/* * Copyright 2007-2008 Oliver Ruiz Dorantes, oliver.ruiz.dorantes_at_gmail.com * Copyright 2021, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Oliver Ruiz Dorantes * Tri-Edge AI */ #ifndef _PINCODE_REQUEST_WINDOW_H_ #define _PINCODE_REQUEST_WINDOW_H_ #include #include #include #include #include class BStringView; class BButton; class BTextControl; namespace Bluetooth { class RemoteDevice; class PincodeWindow : public BWindow { public: PincodeWindow(bdaddr_t address, hci_id hid); PincodeWindow(RemoteDevice* rDevice); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* msg); virtual bool QuitRequested(); void SetBDaddr(BString address); private: void InitUI(); bdaddr_t fBdaddr; hci_id fHid; BStringView* fMessage; BStringView* fRemoteInfo; BButton* fAcceptButton; BButton* fCancelButton; BTextControl* fPincodeText; BluetoothIconView* fIcon; BStringView* fMessage2; BStringView* fDeviceLabel; BStringView* fDeviceText; BStringView* fAddressLabel; BStringView* fAddressText; }; } #ifndef _BT_USE_EXPLICIT_NAMESPACE using Bluetooth::PincodeWindow; #endif #endif /* _PINCODE_REQUEST_WINDOW_H_ */