# Packages for OBOS alpha/beta testers

rule Copy
	if $(2) {
		SEARCH on $(2) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
		Depends $(1) : <build>copyattr $(2) ;
		Copy1 $(1) : <build>copyattr $(2) ;

actions Copy1
	"$(2[1])" -d "$(2[2-])" "$(1)"

rule Packages
	local packagenames = $(1) ;
	local packagefiles = $(2) ;
	local path = $(3) ;
	for name in $(packagenames) {
		Package $(name) : $(packagefiles) : $(path) ;

rule FPackageConfigSubPath
	# FPackageConfigSubPath <packagename>
	local packagename = $(1) ;

	local configSubPath ;
	on $(packagename) {
		if $(PLATFORM) = host {
			configSubPath = $(HOST_PLATFORM) $(HOST_ARCH) ;
		} else {
			configSubPath = $(TARGET_PLATFORM) $(TARGET_ARCH) ;
		if $(DEBUG) = 0 {
			configSubPath += release ;
		} else {
			configSubPath += debug_$(DEBUG) ;

	return $(configSubPath) ;

rule Package
	local packagename = $(1) ;
    local packagefiles = $(2) ;
	local path = $(3) ;

	local configSubPath = [ FPackageConfigSubPath $(packagename) ] ;
	local packagezip = $(packagename:S=.zip:G=_packages) ;
	local targetDir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_DIR) $(configSubPath) ] ;
	local packagedir = [ FDirName $(targetDir) $(packagename) ] ;

    local installscript = install.sh ;
	local packageinstallscript = $(installscript:G=_packages!$(packagename)) ;
    local installzip = install.zip ;
	local packageinstallzip = $(installzip:G=_packages!$(packagename)) ;

    local packageobjectdir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_OBJECT_DIR)
		$(configSubPath) $(packagename) ] ;
	local packagefiledir =  [ FDirName $(packageobjectdir) $(path) ] ;
    local packagefileinstallzip
    	= $(installzip:G=_package_objects!$(packagename)) ;

	# add the files to the install.zip
	local packagefilegrist = [ FGrist _package_files $(packagename) $(path) ] ;
    for file in $(packagefiles) {
		if $(path[0]) = "boot" {
			local packagefile = $(file:G=$(packagefilegrist)) ;
			MakeLocate $(packagefile) : $(packagefiledir) ;
			Copy $(packagefile) : $(file) ;
			Clean cleanPackages : $(packagefile) ;
			PackageInstallZip $(packagefileinstallzip) : $(packagefile) ;
		} else {
			local packagefile = $(file:G=_packages!$(packagename)) ;
			MakeLocate $(packagefile) : $(packagedir) ;
			Copy $(packagefile) : [ FGristFiles $(file) ] ;
			Clean cleanPackages : $(packagefile) ;
			Depends $(packagezip) : $(packagefile) ;

	# general setup for this package -- only on first invocation
	if ! $(_setup_$(packagename)) {
		_setup_$(packagename) = true ;

		NotFile $(packagename) ;
		LocalDepends packages : $(packagename) ;

		MakeLocate $(packagezip) : $(targetDir) ;
		MakeLocate $(packageinstallscript) : $(packagedir) ;
		MakeLocate $(packageinstallzip) : $(packagedir) ;
		MakeLocate $(packagefileinstallzip) : $(packageobjectdir) ;

