/* * Copyright 2007-2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Niels Sascha Reedijk, niels.reedijk@gmail.com * John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com * * Proofreading: * David Weizades, ddewbofh@hotmail.com * Thom Holwerda, slakje@quicknet.nl * John Drinkwater, jdrinkwater@gmail.com * * Corresponds to: * headers/os/support/List.h hrev47422 * src/kits/support/List.cpp hrev47422 */ /*! \file List.h \ingroup support \ingroup libbe \brief Defines the BList class. */ /*! \class BList \ingroup support \ingroup libbe \brief An ordered container that is designed to hold generic \c void* objects. This class is designed to be used for a variety of tasks. Unlike similar implementations in other libraries, this class is not based on templates and as such is inherently not typed. So it will be the job of the programmer to make sure proper data is entered since the compiler cannot check this by itself. BList contains a list of items that will grow and shrink depending on how many items are in it. So you will not have to do any of the memory management nor any ordering. These properties makes it useful in a whole range of situations such as the interface kit within the BListView class. A note on the ownership of the objects might come in handy. BList never assumes ownership of the objects. As such, removing items from the list will only remove the entries from the list; it will not delete the items themselves. Similarly, you should also make sure that before you might delete an object that is in a list, you will have to remove it from the list first. \warning This class is not thread-safe. The class implements methods to add, remove, reorder, retrieve, and query items as well as some advanced methods which let you perform a task on all the items in the list. \see BObjectList for a templated version of BList that adds type safety, optional object ownership, search, and insert operations. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BList::BList(int32 count = 20) \brief Create a new list with a number of empty slots. The memory management of this class allocates new memory per block. The \c count parameter can be tweaked to determine the size of these blocks. In general, if you know your list is only going to contain a certain number of items at most, you can pass that value. If you expect your list to have very few items, it is safe to choose a low number. This is to prevent the list from taking up unneeded memory. If you expect the list to contain a large number of items, choose a higher value. Every time the memory is full, all the items have to be copied into a new piece of allocated memory, which is an expensive operation. If you are unsure, you do not have to worry too much. Just make sure you do not use a lot of lists, and as long as the list is not used in one of the performance critical parts of the code, you are safe to go with the default values. \param count The size of the blocks allocated in memory. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BList::BList(const BList& other) \brief Copy constructor. Copy a complete list into this one. \param other The list to copy from. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn BList::~BList() \brief Destroy the list. Please note that as BList does not assume ownership of the objects, only the list will be freed, not the objects that are held in it. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \name Operators */ //! @{ /*! \fn BList& BList::operator=(const BList &other) \brief Copy another list into this object. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::operator==(const BList& other) const \brief Returns whether or not the BList and \a other are equal. Equal means that they are the same object or their contents are the same. \return \c true if the lists are equal, \c false if they are NOT equal. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BList::operator!=(const BList& other) const \brief Returns whether or not the BList and \a other are NOT equal. \return \c true if the lists are NOT equal, \c false if they are equal. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Adding and Removing Items */ //! @{ /*! \fn bool BList::AddItem(void* item, int32 index) \brief Add \a item at the specified \a index. \param item The \a item to add. \param index The place in the list to add the \a item. \return Whether or not the item was added. \retval true The item was added. \retval false Item was not added. Either the index is negative or invalid, or resizing the list failed. \see AddItem(void*) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::AddItem(void* item) \brief Append the \a item to the end of the list. \param item The item to append. \return Whether or not the \a item was appended. \retval true The \a item was appended. \retval false \a item was not appended, since resizing the BList failed. \see AddItem(void*, int32) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::AddList(const BList* list, int32 index) \brief Add a \a list of items to this list at the specified \a index. Note that the \a list parameter is \c const, so the original list will not be altered. \param list The \a list to be added. \param index The position in the current \a list where the new item(s) are added. \return Whether or not the \a list was added. \retval true The \a list was added. \retval false Failed to insert the \a list resizing failed. \see AddList(const BList*) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::AddList(const BList* list) \brief Append a \a list of items to this list. Note that the \a list parameter is a \c const, so the original list will not be altered. \param list The \a list to be added. \return Whether or not the \a list was added. \retval true The \a list was appended. \retval false Failed to append the list, resizing failed. \see AddList(const BList*, int32) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::RemoveItem(void* item) \brief Remove \a item from the list. \param item The \a item to be removed. \return Whether or not the \a item was removed. \retval true The \a item was found and removed. \retval false The \a item was not in this list and thus not removed. \see RemoveItem(int32) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void* BList::RemoveItem(int32 index) \brief Remove the item at \a index from the list. \param index The \a index of the item to be removed. \return The pointer to the item that was removed, or \c NULL if the \a index was invalid. \see RemoveItem(void*) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::RemoveItems(int32 index, int32 count) \brief Remove a number of items starting at a certain position. If the count parameter is larger than the number of items in the list, all the items from the offset to the end will be removed. \param index The offset in the list where removal should start. \param count The number of items to remove. \return Whether or not the items were removed. \retval true Removal succeeded. \retval false Failed to remove the items because the index was invalid. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::ReplaceItem(int32 index, void* item) \brief Replace an item with another one. \param index The offset in the list where to put the \a item. \param item The new \a item to put in the list. \return Whether or not the item was replaced. \retval true The item was replaced. \retval false The \a index was invalid. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BList::MakeEmpty() \brief Clear all the items from the list. \note This does not free the items. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name Reordering Items */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BList::SortItems(int (*compareFunc)(const void*, const void*)) \brief Sort the items with the use of a supplied comparison function. The function should take two \c const pointers as arguments and should return an integer. For an example, see the Compare(const BString *, const BString *) function. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::SwapItems(int32 indexA, int32 indexB) \brief Swap the items at \a indexA and \a indexB. \param indexA The first item. \param indexB The second item. \return Whether or not the items were swapped. \retval true Swap succeeded. \retval false Swap failed because one of the indexes was invalid. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BList::MoveItem(int32 fromIndex, int32 toIndex) \brief Move the item at \a fromIndex to the position of \a toIndex. This moves a list item from position A to position B, moving the appropriate block of list elements to make up for the move. For example, in the array: \verbatim A B C D E F G H I J \endverbatim Moving 1(B)->6(G) would result in this: \verbatim A C D E F G B H I J \endverbatim \param fromIndex The original location. \param toIndex The new location. \return Whether or not the items were moved. \retval true Move succeeded. \retval false Move failed due to the indexes being invalid. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Retrieving Items */ //! @{ /*! \fn void* BList::ItemAt(int32 index) const \brief Return a pointer to the item at the given \a index. \param index The item to retrieve. \return A pointer to the item in that position, or \c NULL if the \a index is out of bounds. \see ItemAtFast(int32 index) const \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void* BList::FirstItem() const \brief Return a pointer to the first item in the list. \return A pointer to the first item or \c NULL if the list is empty. \see LastItem() const \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void* BList::ItemAtFast(int32 index) const \brief Return a pointer to the item at \a index. This method does not perform any boundary checks when it retrieves an item. Use this method in a performance critical area of your program where you are sure you will not get an invalid item. \return A pointer to the item. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void* BList::LastItem() const \brief Return a pointer to the last item in the list. \return A pointer to the last item or \c NULL if the list is empty. \see FirstItem() const \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void* BList::Items() const \brief Return the internal list of objects. This method will return a pointer to the internal pointer list. This means that you should be careful what you are doing, since you are working with the internals of the class directly. It is not a good idea to make any changes to the list, since that will mess up the internal consistency. \warning If there is anything you want, for which you need the list of objects, please realize that that probably means that what you want to do is a bad idea to begin with and that you should avoid this method. The list of objects does not belong to you. \return The internal list of pointers. \sa DoForEach() for an alternate method. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name Querying Items */ //! @{ /*! \fn bool BList::HasItem(void* item) const \brief Return whether or not \a item is in the list. \return \c true if the \a item was in the list, \c false otherwise. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::HasItem(const void *item) const \brief Return whether or not \a item is in the list. \return \c true if the \a item was in the list, \c false otherwise. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn int32 BList::IndexOf(void* item) const \brief Return the index of \a item. \return The index of the item, or -1 when the item is not in the list. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn int32 BList::IndexOf(const void *item) const \brief Return the index of \a item. \return The index of the item, or -1 when the item is not in the list. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn int32 BList::CountItems() const \brief Returns the number of items in the list. \return The number of items in the list as an int32. \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn bool BList::IsEmpty() const \brief Return whether or not there are items in the list. \return \c true if the list was empty, \c false otherwise. \since BeOS R3 */ //! @} /*! \name Iterating Over Items */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BList::DoForEach(bool (*func)(void* item)) \brief Perform an action on every item in the list. If one of the actions on the items fails it means that the \a func function returned \c false and the processing of the list will be stopped. \param func A pointer to a function that takes a \c void* argument and returns a bool. \see DoForEach(bool (*func)(void*, void*), void*) \since BeOS R3 */ /*! \fn void BList::DoForEach(bool (*func)(void* item, void* arg2), void* arg2) \brief Perform an action on every item in the list with an argument. If one of the actions on the items fails it means that the \a func function returned \c false and the processing of the list will be stopped. \param func A function with the first \c void* argument being the item and the second \c void* being the argument that you supply. It should return a boolean value on whether it succeeded or not. \param arg2 An argument to supply to \a func. \see DoForEach(bool (*func)(void*)) \since BeOS R3 */ //! @}