/* Open Tracker License Terms and Conditions Copyright (c) 1991-2000, Be Incorporated. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice applies to all licensees and shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE INCORPORATED BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Be Incorporated shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Be Incorporated. Tracker(TM), Be(R), BeOS(R), and BeIA(TM) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Be Incorporated in the United States and other countries. Other brand product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. */ /******************************************************************************* / / File: ColumnListView.h / / Description: Experimental multi-column list view. / / Copyright 2000+, Be Incorporated, All Rights Reserved / *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COLUMN_LIST_VIEW_H #define _COLUMN_LIST_VIEW_H #include <BeBuild.h> #include <View.h> #include <List.h> #include <Invoker.h> #include <ListView.h> class BScrollBar; namespace BPrivate { class OutlineView; class TitleView; class BRowContainer; class RecursiveOutlineIterator; } // ns BPrivate class BField; class BRow; class BColumn; class BColumnListView; enum LatchType { B_NO_LATCH, B_OPEN_LATCH, B_PRESSED_LATCH, B_CLOSED_LATCH }; typedef enum { B_ALLOW_COLUMN_NONE = 0, B_ALLOW_COLUMN_MOVE = 1, B_ALLOW_COLUMN_RESIZE = 2, B_ALLOW_COLUMN_POPUP = 4, B_ALLOW_COLUMN_REMOVE = 8, } column_flags; enum ColumnListViewColor { B_COLOR_BACKGROUND = 0, B_COLOR_TEXT = 1, B_COLOR_ROW_DIVIDER = 2, B_COLOR_SELECTION = 3, B_COLOR_SELECTION_TEXT = 4, B_COLOR_NON_FOCUS_SELECTION = 5, B_COLOR_EDIT_BACKGROUND = 6, B_COLOR_EDIT_TEXT = 7, B_COLOR_HEADER_BACKGROUND = 8, B_COLOR_HEADER_TEXT = 9, B_COLOR_SEPARATOR_LINE = 10, B_COLOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER = 11, B_COLOR_TOTAL = 12 }; enum ColumnListViewFont { B_FONT_ROW = 0, B_FONT_HEADER = 1, B_FONT_TOTAL = 2 }; // A single row/column intersection in the list. class BField { public: BField(); virtual ~BField(); }; // A single line in the list. Each line contains a BField object // for each column in the list, associated by their "logical field" // index. Hierarchies are formed by adding other BRow objects as // a parent of a row, using the AddRow() function in BColumnListView(). class BRow { public: BRow(float height = 16.0); virtual ~BRow(); virtual bool HasLatch() const; int32 CountFields() const; BField* GetField(int32 logicalFieldIndex); const BField* GetField(int32 logicalFieldIndex) const; void SetField(BField* field, int32 logicalFieldIndex); float Height() const; bool IsExpanded() const; private: // Blows up into the debugger if the validation fails. void ValidateFields() const; void ValidateField(const BField *field, int32 logicalFieldIndex) const; private: BList fFields; BPrivate:: BRowContainer* fChildList; bool fIsExpanded; float fHeight; BRow* fNextSelected; BRow* fPrevSelected; BRow* fParent; BColumnListView* fList; friend class BColumnListView; friend class BPrivate::RecursiveOutlineIterator; friend class BPrivate::OutlineView; }; // Information about a single column in the list. A column knows // how to display the BField objects that occur at its location in // each of the list's rows. See ColumnTypes.h for particular // subclasses of BField and BColumn that handle common data types. class BColumn { public: BColumn(float width, float minWidth, float maxWidth, alignment align = B_ALIGN_LEFT); virtual ~BColumn(); float Width() const; void SetWidth(float width); float MinWidth() const; float MaxWidth() const; virtual void DrawTitle(BRect rect, BView *targetView); virtual void DrawField(BField *field, BRect rect, BView *targetView); virtual int CompareFields(BField *field1, BField *field2); virtual void MouseMoved(BColumnListView *parent, BRow *row, BField *field, BRect field_rect, BPoint point, uint32 buttons, int32 code); virtual void MouseDown(BColumnListView *parent, BRow *row, BField *field, BRect field_rect, BPoint point, uint32 buttons); virtual void MouseUp(BColumnListView *parent, BRow *row, BField *field); virtual void GetColumnName(BString* into) const; bool IsVisible() const; void SetVisible(bool); bool WantsEvents() const; void SetWantsEvents(bool); bool ShowHeading() const; void SetShowHeading(bool); alignment Alignment() const; void SetAlignment(alignment); int32 LogicalFieldNum() const; /*! \param field The BField derivative to validate. Implement this function on your BColumn derivatives to validate BField derivatives that your BColumn will be drawing/manipulating. This function will be called when BFields are added to the Column, use dynamic_cast<> to determine if it is of a kind that your BColumn know how ot handle. return false if it is not. \note The