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Magnify afișează o versiune extinsă a zonei din jurul indicatorului mausului.


At the top you'll find the size and magnification level of the area. "32 x 32 @ 8 pixels/pixel" means that you look at a 32x32 pixel square around your mouse pointer and every pixel is enlarged by a factor of 8.

Below that is the color of the pixel that's marked by a red outline. Its color is presented as RGB and hex value.
You can move the red outline with / / / .

To measure distances and align objects, you can add up to two blue crosshairs with ALT H. Their X/Y coordinates toward the top left corner and, if both are added, their X/Y distance from each other, are displayed at the bottom.
They can also be moved with / / / . The active crosshair is marked with an "x".

You can move the mouse pointer pixel by pixel with OPT  / / / .

Clic pe meniul contextual vă oferă un număr de opțiuni:

Salvează imagineaALT S Saves the current display as a PNG image.
Copiază imagineaALT C Copies the current display to the clipboard.
Ascunde/Afișează informațiiALT T Toggles the display of all the additional information.
Add a crosshairALT H Adds a crosshair you can drag around.
Remove a crosshairALT SHIFT H Removes the last added crosshair.
Ascunde/Afișează grilaALT G Toggles the overlayed grid.
Freeze/Unfreeze imageALT F Stops/continues updating the magnification area.
Stick coordinatesALT I Keeps updating the magnification area, but doesn't follow the mouse pointer any more.
Make squareALT / Reverts back to a square display after resizing the window.
Micșorează dimensiune fereastrăALT - Shrinks the magnified area around the mouse pointer.
Mărește dimensiune fereastrăALT + Enlarges the magnified area around the mouse pointer.
Micșorează dimensiune pixelALT , Lowers magnification.
Mărește dimensiune pixelALT . Increases magnification.