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Deskbar:No entry, normally launched via Tracker Add-on

TextSearch looks for a string in text files. Typically it is invoked from Tracker's Add-on context menu on the selection of files or folders you want to search.


You enter a search string in the text box on top and hit RETURN or click Search to start. If Show lines is checked, the hits are automatically expanded to show the lines of the file containing the search string.

Only a few words on some of the otherwise self-explaining menu items:

File menu

New windowALT N Opens a new window where you can enter another string and search through the same files/folders.
Set target...ALT FLets you choose a new set of files and folders to search through.

Action menu

Trim selectionALT T Removes all entries from the list that are not currently selected.
Open selectionALT OOpens the currently selected files with their preferred application (same as a double-click). If it's a text editor supporting it (like Pe), you can jump to the exact line the search string was found.
Open files in TrackerALT KOpens the location of the currently selected files in Tracker.
Copy text to clipboardALT BCopies the current selection to the clipboard.

Settings menu

Skip folders starting with a dot This is useful when working in a "unixy" environment, where often administrative files are hidden inside ".folders/". Source versioning systems like SVN and CVS are examples of applications using this and are also widely used in Haiku.
Escape search text TextSearch uses the command line tool grep. For it, special characters like '"*\$?! and spaces have to be escaped with a \. Deactivating this setting means you have to do this yourself, but in exchange grants you the power of regular expressions.
Text files only TextSearch is currently only useful for finding strings in plain text files. Deactivating this setting will have it look through any kind of file anyway.

History menu

Contains recently used search strings.

Encoding menu

Lets you choose different character encodings if needed.