 * Copyright 2001-2009, Haiku Inc.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _SHELF_H
#define _SHELF_H

#include <Dragger.h>
#include <Handler.h>
#include <List.h>
#include <Locker.h>

class BDataIO;
class BPoint;
class BView;
class BEntry;
class _BZombieReplicantView_;
struct entry_ref;

namespace BPrivate {
	class replicant_data;
	class ShelfContainerViewFilter;

class BShelf : public BHandler {
		BShelf(BView* view, bool allowDrags = true, const char* shelfType = NULL);
		BShelf(const entry_ref* ref, BView* view, bool allowDrags = true,
				const char* shelfType = NULL);
		BShelf(BDataIO* stream, BView* view, bool allowDrags = true,
				const char* shelfType = NULL);
		BShelf(BMessage *data);
		virtual	~BShelf();

		virtual	status_t	Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep = true) const;
		static BArchivable*	Instantiate(BMessage* archive);

		virtual	void		MessageReceived(BMessage *msg);
		status_t			Save();
		virtual	void		SetDirty(bool state);
		bool				IsDirty() const;

		virtual BHandler*	ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *msg,
								int32 index, BMessage *specifier,
								int32 form, const char *property);
		virtual status_t	GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);

		virtual status_t	Perform(perform_code d, void *arg);
		bool				AllowsDragging() const;
		void				SetAllowsDragging(bool state);
		bool				AllowsZombies() const;
		void				SetAllowsZombies(bool state);
		bool				DisplaysZombies() const;
		void				SetDisplaysZombies(bool state);
		bool				IsTypeEnforced() const;
		void				SetTypeEnforced(bool state);

		status_t			SetSaveLocation(BDataIO *data_io);
		status_t			SetSaveLocation(const entry_ref *ref);
		BDataIO*			SaveLocation(entry_ref *ref) const;

		status_t			AddReplicant(BMessage *data, BPoint location);
		status_t			DeleteReplicant(BView *replicant);
		status_t			DeleteReplicant(BMessage *data);
		status_t			DeleteReplicant(int32 index);
		int32				CountReplicants() const;
		BMessage*			ReplicantAt(int32 index,
								BView **view = NULL,
								uint32 *uid = NULL,
								status_t *perr = NULL) const;
		int32				IndexOf(const BView *replicantView) const;
		int32				IndexOf(const BMessage *archive) const;
		int32				IndexOf(uint32 id) const;

		virtual bool		CanAcceptReplicantMessage(BMessage*) const;
		virtual bool		CanAcceptReplicantView(BRect, BView*, BMessage*) const;
		virtual BPoint		AdjustReplicantBy(BRect, BMessage*) const;

		virtual	void		ReplicantDeleted(int32 index, const BMessage *archive,
								const BView *replicant);

		friend class BPrivate::ShelfContainerViewFilter;

		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf2();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf3();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf4();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf5();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf6();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf7();
		virtual	void		_ReservedShelf8();

							BShelf(const BShelf& other);
		BShelf&				operator=(const BShelf& other);

		status_t			_Archive(BMessage* data) const;
		void				_InitData(BEntry* entry, BDataIO* stream,
								BView* view, bool allowDrags);
		status_t			_DeleteReplicant(BPrivate::replicant_data* replicant);
		status_t			_AddReplicant(BMessage* data,
								BPoint* location, uint32 uniqueID);
		BView				*_GetReplicant(BMessage *data, BView *view, const BPoint &point,
							BDragger *&dragger, BDragger::relation &relation);		
		_BZombieReplicantView_		*_CreateZombie(BMessage *data, BDragger *&dragger);
		status_t			_GetProperty(BMessage* message, BMessage* reply);
		static void			_GetReplicantData(BMessage *message, BView *view, BView *&replicant,
								BDragger *&dragger, BDragger::relation &relation);
		static BArchivable*		_InstantiateObject(BMessage *archive, image_id *image);

		BView*				fContainerView;
		BDataIO*			fStream;
		BEntry*				fEntry;
		BList				fReplicants;
		BPrivate::ShelfContainerViewFilter* fFilter;
		uint32				fGenCount;
		bool				fAllowDragging;
		bool				fDirty;
		bool				fDisplayZombies;
		bool				fAllowZombies;
		bool				fTypeEnforced;

		uint32				_reserved[8];

#endif	/* _SHELF_H */