Haiku's Boot Loader can help when you experience hardware related problems or want to choose which Haiku installation to start, if you have more than one (maybe on an installation CD or USB stick). It's also handy if you have installed a software component that acts up and prevents you from booting Haiku, see Troubleshooting below.
为了进入引导程序选项,您需要在 Haiku 的启动进程开始前,持续按住 SHIFT 键。如果已经安装了启动管理软件,您可以在进入 Haiku 启动调用之前开始按下 SHIFT 键。如果Haiku是唯一的操作系统,您可以在 BIOS 中显示启动消息时就开始按下该按键。
Select boot volume | Choose which Haiku installation/version to start. | |
Select safe mode options | 在系统引导中遇到硬件问题时,可以尝试下面的几个选项。当选择条移动到某个选项时,在屏幕底部会显示相应的简短说明。 | |
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Select debug options | Here you'll find several options that help with debugging or getting details for a bug report. Again, a short explanation for each option is displayed at the bottom. | |
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如果激活了 "Enable debug syslog" ,那么在崩溃后,热启动后将提示如下附加选项: | ||
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Select fail safe video mode | 如果你启动了 Use fail-safe video mode 选项, 您可以设置屏幕的分辨率和颜色深度。 |
If Haiku refuses to boot on your hardware from the get-go, try out setting different options under bug report in any case.
. Consider filing a换句话说,如果在您安装完某些软件之后,Haiku 突然无法启动,特别是一些硬件驱动,您可以通过一些设置让 Haiku 能够重新启动,然后通过卸载这些软件包来进行修复:
将会阻止多数的服务,后台以及 UserBootScript 启动。激活
将会阻止所有在 Home 目录下用户目录中安装的附加组件(驱动,转换器,等)的使用。如果一些恶意的驱动,附件组件等安装到了系统路径中,问题可能会有些复杂,因为这些位置都是只读的。下面的 SPACE 或者 RETURN 选中并禁用那些造成问题的组件。ESC 键用于返回到上级目录。
将会起到作用。通过该菜单,您将能够导航并进入到任意的系统目录,然后通过如何进行更多的设置,可以参考在线文档 如何将包文件永久列入黑名单。
you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku version from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
引导 Haiku
Atom | 系统组件初始化。 | |
Disk + magnifier | 创建文件系统 (/) 和挂载硬件驱动 (/dev). | |
Plug-in card | 硬件管理初始化。 | |
Boot disk | 挂载启动磁盘。 | |
Chip | CPU特定模块加载 | |
Folder | 子系统初始化。 | |
Rocket | Launch_daemon has started the system. |