Interface Kit Team Process

This paper deals with the set of requirements for reimplementing any portion of the BeOS covered by the Interface Kit team's charter; namely, the Interface Kit, the Application Kit, the app_server, and related preferences applets.   This team's resposibilities may broaden later to include more areas of the OS which are related (the input_server comes to mind as a possibility).   Since the mandate of the group covers such a large and public (from a 3rd party developer's perspective) portion of BeOS -- a portion that is central to the user and developer experience of BeOS -- it is vital that our work be done in a scrupulously documented and tested fashion.   This paper lays out the process which, when adhered to, aims to ensure this high standard of documentation and testability.

First, a definition of "module" as it pertains to this paper.

Module: A function, class, kit, application or related set of functions, classes, kits or applications is refered to as a "module" in this paper, the implication being that there can be modules within modules.   A module is any specifiable and testable entity -- which may or may not rely on other modules to accomplish its functionality.

Process Requirements

Each module in this project shall have the following items: Each of the above items is to be completed roughly in the order listed.   In other words, a given module should have a complete interface specification, etc., before it is reimplemented.   Prototyping is encouraged, of course.   For existing APIs, the recommended course is to write the interface spec, use case spec and unit tests to the API.   Unit tests, in particular, should perform as expected when run against the existing API.   When they do not, changes may need to be made to the specifications.   Our goal is to reimplement the APIs as they are, not necessarily as they're documented -- and then ensure that the docs accurately reflect the reimplementation.   Thorough testing of the existing implementation will show us where the documentation is wrong, misleading or absent, thereby helping to ensure that our reimplementation is functionaly identical to the existing one.

CppTest is the test framework we will be using.   By using this framework for all our unit tests, we can easily build large test suites which will verify the codebase in a single executed run.   An excellent short discussion of the value of unit tests is here:

A Suggestion

Although the interface specification for each module should be completed first, I have a suggestion for how to proceed from there which should make the remainder of the process less boring.   Rather than following the interface specification with a full set of use cases followed by a full set of tests, a more productive and enjoyable way to go is to take each module in turn, write one of the use cases/error conditions for it and immediately write the test for that use case/error condition.   This will break up the tedious process of specifying all the use cases and error conditions with a bit of coding -- not implementation code, but code nonetheless.

Some Final Thoughts

This process is a very rigorous approach to take.   Given that our goal is to produce the most stable, robust and professional desktop operating system available, this sort of thoroughness is justifiable and necessary.   Our understanding of the system will be greatly increased and the task of coming up to speed on the system will be made much easier for outsiders and newcomers to the project.

This approach is also not the most "fun":   sitting down and hacking out code has the attraction of instant gratification that design work does not.   It is important to understand, however, that proper design work done up front makes the task of implementation easier, the chore of integration much less onerous and testing and code verification a snap.   Provided we do not get locked in "analysis paralysis" and attack the design work as vigorously as the coding work, the entire project will actually move more quickly -- usually quite a bit more quickly -- than if we had simply started coding.   Thrown away versions of the codebase should be just that:   quick prototypes intended to be disposable, rather than full-blown implementation attempts which fail or are mysterious blackboxes because we don't really understand the module.   Following this process makes it far more likely that when we sit down to do a module implementation, the first try will be the last (bug fixes not withstanding, of course ;).

To ensure the process is followed and we produce the highest quality code we can, code will not be accepted for release until all of the process items are covered.   If this seems like a hardline stance to take, remember:   every single app which utilizes the Application and Interface Kits relies on our code to be rock solid -- totally predictable and completely reliable.   Let's strive to be engineers, not h4X0rz.

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