1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Network 2324385456 EthernetSettingsView Adapter: EthernetSettingsView Adapter: Apply EthernetSettingsView Anwenden Auto-configuring failed: EthernetSettingsView Auto-Konfiguration fehlgeschlagen: Choose automatically EthernetSettingsView Automatisch auswählen DHCP EthernetSettingsView DHCP DNS #1: EthernetSettingsView DNS #1: DNS #2: EthernetSettingsView DNS #2: Disabled EthernetSettingsView Deaktiviert Domain: EthernetSettingsView Domäne: Gateway: EthernetSettingsView Gateway: IP address: EthernetSettingsView IP-Adresse: Mode: EthernetSettingsView Modus: Netmask: EthernetSettingsView Netzmaske: Network System name Netzwerk Network: EthernetSettingsView Netzwerk: OK EthernetSettingsView OK Revert EthernetSettingsView Anfangswerte Static EthernetSettingsView Statisch The net_server needs to run for the auto configuration! EthernetSettingsView Zur Auto-Konfiguration muss der net_server laufen!