debugger will be called if you return false from here with information about what type of BField and BColumn and the logical field index where it occured. \note Do not call the inherited version of this, it just returns true; */ virtual bool AcceptsField(const BField* field) const; private: float fWidth; float fMinWidth; float fMaxWidth; bool fVisible; int32 fFieldID; BColumnListView *fList; bool fSortAscending; bool fWantsEvents; bool fShowHeading; alignment fAlignment; friend class BPrivate::OutlineView; friend class BColumnListView; friend class BPrivate::TitleView; }; // The column list view class. class BColumnListView : public BView, public BInvoker { public: BColumnListView(BRect rect, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 drawFlags, border_style = B_NO_BORDER, bool showHorizontalScrollbar = true); virtual ~BColumnListView(); // Interaction virtual bool InitiateDrag(BPoint, bool wasSelected); virtual void MessageDropped(BMessage*, BPoint point); virtual void ExpandOrCollapse(BRow *row, bool expand); virtual status_t Invoke(BMessage *message = NULL); virtual void ItemInvoked(); virtual void SetInvocationMessage(BMessage*); BMessage* InvocationMessage() const; uint32 InvocationCommand() const; BRow* FocusRow() const; void SetFocusRow(int32 index, bool select=false); void SetFocusRow(BRow *row, bool select=false); void SetMouseTrackingEnabled(bool); // Selection list_view_type SelectionMode() const; void Deselect(BRow *row); void AddToSelection(BRow *row); void DeselectAll(); BRow* CurrentSelection(BRow *lastSelected = 0) const; virtual void SelectionChanged(); virtual void SetSelectionMessage(BMessage *); BMessage* SelectionMessage(); uint32 SelectionCommand() const; void SetSelectionMode(list_view_type); // list_view_type is defined in ListView.h. // Sorting void SetSortingEnabled(bool); bool SortingEnabled() const; void SetSortColumn(BColumn *column, bool add, bool ascending); void ClearSortColumns(); // The status view is a little area in the lower left hand corner. void AddStatusView(BView *view); BView* RemoveStatusView(); // Column Manipulation void AddColumn(BColumn*, int32 logicalFieldIndex); void MoveColumn(BColumn*, int32 index); void RemoveColumn(BColumn*); int32 CountColumns() const; BColumn* ColumnAt(int32 index) const; void SetColumnVisible(BColumn*, bool isVisible); void SetColumnVisible(int32, bool); bool IsColumnVisible(int32) const; void SetColumnFlags(column_flags flags); // Row manipulation const BRow* RowAt(int32 index, BRow *parent = 0) const; BRow* RowAt(int32 index, BRow *parent = 0); const BRow* RowAt(BPoint) const; BRow* RowAt(BPoint); bool GetRowRect(const BRow *row, BRect *outRect) const; bool FindParent(BRow *row, BRow **outs_parent, bool *out_isVisible) const; int32 IndexOf(BRow *row); int32 CountRows(BRow *parent = 0) const; void AddRow(BRow*, BRow *parent = 0); void AddRow(BRow*, int32 index, BRow *parent = 0); void ScrollTo(const BRow* Row); // Does not delete row or children at this time. // todo: Make delete row and children void RemoveRow(BRow*); void UpdateRow(BRow*); void Clear(); // Appearance (DEPRECATED) void GetFont(BFont* font) const {BView::GetFont(font);} virtual void SetFont(const BFont *font, uint32 mask = B_FONT_ALL); virtual void SetHighColor(rgb_color); void SetSelectionColor(rgb_color); void SetBackgroundColor(rgb_color); void SetEditColor(rgb_color); const rgb_color SelectionColor() const; const rgb_color BackgroundColor() const; const rgb_color EditColor() const; // Appearance (NEW STYLE) void SetColor(ColumnListViewColor color_num, rgb_color color); void SetFont(ColumnListViewFont font_num, const BFont* font, uint32 mask = B_FONT_ALL); rgb_color Color(ColumnListViewColor color_num) const; void GetFont(ColumnListViewFont font_num, BFont* font) const; BPoint SuggestTextPosition(const BRow* row, const BColumn* column=NULL) const; void SetLatchWidth(float width); float LatchWidth() const; virtual void DrawLatch(BView*, BRect, LatchType, BRow*); virtual void MakeFocus(bool isfocus = true); void SaveState(BMessage *msg); void LoadState(BMessage *msg); BView* ScrollView() const { return (BView *)fOutlineView; } void SetEditMode(bool state); void Refresh(); protected: virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *message); virtual void KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes); virtual void AttachedToWindow(); virtual void WindowActivated(bool active); virtual void Draw(BRect); private: rgb_color fColorList[B_COLOR_TOTAL]; BPrivate::TitleView* fTitleView; BPrivate::OutlineView* fOutlineView; BList fColumns; BScrollBar* fHorizontalScrollBar; BScrollBar* fVerticalScrollBar; BList fSortColumns; BView* fStatusView; BMessage* fSelectionMessage; bool fSortingEnabled; float fLatchWidth; border_style fBorderStyle; }; #endif