/* Big case statment for dispatching syscalls */ /* ** Copyright 2001, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved. ** Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INT32TOINT64(x, y) ((int64)(x) | ((int64)(y) << 32)) #define arg0 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[0]) #define arg1 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[1]) #define arg2 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[2]) #define arg3 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[3]) #define arg4 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[4]) #define arg5 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[5]) #define arg6 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[6]) #define arg7 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[7]) #define arg8 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[8]) #define arg9 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[9]) #define arg10 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[10]) #define arg11 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[11]) #define arg12 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[12]) #define arg13 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[13]) #define arg14 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[14]) #define arg15 (((uint32 *)arg_buffer)[15]) int syscall_dispatcher(unsigned long call_num, void *arg_buffer, uint64 *call_ret) { // dprintf("syscall_dispatcher: thread 0x%x call 0x%x, arg0 0x%x, arg1 0x%x arg2 0x%x arg3 0x%x arg4 0x%x\n", // thread_get_current_thread_id(), call_num, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); switch(call_num) { case SYSCALL_NULL: *call_ret = 0; break; case SYSCALL_MOUNT: *call_ret = user_mount((const char *)arg0, (const char *)arg1, (const char *)arg2, (void *)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_UNMOUNT: *call_ret = user_unmount((const char *)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_SYNC: *call_ret = user_sync(); break; case SYSCALL_OPEN: *call_ret = user_open((const char *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_CLOSE: *call_ret = user_close((int)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_FSYNC: *call_ret = user_fsync((int)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_READ: *call_ret = user_read((int)arg0, (void *)arg1, (off_t)INT32TOINT64(arg2, arg3), (ssize_t)arg4); break; case SYSCALL_WRITE: *call_ret = user_write((int)arg0, (const void *)arg1, (off_t)INT32TOINT64(arg2, arg3), (ssize_t)arg4); break; case SYSCALL_SEEK: *call_ret = user_seek((int)arg0, (off_t)INT32TOINT64(arg1, arg2), (int)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_OPEN_DIR: *call_ret = user_open_dir((const char *)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_READ_DIR: *call_ret = user_read_dir((int)arg0, (struct dirent *)arg1, (size_t)arg2, (uint32)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_REWIND_DIR: *call_ret = user_rewind_dir((int)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_IOCTL: *call_ret = user_ioctl((int)arg0, (ulong)arg1, (void *)arg2, (size_t)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_CREATE: *call_ret = user_create((const char *)arg0, (int)arg1, (int)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_CREATE_DIR: *call_ret = user_create_dir((const char *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_UNLINK: *call_ret = user_unlink((const char *)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_RENAME: *call_ret = user_rename((const char *)arg0, (const char *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_RSTAT: *call_ret = user_read_stat((const char *)arg0, (struct stat *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_FSTAT: *call_ret = user_fstat((int)arg0, (struct stat*)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_WSTAT: *call_ret = user_write_stat((const char *)arg0, (struct stat *)arg1, (int)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_SYSTEM_TIME: *call_ret = system_time(); break; case SYSCALL_SNOOZE: *call_ret = user_thread_snooze((bigtime_t)INT32TOINT64(arg0, arg1)); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_CREATE: *call_ret = user_create_sem((int)arg0, (const char *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_DELETE: *call_ret = user_delete_sem((sem_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_ACQUIRE: *call_ret = user_acquire_sem_etc((sem_id)arg0, 1, 0, 0); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_ACQUIRE_ETC: *call_ret = user_acquire_sem_etc((sem_id)arg0, (int)arg1, (int)arg2, (bigtime_t)INT32TOINT64(arg3, arg4)); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_RELEASE: *call_ret = user_release_sem((sem_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_RELEASE_ETC: *call_ret = user_release_sem_etc((sem_id)arg0, (int)arg1, (int)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_GET_CURRENT_THREAD_ID: *call_ret = thread_get_current_thread_id(); break; case SYSCALL_EXIT_THREAD: thread_exit((int)arg0); *call_ret = 0; break; case SYSCALL_PROC_CREATE_PROC: *call_ret = user_proc_create_proc((const char *)arg0, (const char *)arg1, (char **)arg2, (int )arg3, (int)arg4); break; case SYSCALL_THREAD_WAIT_ON_THREAD: *call_ret = user_thread_wait_on_thread((thread_id)arg0, (int *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_PROC_WAIT_ON_PROC: *call_ret = user_proc_wait_on_proc((proc_id)arg0, (int *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_VM_CREATE_ANONYMOUS_REGION: *call_ret = user_vm_create_anonymous_region( (char *)arg0, (void **)arg1, (int)arg2, (addr)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5); break; case SYSCALL_VM_CLONE_REGION: *call_ret = user_vm_clone_region( (char *)arg0, (void **)arg1, (int)arg2, (region_id)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5); break; case SYSCALL_VM_MAP_FILE: *call_ret = user_vm_map_file( (char *)arg0, (void **)arg1, (int)arg2, (addr)arg3, (int)arg4, (int)arg5, (const char *)arg6, (off_t)INT32TOINT64(arg7, arg8)); break; case SYSCALL_VM_FIND_REGION_BY_NAME: *call_ret = find_region_by_name((const char *)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_VM_DELETE_REGION: *call_ret = vm_delete_region(vm_get_current_user_aspace_id(), (region_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_VM_GET_REGION_INFO: *call_ret = user_vm_get_region_info((region_id)arg0, (vm_region_info *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_SPAWN_THREAD: *call_ret = user_thread_create_user_thread((addr)arg0, thread_get_current_thread()->proc->id, (const char*)arg1, (int)arg2, (void *)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_KILL_THREAD: *call_ret = thread_kill_thread((thread_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_SUSPEND_THREAD: *call_ret = thread_suspend_thread((thread_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_RESUME_THREAD: *call_ret = thread_resume_thread((thread_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PROC_KILL_PROC: *call_ret = proc_kill_proc((proc_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_GET_CURRENT_PROC_ID: *call_ret = proc_get_current_proc_id(); break; case SYSCALL_GETCWD: *call_ret = user_getcwd((char*)arg0, (size_t)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_SETCWD: *call_ret = user_setcwd((const char*)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_CREATE: *call_ret = user_create_port((int32)arg0, (const char *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_CLOSE: *call_ret = user_close_port((port_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_DELETE: *call_ret = user_delete_port((port_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_FIND: *call_ret = user_find_port((const char *)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_GET_INFO: *call_ret = user_get_port_info((port_id)arg0, (struct port_info *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_GET_NEXT_PORT_INFO: *call_ret = user_get_next_port_info((port_id)arg0, (uint32 *)arg1, (struct port_info *)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_BUFFER_SIZE: *call_ret = user_port_buffer_size_etc((port_id)arg0, B_CAN_INTERRUPT, 0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_BUFFER_SIZE_ETC: *call_ret = user_port_buffer_size_etc((port_id)arg0, (uint32)arg1 | B_CAN_INTERRUPT, (bigtime_t)INT32TOINT64(arg2, arg3)); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_COUNT: *call_ret = user_port_count((port_id)arg0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_READ: *call_ret = user_read_port_etc((port_id)arg0, (int32*)arg1, (void*)arg2, (size_t)arg3, B_CAN_INTERRUPT, 0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_READ_ETC: *call_ret = user_read_port_etc((port_id)arg0, (int32*)arg1, (void*)arg2, (size_t)arg3, (uint32)arg4 | B_CAN_INTERRUPT, (bigtime_t)INT32TOINT64(arg5, arg6)); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_SET_OWNER: *call_ret = user_set_port_owner((port_id)arg0, (proc_id)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_WRITE: *call_ret = user_write_port_etc((port_id)arg0, (int32)arg1, (void *)arg2, (size_t)arg3, B_CAN_INTERRUPT, 0); break; case SYSCALL_PORT_WRITE_ETC: *call_ret = user_write_port_etc((port_id)arg0, (int32)arg1, (void *)arg2, (size_t)arg3, (uint32)arg4 | B_CAN_INTERRUPT, (bigtime_t)INT32TOINT64(arg5, arg6)); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_GET_COUNT: *call_ret = user_get_sem_count((sem_id)arg0, (int32*)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_GET_SEM_INFO: *call_ret = user_get_sem_info((sem_id)arg0, (struct sem_info *)arg1, (size_t)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_GET_NEXT_SEM_INFO: *call_ret = user_get_next_sem_info((proc_id)arg0, (uint32 *)arg1, (struct sem_info *)arg2, (size_t)arg3); break; case SYSCALL_SEM_SET_SEM_OWNER: *call_ret = user_set_sem_owner((sem_id)arg0, (proc_id)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_FDDUP: *call_ret = user_dup(arg0); break; case SYSCALL_FDDUP2: *call_ret = user_dup2(arg0, arg1); break; case SYSCALL_GET_PROC_TABLE: *call_ret = user_proc_get_table((struct proc_info *)arg0, (size_t)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_GETRLIMIT: *call_ret = user_getrlimit((int)arg0, (struct rlimit *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_SETRLIMIT: *call_ret = user_setrlimit((int)arg0, (const struct rlimit *)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_ATOMIC_ADD: *call_ret = user_atomic_add((int *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_ATOMIC_AND: *call_ret = user_atomic_and((int *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_ATOMIC_OR: *call_ret = user_atomic_or((int *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_ATOMIC_SET: *call_ret = user_atomic_set((int *)arg0, (int)arg1); break; case SYSCALL_TEST_AND_SET: *call_ret = user_test_and_set((int *)arg0, (int)arg1, (int)arg2); break; case SYSCALL_SYSCTL: *call_ret = user_sysctl((int *)arg0, (uint)arg1, (void *)arg2, (size_t *)arg3, (void *)arg4, (size_t)arg5); break; /* removed until net code has goneback into build case SYSCALL_SOCKET: *call_ret = socket((int)arg0, (int)arg1, (int)arg2, false); break; */ case SYSCALL_GETDTABLESIZE: // ToDo: the correct way would be to lock the io_context // or just call vfs_getrlimit() *call_ret = (get_current_io_context(false))->table_size; break; default: *call_ret = -1; } // dprintf("syscall_dispatcher: done with syscall 0x%x\n", call_num); return INT_RESCHEDULE; }