Pintasan dan kombinasi tombol
Secara bawaan, tombol pintas Haiku, untuk menjalankan perintah dari menu misalnya, bukan kunci CTRL sebagaimana biasa, melainkan ALT. Ini memiliki alasan historis, karena BeOS diilhami oleh MacOS. Setelah Anda terbiasa, ia sebenarnya memiliki keuntungan seperti misalnya ALT C and ALT V berintegrasi dengan mulus ke dalam bash shell Terminal, di mana CTRL C berhenti dari proses yang sedang berjalan.
Dalam hal apa pun, Anda dapat beralih ke kunci CTRL yang mungkin lebih akrab di preferensi Keymap. Panduan pengguna selalu menjelaskan konfigurasi default dengan kunci perintah adalah kunci ALT.
Jika Anda ragu tombol mana yang merupakan tombol OPT atau MENU pada layout keymap / keyboard khusus Anda, gunakan lagi preferensi Keymap. Di sana Anda dapat melihat keystroke apa yang dikirim ketika Anda menekan tombol pada keyboard Anda.
Pintasan umum
Berikut adalah tabel dari banyak cara pintas yang paling umum digunakan yang selalu tersedia, bahkan jika tidak ada menu yang sesuai:
ALT Fx | Beralih ke Workspace X (Fx adalah tombol fungsi yang sesuai dengan workspace itu). Bawa jendela aktif dengan Anda dengan menambahkan SHIFT | |
CTRL ALT ← / → / ↑ / ↓ | Menavigasi secara spasial baris / kolom dari ruang kerja yang tersedia. Tambahkan SHIFT untuk membawa jendela aktif bersamamu. | |
OPT | Menahan tombol OPT sambil menyeret jendela di dekat tab atau perbatasan jendela lain akan menumpuk atau meng-ubin jendela tersebut (lihat bab GUI). | |
OPT↑ / ↓ | Siklus melalui jendela yang terbuka di dalam ruang kerja saat ini. | |
CTRL ALT + left mouse | Klik dan seret dengan tombol kiri mouse untuk memindahkan jendela (lihat bab GUI). | |
CTRL ALT + right mouse | Klik dan seret dengan tombol kanan mouse untuk mengubah ukuran jendela (lihat bab GUI). | |
CTRL ALT Z | Memperbesar jendela ke ukuran alternatif (ukuran maksimum untuk sebagian besar aplikasi). | |
CTRL ALT M | Meminimalkan jendela aktif. | |
CTRL ALT H | Menyembunyikan (meminimalkan) semua jendela aplikasi aktif. | |
CTRL ALT F | Menarik jendela aktif ke depan (hanya berlaku dengan pengaturan mouse Fokus mengikuti mouse). | |
CTRL ALT B | Mengirim jendela aktif ke belakang. | |
CTRL TAB | Tahan untuk memunculkan Twitcher. | |
CTRL ALT DEL | Membuka Monitor Tim. | |
ALT ESC | Enters the menu bar (leave with ESC). | |
ALT C | Copies the selection to the clipboard. | |
ALT X | Cuts the selection to the clipboard. | |
ALT V | Pastes the clipboard's contents. | |
ALT W | Closes the active window. | |
ALT Q | Quits an application. | |
Mengambil tangkapan layar tanpa penundaan dan meluncurkan panel Screenshot . | ||
SHIFT PRINT | Mengambil tangkapan layar secara diam-diam (tanpa membuka panel), sambil tetap menghormati pengaturan yang terakhir digunakan. | |
CTRL PRINT | Juga mengambil tangkapan layar secara diam-diam dengan pengaturan yang disimpan, tetapi alih-alih menyimpannya sebagai file, itu hanya disalin ke clipboard. |
Textediting shortcuts
Whenever you edit text – be it when renaming a file in Tracker, editing a file in StyledEdit, or chatting in Vision – there are some universal shortcuts:
ALT ← / → or OPT ← / → | Jump word-wise through the text. (Note: It may be useful to get used to using the OPT combination. Then you're all set if some app already uses the ALT combination for another command.) | |
ALT BACKSPACE or OPT BACKSPACE | Word-wise removing the text to the left of the cursor. | |
ALT DEL or OPT DEL | Word-wise removing the text to the right of the cursor. | |
HOME | Jumps to the beginning of the line. | |
END | Jumps to the end of the line. | |
ALT HOME | Jumps to the beginning of the document. | |
ALT END | Jumps to the end of the document. |
Holding SHIFT additionally when using the above key combinations will select the text between the cursor jumps.
Shortcuts for Tracker navigation
Additionally to the general shortcuts, here are some more for navigating with Tracker:
ALT ↑ | Opens the parent folder. | |
ALT ↓ or ENTER | Opens the selected folder. | |
OPT | Holding it while opening a folder will automatically close the parent folder. This also works when navigating with the mouse. | |
MENU | Opens the Deskbar menu (leave with ESC). | |
ALT Z | Undo last action. The undo history is only limited by the available memory. Note, this only works for actions on the file itself, changed attributes and permission settings can't be undone with this. Also, once a file is removed from Trash it's gone for good. | |
ALT SHIFT Z | Redo the action you just reverted with ALT Z. | |
SHIFT + Mousewheel | When scrolling through a long list of files in a Tracker window or when you're drilling down submenus, this will speed things up by doing page-wise scrolling. |
Shortcuts in Terminal
ALT N | Opens another Terminal session in a new window. | |
ALT T | Opens another Terminal session in a new tab. | |
ALT 1, 2, 3 ... | Switches to the corresponding tab. | |
ALT TAB | Switches to the next Terminal window. | |
SHIFT ← / → | Switches to the tab to the left/right. | |
ALT SHIFT ← / → | Moves the current tab left/right. | |
ALT + / - | Increase/Decrease font size. | |
ALT ENTER | Enter/leave fullscreen mode. | |
SHIFT ↑ / ↓ | Scrolls the Terminal output up/down one line. | |
SHIFT Page↑ / Page↓ | Scrolls the Terminal output up/down one page. | |
TAB | Tab-completion. After entering a few letters, press TAB once to auto-complete a filename or path. If there is more than one match, it stops where the name starts to differ and you have to provide some more letters to further distinguish them. You can also press TAB twice to have all matches listed. | |
↑ / ↓ | Moves up or down in a history of all previously entered commands. | |
CTRL R | Bash history. All the commands you enter are stored in the file ~/config/settings/bash_history. Press CTRL R and start to enter a command and you'll be provided with the first match from the bash history. Keep pressing CTRL R until you find the right command line and press ENTER to execute it. | |
CTRL C | Stops the currently running command. | |
CTRL D | Closes the current Terminal session. |
Other key combinations
You can add or remove items to/from a selection by holding down a modifier key while clicking on a entry (or file in case of Tracker).
SHIFT | This will select everything between the first selected item and the one you click on. | |
ALT | Adds or removes the item you're clicking on from the selection. |
In a Tracker window, if you just start typing, Tracker scrolls to and selects the file that best fits your incremental search. If there's no file starting with your typed letters, files that contain the search string anywhere in their name or other displayed attributes are selected. This search is not case-sensitive.
The letters you type appear at the bottom-left, where normally the number of items is listed. After a second it reverts back and you could start a new incremental search.
Instead of jumping to the first occurrence of your search string, Tracker can be configured to filter out all non-matching files. See the topic on type-ahead filtering.