# Rules without side effects. # Vanilla Jam compatibility if ! $(INVOCATION_SUBDIR_SET) { rule FIsPrefix { # FIsPrefix <a> : <b> ; # Returns true, if list <a> is a prefix (a proper one or equal) of # list <b>, an empty list otherwise. local a = $(1) ; local b = $(2) ; while $(a) && $(a[1]) = $(b[1]) { a = $(a[2-]) ; b = $(b[2-]) ; } if $(a) { return ; } else { return true ; } } rule LocalClean { Clean $(1) : $(2) ; } rule LocalDepends { Depends $(1) : $(2) ; } } # vanilla Jam compatibility rule FFilter { # FFilter <list> : <excludes> ; # Removes all occurrences of <excludes> in <list>. local list = $(1) ; local excludes = $(2) ; local newList ; local item ; for item in $(list) { local skip ; local exclude ; for exclude in $(excludes) { if $(item) = $(exclude) { skip = true ; } } if ! $(skip) { newList += $(item) ; } } return $(newList) ; } rule FGetGrist { # FGetGrist <target> ; # # Returns the grist of a target, not including leading "<" and trailing ">". local grist = $(1[1]:G) ; if ! $(grist) { return ; } return [ Match <(.*)> : $(grist) ] ; } rule FSplitString string : delimiterChar { local result ; while $(string) { local split = [ Match $(delimiterChar)*([^$(delimiterChar)]+)(.*) : $(string) ] ; result += $(split[1]) ; string = $(split[2-]) ; } return $(result) ; } rule FSplitPath { # SplitPath <path> ; # Decomposes a path into its components. local path = $(1:G=) ; local components ; # $(path:D) for "/" is "/". Therefore the second condition. while $(path:D) && $(path:D) != $(path) { # Note: $(path:B) returns "." for "..", but $(path:D=) is fine. components = $(path:D=) $(components) ; path = $(path:D) ; } components = $(path) $(components) ; return $(components) ; } rule SetPlatformCompatibilityFlagVariables { # SetPlatformCompatibilityFlagVariables <platform var> : <var prefix> # : <platform kind> [ : other platforms ] ; local platformVar = $(1) ; local platform = $($(platformVar)) ; local varPrefix = $(2) ; local platformKind = $(3) ; local otherPlatforms = $(4) ; if ! $(platform) { ECHO "Variable $(platformVar) not set. Please run ./configure or" ; EXIT "specify it manually." ; } # special case: Haiku libbe.so built for testing under BeOS if $(platform) = libbe_test { platform = $(HOST_PLATFORM) ; } $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BEOS_COMPATIBLE = ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BONE_COMPATIBLE = ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_DANO_COMPATIBLE = ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE = ; switch $(platform) { case r5 : { $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BEOS_COMPATIBLE = true ; } case bone : { $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BONE_COMPATIBLE = true ; } case dano : { $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_DANO_COMPATIBLE = true ; } case haiku_host : { $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE = true ; } case haiku : { $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE = true ; } case * : { if ! ( $(platform) in $(otherPlatforms) ) { Exit Unsupported $(platformKind) platform: $(platform) ; } } } # set lesser flags, e.g. "DANO" for "HAIKU" and "BEOS" for "BONE" $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_DANO_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BONE_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_DANO_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BEOS_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BONE_COMPATIBLE) ; # set the machine friendly flags $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(haiku)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(haiku_host)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_HAIKU_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(dano)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_DANO_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(bone)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BONE_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(r5)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BEOS_COMPATIBLE) ; $(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_(libbe_test)_COMPATIBLE ?= $($(varPrefix)_PLATFORM_BEOS_COMPATIBLE) ; } rule FAnalyzeGCCVersion { # FAnalyzeGCCVersion <rawVersionVariable> ; # local varName = $(1) ; local rawVersion = $($(varName)) ; if ! $(rawVersion) { ECHO "Variable $(varName) not set. Please run ./configure or" ; EXIT "specify it manually." ; } local version = ; # split the raw version string at `.' and `-' characters while $(rawVersion) { local split = [ Match "([^.-]*)[.-](.*)" : $(rawVersion) ] ; if $(split) { version += $(split[1]) ; rawVersion = $(split[2]) ; } else { version += $(rawVersion) ; rawVersion = ; } } return $(version) ; } rule SetIncludePropertiesVariables { # SetIncludePropertiesVariables <varPrefix> ; # local prefix = $(1) ; if $($(prefix)_GCC_VERSION[1]) < 4 { $(prefix)_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR = -I- ; $(prefix)_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION = -I ; $(prefix)_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION = -I ; } else { $(prefix)_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR = ; $(prefix)_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION = "-iquote " ; $(prefix)_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION = "-I " ; } } #pragma mark - rule SetPlatformForTarget { # SetPlatformForTarget <target> : <platform> ; PLATFORM on $(1) = $(2) ; } rule SetSubDirPlatform { # SetSubDirPlatform <platform> ; PLATFORM = $(1) ; } rule SetSupportedPlatformsForTarget { # SetSupportedPlatformsForTarget <target> : <platforms> ; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS on $(1) = $(2) ; } rule SetSubDirSupportedPlatforms { # SetSubDirSupportedPlatforms <platforms> ; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = $(1) ; } rule AddSubDirSupportedPlatforms { # AddSubDirSupportedPlatforms <platforms> ; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS += $(1) ; } rule SetSubDirSupportedPlatformsBeOSCompatible { # SetSubDirSupportedPlatformsBeOSCompatible ; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = $(HAIKU_BEOS_COMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS) ; } rule IsPlatformSupportedForTarget { # IsPlatformSupportedForTarget <target> [ : <platform> ] # on $(1) { if $(PLATFORM) in $(SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS) { return true ; } else { return ; } } } rule InheritPlatform { # InheritPlatform <children> : <parent> ; # PLATFORM and SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS are set on <children> to their value # on <parent>. # local children = $(1) ; local parent = $(2) ; on $(parent) { PLATFORM on $(children) = $(PLATFORM) ; SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS on $(children) = $(SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS) ; } } rule SubDirAsFlags { SUBDIRASFLAGS += $(<) ; }