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Before diving into all the applications that come with Haiku, let's have a more detailed look at how to install and uninstall programs. The most convenient way to find, install, update and uninstall applications is via Haiku's package management system. However, since Haiku is largely binary and source compatible to its ancestor BeOS, you might find older archives (.zip and .pkg) that can still be installed as well.

Below you'll always find the /system/ hierarchy mentioned. If you intend to install packages only for a single user (once Haiku becomes multi-user aware), you should use the mirrored filesystem hierarchy under home: ~/config/. See topic Filesystem layout for more information.

index Haiku packages (.hpkg)

The simplest way is to use HaikuDepot to find, download and automatically install and uninstall a package. If you have downloaded a package from somewhere else ———— maybe because it's not (yet) in a public repository ———— just double-click it to open in HaikuDepot and install from there.

You'll find the newly installed application in /system/apps/ or, in case of a commandline application, in /system/bin/. All other files the program depends upon (libraries, data, add-ons, etc.) appear automatically in the right locations in the filesystem.

Topics Deskbar or LaunchBox describe how to add shortcuts to your newly installed application.

By the way, although you can unpack a .hpkg file like any other archive, this is not what the package mangement is doing when you're installing a package. The underlying filesystem only appears to spread files in their respective folders, there's no physical moving around taking place. This is why installing/uninstalling is so very fast and clean.

If the package depends on some other library or package, a window will pop up, asking if the necessary files shall be downloaded and installed as well.

Uninstalling is just as easy: Simply find the package in HaikuDepot and click Uninstall.

If you're working in the Terminal or want to do un/installing of packages in a script, you should have a look at the command pkgman --help.

index Old BeOS archives (.zip and .pkg)

BeOS archives that include all they need in their app's folder can simply be unpacked (double clicking opens Expander or the old PackageInstaller) anywhere in /boot/home/ and run from there. Uninstalling such self-contained applications is easy: just delete the app's folder.

This is true for the majority of old BeOS applications. If you happen upon one that doesn't work out-of-the-box, because it wants to spread its files to hard-coded locations that are not guaranteed to exist, you can try to fix things manually. The folder /system/non-packaged/ allows you to recreate the needed folder hierarchy. As more and more real .hpkg packages become available and old BeOS applications get re-packaged, this will become less needed. Please consult this online article on how to use the non-packaged hierarchy.

index Applicazioni fornite da Haiku

Haiku comes with a set of mostly small but essential applications. You'll find all of them at /boot/system/apps/. Applications that are not usually launched by a double-click on a data file (e.g. ShowImage for image files) can be found in the Applications menu of the Deskbar.

iconActivityMonitor Strumento per tenere sotto controllo risorse come CPU ed uso della memoria.
iconBootManager Uno strumento per installare un menu di boot nel Master Boot Record (MBR) di un drive.
iconCharacterMap Applicazione che mostra la mappa di caratteri Unicode.
iconCodyCam Strumento per caricare regolarmente immagini da una webcam ad un server.
iconDebugger A graphical debugger.
iconDeskCalc Calcolatrice.
iconDiskProbe Editor esadecimale per file e dispositivi.
iconDiskUsage Strumento per visualizzare l'utilizzo dei dischi.
iconDriveSetup Utility per il partizionamento del disco rigido.
iconExpander Strumento per estrarre gli archivi più diffusi.
iconHaikuDepot A tool to find, download, install, update and uninstall (application) packages
iconIcon-O-Matic Programma per creare le icone vettoriali di Haiku.
iconInstaller Strumento per installare Haiku su una partizione.
iconMagnify Offre una visione ingrandita della zona intorno al puntatore del mouse.
iconMail An email client.
iconMediaPlayer Riproduttore per tutti i formati audio/video supportati.
iconMidiPlayer Player per file MIDI.
iconPackageInstaller Installer for BeOS packages in PKG format.
iconPeople Gestore dei contatti.
iconPoorMan Semplice server web.
iconScreenshot Strumento per fare screenshot.
iconShowImage Semplice visualizzatore di immagini.
iconSoundRecorder Strumento per registrare audio dalla line-in o dal microfono. [mancante]
iconStyledEdit Semplice editor di testi.
iconTerminal Permette di usare la shell bash.
iconTextSearch Strumento di ricerca per file di testo.
iconTV Visualizzatore per la TV analogica. [mancante]
iconWebPositive Un browser web nativo.

index Applicazioni da riga di comando

Oltre ai normali strumenti da riga di comando presenti nella bash o a quelli necessari per essere compatibili con lo standard POSIX, è giusto parlare di alcune applicazioni da riga di comando specifiche di Haiku. Questi comandi sono spesso utili per creare script, è consigliabile comunque leggere il capitolo Bash e Scripting.

iconElenco di tutte le applicazioni da riga di comando
iconApplicazioni da riga di comando specifiche di Haiku

index Applicazioni incluse

Oltre ai programmi elencati qui sopra, tutti mantenuti dal progetto Haiku, ci sono alcune applicazioni essenziali incluse di default in un sistema Haiku. Per queste applicazioni eventuali bug e richieste di feature devono essere inoltrate al loro mantainer.

iconBePDF Un visualizzatore di file PDF.
iconPe Editor di testo avanzato, con colorazione della sintassi e molto altro.
iconVision Un client IRC.
iconWonderBrush Un programma di grafica della YellowBite.