leak_check_info *)((addr_t)address + bin->element_size - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info)); info->size = size - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); info->thread = (kernel_startup ? 0 : thread_get_current_thread_id()); info->team = (kernel_startup ? 0 : team_get_current_team_id()); #endif return address; } // we don't have anything free right away, we must allocate a new page if (heap->free_pages == NULL) { // there are no free pages anymore, we ran out of memory TRACE(("heap %p: no free pages to allocate %lu bytes\n", heap, size)); return NULL; } if (bin) { // small allocation, just grab the next free page heap_page *page = heap->free_pages; heap->free_pages = page->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = NULL; page->in_use = 1; page->bin_index = binIndex; page->free_count = bin->max_free_count - 1; page->empty_index = 1; page->free_list = NULL; page->next = page->prev = NULL; if (page->free_count > 0) { // by design there are no other pages in the bins page list bin->page_list = page; } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK heap_leak_check_info *info = (heap_leak_check_info *)(heap->base + page->index * B_PAGE_SIZE + bin->element_size - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info)); info->size = size - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); info->thread = (kernel_startup ? 0 : thread_get_current_thread_id()); info->team = (kernel_startup ? 0 : team_get_current_team_id()); #endif // we return the first slot in this page return (void *)(heap->base + page->index * B_PAGE_SIZE); } // large allocation, we must search for contiguous slots bool found = false; int32 first = -1; for (uint32 i = 0; i < heap->page_count; i++) { if (heap->page_table[i].in_use) { first = -1; continue; } if (first > 0) { if ((1 + i - first) * B_PAGE_SIZE >= size) { found = true; break; } } else first = i; } if (!found) { TRACE(("heap %p: found no contiguous pages to allocate %ld bytes\n", heap, size)); return NULL; } uint32 allocationID = heap_next_alloc_id(heap); uint32 pageCount = (size + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / B_PAGE_SIZE; for (uint32 i = first; i < first + pageCount; i++) { heap_page *page = &heap->page_table[i]; page->in_use = 1; page->bin_index = binIndex; heap_unlink_page(page, &heap->free_pages); page->next = page->prev = NULL; page->free_list = NULL; page->allocation_id = allocationID; } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK heap_leak_check_info *info = (heap_leak_check_info *)(heap->base + (first + pageCount) * B_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info)); info->size = size - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); info->thread = (kernel_startup ? 0 : thread_get_current_thread_id()); info->team = (kernel_startup ? 0 : team_get_current_team_id()); #endif return (void *)(heap->base + first * B_PAGE_SIZE); } #if DEBUG static bool is_valid_alignment(size_t number) { // this cryptic line accepts zero and all powers of two return ((~number + 1) | ((number << 1) - 1)) == ~0UL; } #endif static void * heap_memalign(heap_allocator *heap, size_t alignment, size_t size, bool *shouldGrow) { TRACE(("memalign(alignment = %lu, size = %lu)\n", alignment, size)); #if DEBUG if (!is_valid_alignment(alignment)) panic("memalign() with an alignment which is not a power of 2\n"); #endif mutex_lock(&heap->lock); #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK size += sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); #endif // ToDo: that code "aligns" the buffer because the bins are always // aligned on their bin size if (size < alignment) size = alignment; uint32 binIndex; for (binIndex = 0; binIndex < heap->bin_count; binIndex++) { if (size <= heap->bins[binIndex].element_size) break; } void *address = heap_raw_alloc(heap, size, binIndex); TRACE(("memalign(): asked to allocate %lu bytes, returning pointer %p\n", size, address)); if (heap->next == NULL && shouldGrow) { // suggest growing if we are the last heap and we have // less than three free pages left *shouldGrow = (heap->free_pages == NULL || heap->free_pages->next == NULL || heap->free_pages->next->next == NULL); } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK size -= sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); #endif