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Допоки це так, незавершені частини користайте у англійському варіанті. </div> <h1>Зміст</h1> <p><a href="attributes.html">Attributes</a> and <a href="queries.html">Queries</a> are key features of Haiku. While attributes are useful on their own, to display additional information on a file, for a query on them, they need to be indexed. It puts them into a lookup table, which in turn makes queries lightning fast.<br /> The index is part of the filesystem and is kept for every volume/partition separately.</p> <h2> Indexing commands in Terminal</h2> <p>There are several commands to manage the index:</p> <ul> <li><b>lsindex</b> - Displays the indexed attributes on the current volume/partition.<br /> These are the attributes that are indexed by default:</li> </ul> <pre class="terminal"> ~ ->lsindex BEOS:APP_SIG MAIL:account MAIL:cc MAIL:chain MAIL:draft MAIL:flags MAIL:from MAIL:name MAIL:pending_chain MAIL:priority MAIL:reply MAIL:status MAIL:subject MAIL:thread MAIL:to MAIL:when META:address META:city META:company META:country META:email META:fax META:group META:hphone META:name META:nickname META:state META:url META:wphone META:zip _signature _status _trk/qrylastchange _trk/recentQuery be:deskbar_item_status last_modified name size </pre> <ul> <li><b>mkindex</b> - Adds an attribute to the index of a volume/partition. </li> </ul> <pre>Usage: mkindex [options] <attribute> Creates a new index for the specified attribute. -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume to which the index will be added, defaults to current volume. -t, --type=TYPE the type of the attribute being indexed. One of "int", "llong", "string", "float", or "double". Defaults to "string". --copy-from path to volume to copy the indexes from. -v, --verbose print information about the index being created </pre> <p>Only <b>new</b> files with that attribute come automatically into the index!<br /> Existing files have to be added manually by copying them and deleting the originals after that. Alternatively you can use the command <span class="cli">reindex</span>. </p> <ul> <li><b>reindex</b> - Puts the attributes of existing files into the newly created index of a volume/partition. </li> </ul> <pre>Usage: reindex [-rvf] attr <list of filenames and/or directories> -r enter directories recursively -v verbose output -f create/update all indices from the source volume, "attr" is the path to the source volume </pre> <ul> <li><b>rmindex</b> - Removes an attribute from the index of a volume/partition.</li> </ul> <pre>Usage: rmindex [OPTION]... INDEX_NAME Removes the index named INDEX_NAME from a disk volume. Once this has been done, it will no longer be possible to use the query system to search for files with the INDEX_NAME attribute. -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume from which the index will be removed -h, --help display this help and exit -p, --pattern INDEX_NAME is a pattern -v, --verbose print information about the index being removed INDEX_NAME is the name of a file attribute. If no volume is specified, the volume of the current directory is assumed.</pre> </div> </div> <div class="nav"> <div class="inner"><span> « <a href="attributes.html">Атрибути (Attributes)</a> :: <a href="contents.html" class="uplink">Зміст</a> :: <a href="queries.html">Запити (Queries)</a> » </span></div> </div> </body> </html>