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HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories (also called "depots") and install, update and uninstall packages.


The Filter

At the top we find a few means to filter the list of available packages below:

The List

Like in any Tracker window, you can choose from a context menu which columns to display by right-clicking the column heading. A left-click sorts the list according to that column. Of course, you can rearrange the columns by dragging them to a new position.

The status column of a package can have one of several states:

You can grab the dotted line between the packages list and the info area to vertically resize the packages list.

The Info Area

At the bottom is an area that displays information on the package that is currently selected in the list above it.
To the right of package name, author, rating and version is a button, that – depending on the current state of the package – lets you Install, Uninstall or Update it.

Below are three tabs:

Tools and Options

In the Tools menu at the top of the window, you'll find an item to Refresh depots. This will request an up-to-date list of all available packages from the repositories.

Under Options you can choose to also Show develop packages and Show source packages in the packages list. For the normal user those are of no interest and would only clutter the list. They are important, however, for people who need the libraries, headers etc. of a package to develop and compile programs depending on them.