/* * Copyright 2005, Haiku Inc. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de * Stephan Aßmus */ #include #include #include "AppServer.h" #include "DrawingEngine.h" #include "RootLayer.h" #include "WinBorder.h" #include "Workspace.h" #include "WorkspacesLayer.h" WorkspacesLayer::WorkspacesLayer(BRect frame, const char* name, int32 token, uint32 resizeMode, uint32 flags, DrawingEngine* driver) : Layer(frame, name, token, resizeMode, flags, driver) { } WorkspacesLayer::~WorkspacesLayer() { } void WorkspacesLayer::_GetGrid(int32& columns, int32& rows) { int32 count = GetRootLayer()->WorkspaceCount(); rows = 1; for (int32 i = 2; i < count; i++) { if (count % i == 0) rows = i; } columns = count / rows; } BRect WorkspacesLayer::_WorkspaceAt(int32 i) { int32 columns, rows; _GetGrid(columns, rows); int32 width = fFrame.IntegerWidth() / columns; int32 height = fFrame.IntegerHeight() / rows; int32 column = i % columns; int32 row = i / columns; BRect rect(column * width, row * height, (column + 1) * width, (row + 1) * height); // make sure there is no gap anywhere if (column == columns - 1) rect.right = fFrame.right; if (row == rows - 1) rect.bottom = fFrame.bottom; rect.OffsetBy(ConvertToTop(BPoint(0, 0))); return rect; } BRect WorkspacesLayer::_WindowFrame(const BRect& workspaceFrame, const BRect& screenFrame, const BRect& windowFrame) { BRect frame = windowFrame; float factor = workspaceFrame.Width() / screenFrame.Width(); frame.left = rintf(frame.left * factor); frame.right = rintf(frame.right * factor); factor = workspaceFrame.Height() / screenFrame.Height(); frame.top = rintf(frame.top * factor); frame.bottom = rintf(frame.bottom * factor); frame.OffsetBy(workspaceFrame.LeftTop()); return frame; } void WorkspacesLayer::_DrawWindow(const BRect& workspaceFrame, const BRect& screenFrame, WinBorder* window, BRegion& backgroundRegion, bool active) { if (window->Feel() == kDesktopWindowFeel) return; BRect frame = _WindowFrame(workspaceFrame, screenFrame, window->Frame()); BRect tabFrame = _WindowFrame(workspaceFrame, screenFrame, window->GetDecorator()->GetTabRect()); // ToDo: let decorator do this! RGBColor yellow = window->GetDecorator()->GetColors().window_tab; RGBColor gray(180, 180, 180); RGBColor white(255, 255, 255); if (!active) { _DarkenColor(yellow); _DarkenColor(gray); _DarkenColor(white); } if (tabFrame.left < frame.left) tabFrame.left = frame.left; if (tabFrame.right >= frame.right) tabFrame.right = frame.right - 1; tabFrame.top = frame.top - 1; tabFrame.bottom = frame.top - 1; backgroundRegion.Exclude(tabFrame); backgroundRegion.Exclude(frame); fDriver->StrokeLine(tabFrame.LeftTop(), tabFrame.RightBottom(), yellow); fDriver->StrokeRect(frame, gray); frame.InsetBy(1, 1); fDriver->FillRect(frame, white); } void WorkspacesLayer::_DrawWorkspace(int32 index) { BRect rect = _WorkspaceAt(index); Workspace* workspace = GetRootLayer()->WorkspaceAt(index); bool active = workspace == GetRootLayer()->ActiveWorkspace(); if (active) { // draw active frame RGBColor black(0, 0, 0); fDriver->StrokeRect(rect, black); } // draw background rect.InsetBy(1, 1); RGBColor color; // ToDo: fix me - workspaces must always exist, not only on first visit! if (workspace != NULL) color = workspace->BGColor(); else color.SetColor(51, 102, 152); if (!active) { _DarkenColor(color); } // draw windows #ifndef NEW_CLIPPING BRegion backgroundRegion = fVisible; #else BRegion backgroundRegion = VisibleRegion(); #endif // ToDo: would be nice to get the real update region here if (workspace != NULL) { WinBorder* windows[256]; int32 count = 256; if (!workspace->GetWinBorderList((void **)&windows, &count)) return; uint16 width, height; uint32 colorSpace; float frequency; GetRootLayer()->GetDesktop()->ScreenAt(0)->GetMode(width, height, colorSpace, frequency); BRect screenFrame(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1); BRegion workspaceRegion(rect); backgroundRegion.IntersectWith(&workspaceRegion); fDriver->ConstrainClippingRegion(&backgroundRegion); for (int32 i = count; i-- > 0;) { _DrawWindow(rect, screenFrame, windows[i], backgroundRegion, active); } } fDriver->ConstrainClippingRegion(&backgroundRegion); fDriver->FillRect(rect, color); // TODO: ConstrainClippingRegion() should accept a const parameter !! #ifndef NEW_CLIPPING fDriver->ConstrainClippingRegion(&fVisible); #else BRegion cRegion(VisibleRegion()); fDriver->ConstrainClippingRegion(&cRegion); #endif } void WorkspacesLayer::_DarkenColor(RGBColor& color) const { color = tint_color(color.GetColor32(), B_DARKEN_2_TINT); } void WorkspacesLayer::Draw(const BRect& updateRect) { // ToDo: either draw into an off-screen bitmap, or turn off flickering... int32 columns, rows; _GetGrid(columns, rows); // draw grid // horizontal lines BRect frame = fFrame; frame.OffsetBy(ConvertToTop(BPoint(0, 0))); fDriver->StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left, frame.top), BPoint(frame.right, frame.top), ViewColor()); for (int32 row = 0; row < rows; row++) { BRect rect = _WorkspaceAt(row * columns); fDriver->StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left, rect.bottom), BPoint(frame.right, rect.bottom), ViewColor()); } // vertical lines fDriver->StrokeLine(BPoint(frame.left, frame.top), BPoint(frame.left, frame.bottom), ViewColor()); for (int32 column = 0; column < columns; column++) { BRect rect = _WorkspaceAt(column); fDriver->StrokeLine(BPoint(rect.right, frame.top), BPoint(rect.right, frame.bottom), ViewColor()); } // draw workspaces int32 count = GetRootLayer()->WorkspaceCount(); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { _DrawWorkspace(i); } }