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Розташування в Deskbar:Desktop Applets
Розташування в Tracker:/boot/system/apps/LaunchBox
Настройки розташовані за адресою:~/config/settings/LaunchBox/*

One or more LaunchBox applets can be started to organize shortcuts to your favorite applications or documents. You decide if each is shown on all or just the current workspace. They can also serve to quickly open a document in a specific application. For example, you could drag&drop a HTML file onto a text editor in a LaunchBox to open it in the editor instead of its preferred application, the browser.


All options are reached from the context menu:

Add Button Here Adds an empty button.
Clear Button Empties a button.
Remove Button Removes a button.
- Horizontal Layout
- Icon size
- Ignore Double-click
- Show Window Border
- Auto Raise
- Show On All Workspaces
Aligns the buttons horizontally.
Sets the icon size between 16 and 64 pixel.
Launches the object only once, even when you (accidentally) double-click.
Shows the window border.
LaunchBox pops up if the mouse is near the screen edge.
Shows the LaunchBox on every workspace.
- New
- Clone
- Close
Add a new pad.
Duplicate the current pad.
Close the current pad.
- About...
- Quit
Shows the About window.
Quits all LaunchBox pads.