La traducció d'aquesta pàgina encara no està acabada. Fins que ho sigui, algunes part correspondrà a la versió anglesa.


Barra d'eines:Preferències
Preferències:~/config/settings/* - Cada traductor gestiona el seu propi fitxer de aquí un cop canvieu les seves per omissió.
~/config/settings/system/DataTranslations settings - Conserva la posició de la finestra del quadre.

Every application has the ability to open and save every file format for which there's a Translator installed. The settings for these Translators are configured in the DataTranslations preferences.


Depending on its capabilities, each Translator offers different settings. At least you'll get an Info... button that opens a window with the credits and the installation path.
The following table gives an overview of the default Translators and their most useful options.

Apple iconsValid image sizes are 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 (RGB32 and RGBA32)
Imatges BMP24bits, no comprimit, sense transparència
Imatges EXRILM's high dynamic-range (HDR) format
Imatges GIF8bit, lossless compression, transparency
You can reduce the filesize by limiting the number of used colors and the palette.
You can write images with transparency, either by automatically using the alpha channel or by setting the RGB value that will be transparent by hand.
HVIF iconsTranslator for Haiku's vector icon format
Imatges JPEG200024bits, no comprimit, sense transparència
Here, you normally only care about the output quality.
Imatges JPEG24bits, no comprimit, sense transparència
Besides the output quality you can also set a smoothing that will lessen compression artefacts but can blur the picture a little.
Imatges PCX24bits, no comprimit, sense transparència, format PC Paintbrush Exchange
Photoshop images32bit, lossless compression, transparency
The translator reduces all layers to one bitmap layer.
Imatges PNG32bit, lossless compression, transparency
Imatges PPM24bits, no comprimit, sense transparència, format Portable PixMap
RAW imagesup to 48bit, uncompressed, no transparency
Fitxers de text RTFText amb format
Imatges SGI24bit, optional lossless compression, transparency
Fitxers StyledEditPlain text with formatting stored in attibutes
Imatges TGA32bit, optional lossless compression, transparency
Imatges TIFF24bit, optional lossless compression, layers, transparency
WebP images8-bit YUV 4:2:0 image format, compressed, no transparency
Windows iconsValid image sizes are 16, 32, 48
Imatges WonderBrush32bit, layers, transparency, vector/pixel data

Screenshots, charts, black&white drawings and other images with few used colors, as well as small pictures are best saved as GIF (up to 256 colors) or PNG (millions of colors). JPEG, for example, introduces compression artefacts without gain in smaller filesize.