T(Allocate((addr_t)address, size)); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); if (address == NULL) return address; #if PARANOID_KFREE // make sure 0xdeadbeef is cleared if we do not overwrite the memory // and the user does not clear it if (((uint32 *)address)[1] == 0xdeadbeef) ((uint32 *)address)[1] = 0xcccccccc; #endif #if PARANOID_KMALLOC memset(address, 0xcc, size); #endif return address; } static status_t heap_free(heap_allocator *heap, void *address) { if (address == NULL) return B_OK; if ((addr_t)address < heap->base || (addr_t)address >= heap->base + heap->size) { // this address does not belong to us return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } mutex_lock(&heap->lock); TRACE(("free(): asked to free at ptr = %p\n", address)); heap_page *page = &heap->page_table[((addr_t)address - heap->base) / B_PAGE_SIZE]; TRACE(("free(): page %p: bin_index %d, free_count %d\n", page, page->bin_index, page->free_count)); if (page->bin_index > heap->bin_count) { panic("free(): page %p: invalid bin_index %d\n", page, page->bin_index); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_ERROR; } if (page->bin_index < heap->bin_count) { // small allocation heap_bin *bin = &heap->bins[page->bin_index]; if (((addr_t)address - heap->base - page->index * B_PAGE_SIZE) % bin->element_size != 0) { panic("free(): passed invalid pointer %p supposed to be in bin for element size %ld\n", address, bin->element_size); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_ERROR; } #if PARANOID_KFREE if (((uint32 *)address)[1] == 0xdeadbeef) { // This block looks like it was freed already, walk the free list // on this page to make sure this address doesn't exist. for (addr_t *temp = page->free_list; temp != NULL; temp = (addr_t *)*temp) { if (temp == address) { panic("free(): address %p already exists in page free list\n", address); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_ERROR; } } } uint32 *dead = (uint32 *)address; if (bin->element_size % 4 != 0) { panic("free(): didn't expect a bin element size that is not a multiple of 4\n"); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_ERROR; } // the first 4 bytes are overwritten with the next free list pointer later for (uint32 i = 1; i < bin->element_size / sizeof(uint32); i++) dead[i] = 0xdeadbeef; #endif // add the address to the page free list *(addr_t *)address = (addr_t)page->free_list; page->free_list = (addr_t *)address; page->free_count++; if (page->free_count == bin->max_free_count) { // we are now empty, remove the page from the bin list heap_unlink_page(page, &bin->page_list); page->in_use = 0; heap_link_page(page, &heap->free_pages); } else if (page->free_count == 1) { // we need to add ourselfs to the page list of the bin heap_link_page(page, &bin->page_list); } else { // we might need to move back in the free pages list if (page->next && page->next->free_count < page->free_count) { // move ourselfs so the list stays ordered heap_page *insert = page->next; while (insert->next && insert->next->free_count < page->free_count) insert = insert->next; heap_unlink_page(page, &bin->page_list); page->prev = insert; page->next = insert->next; if (page->next) page->next->prev = page; insert->next = page; } } } else { // large allocation, just return the pages to the page free list uint32 allocationID = page->allocation_id; uint32 maxPages = heap->page_count - page->index; for (uint32 i = 0; i < maxPages; i++) { // loop until we find the end of this allocation if (!page[i].in_use || page[i].bin_index != heap->bin_count || page[i].allocation_id != allocationID) break; // this page still belongs to the same allocation page[i].in_use = 0; page[i].allocation_id = 0; // return it to the free list heap_link_page(&page[i], &heap->free_pages); } } T(Free((addr_t)address)); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_OK; } static status_t heap_realloc(heap_allocator *heap, void *address, void **newAddress, size_t newSize) { if ((addr_t)address < heap->base || (addr_t)address >= heap->base + heap->size) { // this address does not belong to us return B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } mutex_lock(&heap->lock); TRACE(("realloc(address = %p, newSize = %lu)\n", address, newSize)); heap_page *page = &heap->page_table[((addr_t)address - heap->base) / B_PAGE_SIZE]; if (page->bin_index > heap->bin_count) { panic("realloc(): page %p: invalid bin_index %d\n", page, page->bin_index); mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); return B_ERROR; } // find out the size of the old allocation first size_t minSize = 0; size_t maxSize = 0; if (page->bin_index < heap->bin_count) { // this was a small allocation heap_bin *bin = &heap->bins[page->bin_index]; maxSize = bin->element_size; if (page->bin_index > 0) minSize = heap->bins[page->bin_index - 1].element_size + 1; } else { // this was a large allocation uint32 allocationID = page->allocation_id; uint32 maxPages = heap->page_count - page->index; maxSize = B_PAGE_SIZE; for (uint32 i = 1; i < maxPages; i++) { if (!page[i].in_use || page[i].bin_index != heap->bin_count || page[i].allocation_id != allocationID) break; minSize += B_PAGE_SIZE; maxSize += B_PAGE_SIZE; } } mutex_unlock(&heap->lock); #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK newSize += sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); #endif // does the new allocation simply fit in the old allocation? if (newSize > minSize && newSize <= maxSize) { #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK // update the size info (the info is at the end so stays where it is) heap_leak_check_info *info = (heap_leak_check_info *)((addr_t)address + maxSize); info->size = newSize - sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); newSize -= sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); #endif T(Reallocate((addr_t)address, (addr_t)address, newSize)); *newAddress = address; return B_OK; } #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK // new leak check info will be created with the malloc below newSize -= sizeof(heap_leak_check_info); #endif // if not, allocate a new chunk of memory *newAddress = malloc(newSize); T(Reallocate((addr_t)address, (addr_t)*newAddress, newSize)); if (*newAddress == NULL) { // we tried but it didn't work out, but still the operation is done return B_OK; } // copy the old data and free the old allocation memcpy(*newAddress, address, min_c(maxSize, newSize)); free(address); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - static int32 heap_grow_thread(void *) { heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (true) { // wait for a request to grow the heap list if (acquire_sem(sHeapGrowSem) < B_OK) continue; // find the last heap while (heap->next) heap = heap->next; if (sLastGrowRequest != heap) { // we have already grown since the latest request, just ignore continue; } TRACE(("heap_grower: kernel heap will run out of memory soon, allocating new one\n")); void *heapAddress = NULL; area_id heapArea = create_area("additional heap", &heapAddress, B_ANY_KERNEL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, HEAP_GROW_SIZE, B_FULL_LOCK, B_KERNEL_READ_AREA | B_KERNEL_WRITE_AREA); if (heapArea < B_OK) { panic("heap_grower: couldn't allocate additional heap area\n"); continue; } heap_allocator *newHeap = heap_attach((addr_t)heapAddress, HEAP_GROW_SIZE, true); if (newHeap == NULL) { panic("heap_grower: could not attach additional heap!\n"); delete_area(heapArea); continue; } #if PARANOID_VALIDATION heap_validate_heap(newHeap); #endif heap->next = newHeap; TRACE(("heap_grower: new heap linked in\n")); // notify anyone waiting for this request release_sem_etc(sHeapGrownNotify, -1, B_RELEASE_ALL); } return 0; } status_t heap_init(addr_t base, size_t size) { sHeapList = heap_attach(base, size, false); // set up some debug commands add_debugger_command_etc("heap", &dump_heap_list, "Dump infos about the kernel heap(s)", "[(\"grow\" | \"stats\")]\n" "Dump infos about the kernel heap(s). If \"grow\" is specified, only\n" "infos about the dedicated grow heap are printed. If \"stats\" is\n" "given as the argument, currently only the heap count is printed\n", 0); #if KERNEL_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK add_debugger_command_etc("allocations", &dump_allocations, "Dump current allocations", "[(\"team\" | \"thread\") ] [\"stats\"]\n" "If no parameters are given, all current alloactions are dumped.\n" "If either \"team\" or \"thread\" is specified as the first argument,\n" "only allocations matching the team or thread id given in the second\n" "argument are printed.