		PackageInstallScript $(packageinstallscript) : $(packagedir) ;
		LinkInstallZip $(packageinstallzip) : $(packagefileinstallzip) ;
		Depends $(packagename) : $(packagezip) ;
		PackageZip $(packagezip) : $(packagedir)
			: $(packageinstallscript) $(packageinstallzip) ;


rule PackageSymLink
	# PackageSymLink <packageName> : <symlink path components>
	#	: <symlink target>
	local packagename = $(1) ;
	local symlinkPath = $(2) ;
	local symlinkTarget = $(3) ;
	local configSubPath = [ FPackageConfigSubPath $(packagename) ] ;

	local symlinkDir = [ FReverse $(symlinkPath) ] ;
	local symlink = $(symlinkDir[1]) ;
	symlinkDir = [ FReverse $(symlinkDir[2-]) ] ;
	local symlinkGrist = [ FGrist _package $(packagename) $(symlinkDir) ] ;
	symlink = $(symlink:G=$(symlinkGrist)) ;

	if $(symlinkDir[1]) = boot {
	    local installzip = install.zip ;
	    local packagefileinstallzip
    		= $(installzip:G=_package_objects!$(packagename)) ;

		local packageobjectdir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_OBJECT_DIR)
			$(configSubPath) $(packagename) ] ;
		symlinkDir = [ FDirName $(packageobjectdir) $(symlinkDir) ] ;

		PackageInstallZip $(packagefileinstallzip) : $(symlink) ;

	} else {
		local packagezip = $(packagename:S=.zip:G=_packages) ;

		local packagedir = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_PACKAGE_DIR) $(configSubPath)
			$(packagename) ] ;
		symlinkDir = [ FDirName $(packagedir) $(symlinkDir) ] ;

		Depends $(packagezip) : $(symlink) ;

	MakeLocate $(symlink) : $(symlinkDir) ;
	SymLink $(symlink) : $(symlinkTarget) : false ;
	Clean cleanPackages : $(symlink) ;

rule PackageDriverSymLink
	# PackageDriverSymLink <packageName> : <devRelativeSymlinkComponents> ;
	# <packageName>: Package name.
	# <devRelativeSymlinkComponents>: Path components relative to the 
	#     /boot/home/config/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev directory, e.g.
	#     "graphics mga.driver" (no quotation, of course).
	local packageName = $(1) ;
	local symlinkComponents = $(2) ;

	# construct the symlink contents
	local symlinkPath = [ FReverse $(symlinkComponents) ] ;
	symlinkPath = bin $(symlinkPath[1]) ;

	for i in $(symlinkComponents) {
		symlinkPath = $(DOTDOT) $(symlinkPath) ;

	PackageSymLink $(packageName)
		: boot home config add-ons kernel drivers dev $(symlinkComponents)
		: [ FDirName $(symlinkPath) ] ;

rule PackageZip
	local dir = $(2:G=dir) ;
	Depends $(1) : $(dir) $(3) ;
	Clean cleanPackages : $(1) ;
	PackageZip1 $(1) : $(dir) ;

actions together PackageZip1 {
	cd "$(2:P)" ;
	zip -rq "$(1:BS)" "$(2:BS)" ;

rule PackageInstallScript
	MakeLocate $(1) : $(2) ;
	Clean cleanPackages : $(1) ;
	PackageInstallScript1 $(1) : $(2:G=dir) ;

actions together PackageInstallScript1
echo '#!/bin/sh
base=`dirname "$0"`
cd "$base"
if [ -n "$TTY" ]
    unzip -d / install.zip
    response=`alert "Would you like to automatically overwrite existing files, or receive a prompt?" "Overwrite" "Prompt"`
    if [ $response == "Overwrite" ]
        unzip -od / install.zip
        alert "Finished installing" "Thanks"
        if [ -e /boot/beos/apps/Terminal ]
            terminal=`query Terminal | head -1`
        $terminal -t "installer" /bin/sh "$0"
fi' > "$(1)" ;
	chmod 755 "$(1)" ;

rule PackageInstallZip
	Depends $(1) : $(2) ;
	Clean cleanPackages : $(1) ;

actions together PackageInstallZip
	cd "$(1:P)" ;
	zip -rqy "$(1:BS)" boot ;

rule LinkInstallZip
	Depends $(1) : $(2) ;
	Clean cleanPackages : $(1) ;

actions together LinkInstallZip
	ln -sf "`pwd`/$(2)" "$(1)" ;