/* * Copyright 2007, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Documentation by: * Niels Sascha Reedijk * Corresponds to: * /trunk/headers/os/drivers/USB_spec.h rev 19915 */ /*! \file USB_spec.h \brief General definitions as defined by the USB standard. */ /*! \name Request Types: targets and direction These request types can be used in the usb_module_info::send_request() and usb_module_info::queue_request() methods. They specifiy both the type of interface and the direction of the transfer. These are usually combined with a category (found on this page). */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_DEVICE_IN \brief Device. In. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_DEVICE_OUT \brief Device. Out. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE_IN \brief Interface. In. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_INTERFACE_OUT \brief Interface. Out. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_ENDPOINT_IN \brief Endpoint. In. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_ENDPOINT_OUT \brief Endpoint. Out. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_OTHER_OUT \brief Other. Out. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_OTHER_IN \brief Other. In. */ //! @} /*! \name Request Types: categories These request types can be used in the usb_module_info::send_request() and usb_module_info::queue_request() methods. They specifiy the category of the transfer. These are usually combined with a target and direction (found on this page). */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_STANDARD \brief Request that adheres to the USB specifications. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_CLASS \brief Request that adheres to the specifications of the class. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_VENDOR \brief Request that is defined by the specifications of the vendor. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_RESERVED \brief Reserved for special implementations. */ /*! \def USB_REQTYPE_MASK \brief Constant that can be used as mask over the requesttype field. */ //! @} /*! \name Standard Request Values These request values are defined by the USB standard. You can use these constants in both the usb_module_info::send_request() and usb_module_info::queue_request() methods. \warning The stack handles most of these standard requests for you. Use the supplied convenience functions the the usb_module_info interface rather than doing the requests yourself. Some of these request may actually interfere with the inner workings of the USB stack! */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_GET_STATUS \brief Get the status of a device. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_CLEAR_FEATURE \brief Clear a feature. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SET_FEATURE \brief Set a feature. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS \brief Set the device address. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR \brief Get a descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SET_DESCRIPTOR \brief Update a descriptor to a supplied one. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION \brief Get a configuration. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION \brief Set the configuration. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_GET_INTERFACE \brief Request an interface descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SET_INTERFACE \brief Set a specific interface. */ /*! \def USB_REQUEST_SYNCH_FRAME \brief Synchronize a frame. */ //! @} /*! \name Descriptor Constants These constants refer to a specific descriptor. They can be used when building a standard USB request for a descriptor, or in the usb_module_info::get_descriptor() method. */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE \brief Constant for the device descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION \brief Constant for a configuration descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING \brief Constant for a string descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE \brief Constant for an interface descriptor. */ /*! \def USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT \brief Constant for an endpoint descriptor. */ //! @} /*! \name Feature Requests These constants refer to standard feature requests. You can use these using the convenient usb_module_info::set_feature() and usb_module_info::clear_feature() methods. */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP \brief Request a device to wakeup from remote calls. */ /*! \def USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT \brief Request for a specific endpoint to halt. */ //! @} /*! \name Endpoint Attributes These constants refer to values in the usb_endpoint_descriptor::attributes field. */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_CONTROL \brief Endpoint facilitates control transfers. */ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_ISOCHRONOUS \brief Endpoint facilitates isochronous transfers. */ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_BULK \brief Endpoint facilitates bulk transfers. */ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_INTERRUPT \brief Endpoint facilitates interrupt transfers. */ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ATTR_MASK \brief Constant to mask out transfer types. */ //! @} /*! \name Endpoint Address These constants refer to the direction that is embedded in the usb_endpoint_descriptor::address field. */ //! @{ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ADDR_DIR_IN \brief The endpoint provides data for the driver. */ /*! \def USB_ENDPOINT_ADDR_DIR_OUT \brief The endpoint accepts data from the host. */ //! @}