


Set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRL ALT and a left-click. A middle-click is also simulated by clicking left and right button together. Useful for notebooks, which mostly don't have a 3rd button.

You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.

With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration.

Focus follows mouse means, that you don't have to click into a window to activate it. There are three modes:

Enabled The window under the mouse pointer is always activated automatically, but doesn't pop to the front.
Warping Choosing a window from Deskbar or the Twitcher will have the mouse pointer glide smoothly toward it.
Instant-Warping Choosing a window from Deskbar or the Twitcher will have the mouse pointer jump instantly toward it.

All settings are immediately applied.

Defaults Selecciona todo a los valores predeterminados.
Revert brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.