Testing the Midi Kit

Most of the OpenBeOS source code has unit tests in the current/src/tests directory. I looked into building CppUnit tests for the midi2 kit, but decided that it doesn't really make much sense. Unit tests work best if you can test something in isolation, but in the case of the midi2 kit this is very hard to achieve. Because the classes from libmidi2.so always need to talk to the midi_server, the tests depend on too many external factors. The available endpoints, for example, will differ from system to system. The spray and hook functions are difficult to test this way, too.

So instead of a CppUnit test suite, here is a list of manual tests that I performed when developing the midi2 kit:

Registering the application

Required: Client app that calls BMidiRoster::MidiRoster()

Creating endpoints

Required: Client app that creates a new BMidiLocalProducer and/or BMidiLocalConsumer

Deleting endpoints

Required: client app that creates one or more endpoints and Release()'s them

Changing attributes

Required: Client app that creates an endpoint and calls Register(), Unregister(), SetName(), and SetLatency()

Consulting the roster

Required: Client app that creates several endpoints, and registers some of them (not all), and uses the BMidiRoster::FindEndpoint() etc functions to examine the roster.

Making/breaking connections

Required: Client app that creates a producer and consumer endpoint, optionally registers them, consults the roster for remote endpoints, and makes various kinds of connections.


Required: Client app that creates local consumer and producer endpoints, and calls Register(), Unregister(), SetName(), SetLatency(), and SetProperties(). It should also make and break connections.

Event tests

Required: Several client apps that create and register consumer endpoints that override the various MIDI event hook functions, as well as producer endpoints that spray MIDI events. Also useful is a tool that lets you make connections between all these endpoints (PatchBay), and a tool that lets you monitor the MIDI events (MidiMonitor).

Other tests