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MediaPlayer is an application used for viewing multimedia files such as music or video files. It supports different formats.


MediaPlayer is easy-to-use because of its interface. There's no difference in interface while playing music or video.


You can control playing media using a set of buttons - previous, play/pause, stop, next. Also, there is a progress bar, a volume controler and even an oscilloscope.

Once you play a video file, you can double right-click on the display to hide interface. Double left-click instead causes displaying video in full-screen mode.

Playing media

There are options especially useful while watching DVD video or other files which include different audio/video tracks or have subtitles included. You can change audio tracks from Audio | Track just as Video | Track for various video tracks. You can also make use of subtitles, MediaPlayer supports .srt format. All available subtitles are showed as options in Video | Subtitles menu. The player gets names for this positions from the filename, eg. shows as "english" in the menu.


You can change the scale by resizing the window or simply from the Video menu. There are 50%, 100%, 200%, 300% and 400% options. There is an option to change the player to full-screen mode or to change ratio of the display.


MediaPlayer supports playlists. You can either select a few files in Tracker using ALT and launched the application or add other files after launching the one using the drag and drop method. You can get to the playlist from menu - choose MediaPlayer | Playlist and the playlist window will pop-up.


You can save the current playlist or open one from the playlist window, of course. There is also a function that lets you to randomize your playlist. Use either Edit | Randomize menu position or ALT R shortcut. You can also both remove any file from playlist and remove it from playlist and put into Trash. This functions are available from Edit menu, too.

Other options

If you would like to rate a file, you can do this directly from MediaPlayer, too! Choose a rate from 1 to 10 from Attributes | Rating menu.

MediaPlayer is also able to show you some information about the file you play. It is available from MediaPlayer | File info... menu.


You can configure the application from MediaPlayer | Settings. There are some interesting options concerning looping playback, closing window when playback finishes, size and placement of subtitles or volume level while playing in the background.


There are plenty of shortcuts for this application. SPACEBAR is used to play/pause the playback. You can control the whole playback with one hand, because alternate keys are used - Z to go to the previous track, X to play, C to pause and V to go to the next track. Left/Right cursors are used to seek, they cause 10 seconds seeking while ALT is pressed at the same time. Up and down cursors controls the volume and cause going to the previous/next track while ALT is pressed.

ALT F activates full-screen mode, ALT P pops-up playlist window, ALT I shows file information, ALT H hides interface, ALT A causes MediaPlayer is always on top, ALT S moves you to the settings window and ALT Q quits the application.