 * Copyright 2006 - 2010, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef	COLUMN_H
#define	COLUMN_H

#include <ObjectList.h>
#include <Referenceable.h>

namespace LinearProgramming {
	class Constraint;
	class LinearSpec;

namespace BPrivate {
	class SharedSolver;

namespace BALM {

class Area;
class BALMLayout;
class RowColumnManager;
class XTab;
class YTab;

 * Represents a column defined by two x-tabs.
class Column {

			XTab*				Left() const;
			XTab*				Right() const;

	friend class BALMLayout;
	friend class BALM::RowColumnManager;
	friend class BPrivate::SharedSolver;

								Column(LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* ls,
									XTab* left, XTab* right);

			BReference<XTab>	fLeft;
			BReference<XTab>	fRight;

			LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* fLS;
			LinearProgramming::Constraint* fPrefSizeConstraint;
				// managed by RowColumnManager

			BObjectList<Area>	fAreas;

}	// namespace BALM

using BALM::Column;

#endif	// COLUMN_H