\n" "If the optional argument \"stats\" is specified, only the allocation\n" "counts and no individual allocations are printed\n", 0); #endif return B_OK; } status_t heap_init_post_sem() { // create the lock for the initial heap if (mutex_init(&sHeapList->lock, "heap_mutex") < B_OK) { panic("heap_init_post_sem(): error creating heap mutex\n"); return B_ERROR; } sHeapGrowSem = create_sem(0, "heap_grow_sem"); if (sHeapGrowSem < 0) { panic("heap_init_post_sem(): failed to create heap grow sem\n"); return B_ERROR; } sHeapGrownNotify = create_sem(0, "heap_grown_notify"); if (sHeapGrownNotify < 0) { panic("heap_init_post_sem(): failed to create heap grown notify sem\n"); return B_ERROR; } return B_OK; } status_t heap_init_post_thread() { void *dedicated = NULL; area_id area = create_area("heap dedicated grow", &dedicated, B_ANY_KERNEL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, HEAP_DEDICATED_GROW_SIZE, B_FULL_LOCK, B_KERNEL_READ_AREA | B_KERNEL_WRITE_AREA); if (area < 0) { panic("heap_init_post_thread(): cannot allocate dedicated grow memory\n"); return area; } sGrowHeap = heap_attach((addr_t)dedicated, HEAP_DEDICATED_GROW_SIZE, true); if (sGrowHeap == NULL) { panic("heap_init_post_thread(): failed to attach dedicated grow heap\n"); delete_area(area); return B_ERROR; } sHeapGrowThread = spawn_kernel_thread(heap_grow_thread, "heap grower", B_URGENT_PRIORITY, NULL); if (sHeapGrowThread < 0) { panic("heap_init_post_thread(): cannot create heap grow thread\n"); delete_area(area); return sHeapGrowThread; } send_signal_etc(sHeapGrowThread, SIGCONT, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE); return B_OK; } // #pragma mark - Public API void * memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size) { if (!kernel_startup && !are_interrupts_enabled()) { panic("memalign(): called with interrupts disabled\n"); return NULL; } if (size > (HEAP_GROW_SIZE * 3) / 4) { // don't even attempt such a huge allocation panic("heap: huge allocation of %lu bytes asked!\n", size); return NULL; } if (thread_get_current_thread_id() == sHeapGrowThread) { // this is the grower thread, allocate from our dedicated memory void *result = heap_memalign(sGrowHeap, alignment, size, NULL); if (result == NULL) { panic("heap: grow thread ran out of dedicated memory!\n"); return NULL; } return result; } heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { bool shouldGrow = false; void *result = heap_memalign(heap, alignment, size, &shouldGrow); if (heap->next == NULL && (shouldGrow || result == NULL)) { // the last heap will or has run out of memory, notify the grower sLastGrowRequest = heap; if (result == NULL) { // urgent request, do the request and wait switch_sem(sHeapGrowSem, sHeapGrownNotify); } else { // not so urgent, just notify the grower release_sem_etc(sHeapGrowSem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE); } } if (result == NULL) { heap = heap->next; continue; } #if PARANOID_VALIDATION heap_validate_heap(heap); #endif return result; } panic("heap: kernel heap has run out of memory\n"); return NULL; } void * malloc(size_t size) { return memalign(0, size); } void free(void *address) { if (!kernel_startup && !are_interrupts_enabled()) { panic("free(): called with interrupts disabled\n"); return; } heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { if (heap_free(heap, address) == B_OK) { #if PARANOID_VALIDATION heap_validate_heap(heap); #endif return; } heap = heap->next; } // maybe it was allocated from the dedicated grow heap if (heap_free(sGrowHeap, address) == B_OK) return; panic("free(): free failed for address %p\n", address); } void * realloc(void *address, size_t newSize) { if (!kernel_startup && !are_interrupts_enabled()) { panic("realloc(): called with interrupts disabled\n"); return NULL; } if (address == NULL) return malloc(newSize); if (newSize == 0) { free(address); return NULL; } heap_allocator *heap = sHeapList; while (heap) { void *newAddress = NULL; if (heap_realloc(heap, address, &newAddress, newSize) == B_OK) { #if PARANOID_VALIDATION heap_validate_heap(heap); #endif return newAddress; } heap = heap->next; } panic("realloc(): failed to realloc address %p to size %lu\n", address, newSize); return NULL; } void * calloc(size_t numElements, size_t size) { void *address = memalign(0, numElements * size); if (address != NULL) memset(address, 0, numElements * size); return address; }