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repositories-icon_64.pngZdroje softvéru


Zdroje softvéru sú kolekcie balíkov softvéru. Štandardne nastavený je zdrojo softvéru Haiku so všetkými balíkmi operačného systému a HaikuPorts, ktorý poskytuje veľké množstvo portovaných aplikácií a natívneho softvéru pre Haiku. Existuje niekoľko ďalších zdrojov softvéru, ktoré spravujú členovia komunity Haiku. Pozrite sa na webovej stránke na Webstránky so softvérom.

This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot's Tools menu):


The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it doesn't have a checkmark, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.

Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the +/- buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.

To be able to remove a repository completely with the "-" button, it has to be disabled.
You add a new repository with the " " button, which will open this panel:


To add a new repository, just paste its URL into the text field. It'll be named "Unknown" until you enable it.

It goes without saying that adding a repository and downloading and installing software from it is a matter of trust. Don't carelessly just add any URL you happen upon on the internets.