/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Haiku, Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * * Authors: * DarkWyrm * Adi Oanca * Stephan Aßmus * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de */ #ifndef WINDOW_LAYER_H #define WINDOW_LAYER_H #include "Decorator.h" #include "ViewLayer.h" #include "RegionPool.h" #include "ServerWindow.h" #include "WindowList.h" #include #include #include namespace BPrivate { class PortLink; }; class ClientLooper; class Decorator; class Desktop; class DrawingEngine; class EventDispatcher; class WorkspacesLayer; // TODO: move this into a proper place #define AS_REDRAW 'rdrw' enum { UPDATE_REQUEST = 0x01, UPDATE_EXPOSE = 0x02, }; class WindowLayer { public: WindowLayer(const BRect& frame, const char *name, window_look look, window_feel feel, uint32 flags, uint32 workspaces, ::ServerWindow* window, DrawingEngine* drawingEngine); virtual ~WindowLayer(); BRect Frame() const { return fFrame; } const char* Title() const { return fTitle.String(); } window_anchor& Anchor(int32 index); WindowLayer* NextWindow(int32 index) const; WindowLayer* PreviousWindow(int32 index) const; ::Desktop* Desktop() const { return fDesktop; } ::Decorator* Decorator() const { return fDecorator; } ::ServerWindow* ServerWindow() const { return fWindow; } ::EventTarget& EventTarget() const { return fWindow->EventTarget(); } // setting and getting the "hard" clipping, you need to have // WriteLock()ed the clipping! void SetClipping(BRegion* stillAvailableOnScreen); // you need to have ReadLock()ed the clipping! inline BRegion& VisibleRegion() { return fVisibleRegion; } BRegion& VisibleContentRegion(); // TODO: not protected by a lock, but noone should need this anyways // make private? when used inside WindowLayer, it has the ReadLock() void GetFullRegion(BRegion* region); void GetBorderRegion(BRegion* region); void GetContentRegion(BRegion* region); void MoveBy(int32 x, int32 y); void ResizeBy(int32 x, int32 y, BRegion* dirtyRegion); void ScrollViewBy(ViewLayer* view, int32 dx, int32 dy); void SetTopLayer(ViewLayer* topLayer); ViewLayer* TopLayer() const { return fTopLayer; } // TODO: only used for WorkspacesLayer, can go away if we do // this differently one day ViewLayer* ViewAt(const BPoint& where); virtual bool IsOffscreenWindow() const { return false; } void GetEffectiveDrawingRegion(ViewLayer* layer, BRegion& region); bool DrawingRegionChanged(ViewLayer* layer) const; // generic version, used by the Desktop void ProcessDirtyRegion(BRegion& regionOnScreen); void RedrawDirtyRegion(); // can be used from inside classes that don't // need to know about Desktop (first version uses Desktop) void MarkDirty(BRegion& regionOnScreen); // these versions do not use the Desktop void MarkContentDirty(BRegion& regionOnScreen); void MarkContentDirtyAsync(BRegion& regionOnScreen); // shortcut for invalidating just one view void InvalidateView(ViewLayer* view, BRegion& layerRegion); void DisableUpdateRequests(); void EnableUpdateRequests(); void BeginUpdate(BPrivate::PortLink& link); void EndUpdate(); bool InUpdate() const { return fInUpdate; } bool NeedsUpdate() const { return fUpdateRequested; } DrawingEngine* GetDrawingEngine() const { return fDrawingEngine; } // managing a region pool ::RegionPool* RegionPool() { return &fRegionPool; } inline BRegion* GetRegion() { return fRegionPool.GetRegion(); } inline BRegion* GetRegion(const BRegion& copy) { return fRegionPool.GetRegion(copy); } inline void RecycleRegion(BRegion* region) { fRegionPool.Recycle(region); } void CopyContents(BRegion* region, int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset); void MouseDown(BMessage* message, BPoint where, int32* _viewToken); void MouseUp(BMessage* message, BPoint where, int32* _viewToken); void MouseMoved(BMessage* message, BPoint where, int32* _viewToken, bool isLatestMouseMoved); // some hooks to inform the client window // TODO: move this to ServerWindow maybe? void WorkspaceActivated(int32 index, bool active); void WorkspacesChanged(uint32 oldWorkspaces, uint32 newWorkspaces); void Activated(bool active); // changing some properties void SetTitle(const char* name, BRegion& dirty); void SetFocus(bool focus); bool IsFocus() const { return fIsFocus; } void SetHidden(bool hidden); inline bool IsHidden() const { return fHidden; } void SetMinimized(bool minimized); inline bool IsMinimized() const { return fMinimized; } void SetCurrentWorkspace(int32 index) { fCurrentWorkspace = index; } bool IsVisible() const; bool IsDragging() const { return fIsDragging; } bool IsResizing() const { return fIsResizing; } void SetSizeLimits(int32 minWidth, int32 maxWidth, int32 minHeight, int32 maxHeight); void GetSizeLimits(int32* minWidth, int32* maxWidth, int32* minHeight, int32* maxHeight) const; // 0.0 -> left .... 