Before diving into all the applications that come with Haiku, let's have a more detailed look at how to install and uninstall programs. The most convenient way to find, install, update and uninstall applications is via Haiku's package management system. However, since Haiku is largely binary and source compatible to its ancestor BeOS, you might find older archives (.zip and .pkg) that can still be installed as well.
Haiku packages (.hpkg)
The simplest way is to use HaikuDepot to find, download and automatically install and uninstall a package. If that isn't an option maybe you downloaded a package somewhere, because it's not (yet) in a public repository it's just as easy to install it manually: Just move the .hpkg file into ~/config/packages/.
You'll find the newly installed application in ~/config/apps/ or, in case of a commandline application, in ~/config/bin/. All other files the program depends upon (libraries, data, add-ons, etc.) appear automatically in the right locations in the filesystem.
Topics Deskbar or LaunchBox describe how to add shortcuts to your newly installed application.
Uninstalling is just as easy: move the package out of ~/config/packages/.
If the package depends on some other library or package, a window will pop up, asking if the necessary files shall be downloaded and installed as well.
Old BeOS archives (.zip and .pkg)
BeOS archives that include all they need in their app's folder can simply be unpacked (double clicking opens Expander) anywhere in /boot/home/ and run from there. Uninstalling such self-contained applications is easy: just delete the app's folder.
This is true for the majority of old BeOS applications. If you happen upon one that doesn't work out-of-the-box, because it wants to spread its files to hard-coded locations that are not guaranteed to exist, you can try to fix things manually. The folder ~/config/non-packaged/ allows you to recreate the needed folder hierarchy. As more and more real .hpkg packages become available and old BeOS applications get re-packaged, this will become less needed. Please consult this online article on how to use the non-packaged hierarchy.
Haiku 应用程序
Haiku comes with a set of mostly small but essential applications. You'll find all of them at /boot/system/apps/. Applications that are not usually launched by a double-click on a data file (e.g. ShowImage for image files) can be found in the menu of the Deskbar.
系统监视器 | 一个用于监视系统资源的工具,如:CPU 或者内存的利用情况。 | ||
启动管理器 | 一个用于安装引导菜单到设备主引导记录(MBR)的工具。 | ||
CD播放器 | 一个音频 CD 播放器。 | ||
字符映射表 | 一个用于显示国际字符映射表的应用程序。 | ||
摄像头 | 一个用于定时从网络摄像头向服务器上传图像的工具。 | ||
计算器 | 一个计算器软件。 | ||
磁盘扫描器 | 一个文件和设备的十六进制编辑器。 | ||
磁盘查看器 | 一个用于显示磁盘利用情况的工具。 | ||
磁盘管理器 | 一个硬盘格式化分区工具。 | ||
档案管理器 | 一个用于解压常见存档文件的工具。 | ||
HaikuDepot | A tool to find, download, install, update and uninstall (application) packages [still missing] | ||
图标套件 | 一个用于创建 Haiku 矢量图标的工具。 | ||
系统安装器 | 用于安装 Haiku 到一个硬盘分区的工具。 | ||
放大镜 | 一个放大查看工具。 | ||
电子邮箱 | 一个邮件客户端。 | ||
媒体播放器 | 支持所有音频,视频文件的播放器。 | ||
MIDI播放器 | MIDI 文件播放器。 | ||
软件包安装器 | 用于 BeOS 的 PKG 格式软件包的安装工具。 | ||
联系人 | 一个联系人管理软件。 | ||
PoorMan | 一个简单的 web 服务器。 | ||
屏幕截图 | 一个截图软件。 | ||
图片查看器 | 一个简单的图像查看软件。 | ||
录音机 | 一个用于从内部或者麦克风记录音频的工具。[仍然缺失] | ||
StyledEdit | 一个简单的文本编辑软件。 | ||
终端 | 一个 bash 终端。 | ||
文本搜索 | 文本文件搜索工具。 | ||
电视 | 一个模拟电视查看器。 [仍然缺失] | ||
WebPositive | 一个本地的网络浏览器。 |
除了 Bash 自带的或者 POSIX 兼容的常用命令行工具之外,还需要注意的是一些 Haiku下 特殊的命令行应用程序。这些命令对于脚本编写非常有用,您可以阅读 Bash和脚本 相关主题来了解有关内容。
所有命令行程序列表 | ||
Haiku专用命令行程序 |
除了上面由Haiku项目所支持的软件外,还有一些附带于标准 Haiku 系统的基本软件,而这些软件则由其它相关社区来提供支持和更新。
BePDF | 一个 PDF 阅读器。 | ||
Pe | 一个带有语法上色和更多功能的先进的文本编辑器。 | ||
Vision | 一个 IRC 客户端。 | ||
神笔画具 | YellowBite 的画图程序。 |