<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>TokenHandler.htm</TITLE> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .Default {background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(0,0,0); font-family: 'Dutch801 Rm BT'; font-size: 12pt} .OBOS-Function-Def {background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(0,0,0); font-family: 'Dutch801 Rm BT'; font-size: 16pt} .OBOS-Title {background-color: rgb(255,255,255); color: rgb(0,128,0); font-family: 'Dutch801 Rm BT'; font-size: 24pt} .Text-Background {background-color: rgb(255,255,255)} .GR-Default {} .Body {margin: 0px} .Footer {margin: 0px} .Header {margin: 0px} .WP-Default {text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px} --> </style> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <DIV class="sheet" id="Sheet 1"> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><span class="OBOS-Title">TokenHandler class</span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0); font-size: 24pt"></span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> This is a simple way to provide tokens for various reasons. </P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <HR> </P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> Member Functions</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> </P> <TABLE WIDTH=617 HEIGHT=113 BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=2> <TR> <TD WIDTH=203 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">TokenHandler(void)</P> </TD> <TD WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">~TokenHandler(void)</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=203 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">int32 GetToken(void)</P> </TD> <TD WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">void Reset(void)</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=203 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">void ExcludeValue(int32 value)</P> </TD> <TD WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">void ResetExcludes(void)</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=203 HEIGHT=17> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">bool IsExclude(int32 value)</P> </TD> <TD WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=17> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=203 HEIGHT=17> </TD> <TD WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=17> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <HR> </P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><span class="OBOS-Function-Def">TokenHandler(void)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) Initialize the index to -1</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) create the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) create the exclude list with no items</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">~TokenHandler(void)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) delete the access lock</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) call ResetExcludes and delete the exclude list</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">int32 GetToken(void)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> Returns a unique token which is not equal to any excluded values</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) create a local variable to return the new token</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) acquire the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) Increment the internal index</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">4) while IsExclude(index) is true, increment the index</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">5) assign it to the local variable</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">6) release the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">7) return the local variable</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">void Reset(void)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) acquire the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) set the internal index to -1</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) release the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">void ExcludeValue(int32 value)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) acquire the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) if IsExclude(value) is false, add it to the exclude list</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) release the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">void ResetExcludes(void)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) acquire the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) Iterate through the exclude list, removing and deleting each item</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) release the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> <BR> <span class="OBOS-Function-Def">bool IsExclude(int32 value)</span></P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px"><BR> 1) create a boolean match flag and set it to false</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">2) acquire the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">3) iterate through the exclude list and see if the value matches any in the list</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">4) If there is a match, set the match flag to true and exit the loop</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">5) release the access semaphore</P> <P class="Body" style="margin: 0px">6) return the match flag</P> <DIV class="layer" id="Layer 1"> </DIV> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>