1.0 -> right bool SetTabLocation(float location, BRegion& dirty); float TabLocation() const; bool SetDecoratorSettings(const BMessage& settings, BRegion& dirty); bool GetDecoratorSettings(BMessage* settings); void HighlightDecorator(bool active); void SetLook(window_look look, BRegion* updateRegion); void SetFeel(window_feel feel); void SetFlags(uint32 flags, BRegion* updateRegion); window_look Look() const { return fLook; } window_feel Feel() const { return fFeel; } uint32 Flags() const { return fFlags; } // window manager stuff uint32 Workspaces() const { return fWorkspaces; } void SetWorkspaces(uint32 workspaces) { fWorkspaces = workspaces; } bool InWorkspace(int32 index) const; bool SupportsFront(); bool IsModal() const; bool IsFloating() const; bool IsNormal() const; bool HasModal() const; WindowLayer* Frontmost(WindowLayer* first = NULL, int32 workspace = -1); WindowLayer* Backmost(WindowLayer* first = NULL, int32 workspace = -1); bool AddToSubset(WindowLayer* window); void RemoveFromSubset(WindowLayer* window); bool HasInSubset(const WindowLayer* window) const; bool SameSubset(WindowLayer* window); uint32 SubsetWorkspaces() const; bool HasWorkspacesViews() const { return fWorkspacesViewCount != 0; } void AddWorkspacesView() { fWorkspacesViewCount++; } void RemoveWorkspacesView() { fWorkspacesViewCount--; } void FindWorkspacesViews( BObjectList& list) const; static bool IsValidLook(window_look look); static bool IsValidFeel(window_feel feel); static bool IsModalFeel(window_feel feel); static bool IsFloatingFeel(window_feel feel); static uint32 ValidWindowFlags(); static uint32 ValidWindowFlags(window_feel feel); protected: friend class Desktop; // TODO: for now (list management) void _ShiftPartOfRegion(BRegion* region, BRegion* regionToShift, int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset); // different types of drawing void _TriggerContentRedraw(BRegion& dirty); void _DrawBorder(); // handling update sessions void _TransferToUpdateSession(BRegion* contentDirtyRegion); void _SendUpdateMessage(); void _UpdateContentRegion(); click_type _ActionFor(const BMessage* msg) const; void _ObeySizeLimits(); void _PropagatePosition(); BString fTitle; // TODO: no fp rects anywhere BRect fFrame; window_anchor fAnchor[kListCount]; // the visible region is only recalculated from the // Desktop thread, when using it, Desktop::ReadLockClipping() // has to be called BRegion fVisibleRegion; BRegion fVisibleContentRegion; // our part of the "global" dirty region // it is calculated from the desktop thread, // but we can write to it when we read locked // the clipping, since it is local and the desktop // thread is blocked BRegion fDirtyRegion; uint32 fDirtyCause; // caching local regions BRegion fBorderRegion; BRegion fContentRegion; BRegion fEffectiveDrawingRegion; bool fVisibleContentRegionValid : 1; bool fBorderRegionValid : 1; bool fContentRegionValid : 1; bool fEffectiveDrawingRegionValid : 1; ::RegionPool fRegionPool; BObjectList fSubsets; // TODO: remove those some day (let the decorator handle that stuff) bool fIsClosing : 1; bool fIsMinimizing : 1; bool fIsZooming : 1; bool fIsResizing : 1; bool fIsSlidingTab : 1; bool fIsDragging : 1; bool fActivateOnMouseUp : 1; ::Decorator* fDecorator; ViewLayer* fTopLayer; ::ServerWindow* fWindow; DrawingEngine* fDrawingEngine; ::Desktop* fDesktop; BPoint fLastMousePosition; bigtime_t fLastMoveTime; // The synchronization, which client drawing commands // belong to the redraw of which dirty region is handled // through an UpdateSession. When the client has // been informed that it should redraw stuff, then // this is the current update session. All new // redraw requests from the Desktop will go // into the pending update session. class UpdateSession { public: UpdateSession(); virtual ~UpdateSession(); void Include(BRegion* additionalDirty); void Exclude(BRegion* dirtyInNextSession); inline BRegion& DirtyRegion() { return fDirtyRegion; } void MoveBy(int32 x, int32 y); void SetUsed(bool used); inline bool IsUsed() const { return fInUse; } void AddCause(uint8 cause); inline bool IsExpose() const { return fCause & UPDATE_EXPOSE; } inline bool IsRequest() const { return fCause & UPDATE_REQUEST; } private: BRegion fDirtyRegion; bool fInUse; uint8 fCause; }; BRegion fDecoratorRegion; UpdateSession fUpdateSessions[2]; UpdateSession* fCurrentUpdateSession; UpdateSession* fPendingUpdateSession; // these two flags are supposed to ensure a sane // and consistent update session bool fUpdateRequested : 1; bool fInUpdate : 1; bool fUpdatesEnabled : 1; bool fHidden : 1; bool fMinimized : 1; bool fIsFocus : 1; window_look fLook; window_feel fFeel; uint32 fOriginalFlags; uint32 fFlags; uint32 fWorkspaces; int32 fCurrentWorkspace; int32 fMinWidth; int32 fMaxWidth; int32 fMinHeight; int32 fMaxHeight; int32 fWorkspacesViewCount; }; #endif // WINDOW_LAYER_H