/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Copyright 2013-2016, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef USER_INTERFACE_H #define USER_INTERFACE_H #include #include #include "TeamMemoryBlock.h" #include "Types.h" class entry_ref; class CpuState; class ExpressionInfo; class FunctionInstance; class Image; class LocatableFile; class SourceLanguage; class StackFrame; class Team; class TeamUiSettings; class Thread; class TypeComponentPath; class UserBreakpoint; class UserInterfaceListener; class Value; class ValueNode; class ValueNodeContainer; class Watchpoint; enum user_notification_type { USER_NOTIFICATION_INFO, USER_NOTIFICATION_WARNING, USER_NOTIFICATION_ERROR }; class UserInterface : public BReferenceable { public: virtual ~UserInterface(); virtual const char* ID() const = 0; virtual status_t Init(Team* team, UserInterfaceListener* listener) = 0; virtual void Show() = 0; virtual void Terminate() = 0; // shut down the UI *now* -- no more user // feedback virtual UserInterface* Clone() const = 0; // returns a new instance of the // appropriate user interface subclass. // primarily needed in order to // reconstruct the necessary information // for initiating a team restart. virtual bool IsInteractive() const = 0; virtual status_t LoadSettings(const TeamUiSettings* settings) = 0; virtual status_t SaveSettings(TeamUiSettings*& settings) const = 0; virtual void NotifyUser(const char* title, const char* message, user_notification_type type) = 0; virtual void NotifyBackgroundWorkStatus(const char* message) = 0; // this is used to inform the user about // background processing work, but doesn't // otherwise require any form of // user interaction, i.e. for a status bar // to indicate that debug information is // being parsed. virtual int32 SynchronouslyAskUser(const char* title, const char* message, const char* choice1, const char* choice2, const char* choice3) = 0; // returns -1, if not implemented or user // cannot be asked virtual status_t SynchronouslyAskUserForFile(entry_ref* _ref) = 0; }; class UserInterfaceListener { public: enum QuitOption { QUIT_OPTION_ASK_USER, QUIT_OPTION_ASK_KILL_TEAM, QUIT_OPTION_ASK_RESUME_TEAM }; public: virtual ~UserInterfaceListener(); virtual void FunctionSourceCodeRequested( FunctionInstance* function, bool forceDisassembly = false) = 0; virtual void SourceEntryLocateRequested( const char* sourcePath, const char* locatedPath) = 0; virtual void SourceEntryInvalidateRequested( LocatableFile* sourceFile) = 0; virtual void ImageDebugInfoRequested(Image* image) = 0; virtual void ValueNodeValueRequested(CpuState* cpuState, ValueNodeContainer* container, ValueNode* valueNode) = 0; virtual void ValueNodeWriteRequested(ValueNode* node, CpuState* state, Value* newValue) = 0; virtual void ThreadActionRequested(thread_id threadID, uint32 action, target_addr_t address = 0) = 0; virtual void SetBreakpointRequested(target_addr_t address, bool enabled, bool hidden = false) = 0; virtual void SetBreakpointEnabledRequested( UserBreakpoint* breakpoint, bool enabled) = 0; virtual void SetBreakpointConditionRequested( UserBreakpoint* breakpoint, const char* condition) = 0; virtual void ClearBreakpointConditionRequested( UserBreakpoint* breakpoint) = 0; virtual void ClearBreakpointRequested( target_addr_t address) = 0; virtual void ClearBreakpointRequested( UserBreakpoint* breakpoint) = 0; // TODO: Consolidate those! virtual void SetStopOnImageLoadRequested(bool enabled, bool useImageNames) = 0; virtual void AddStopImageNameRequested( const char* name) = 0; virtual void RemoveStopImageNameRequested( const char* name) = 0; virtual void SetDefaultSignalDispositionRequested( int32 disposition) = 0; virtual void SetCustomSignalDispositionRequested( int32 signal, int32 disposition) = 0; virtual void RemoveCustomSignalDispositionRequested( int32 signal) = 0; virtual void SetWatchpointRequested(target_addr_t address, uint32 type, int32 length, bool enabled) = 0; virtual void SetWatchpointEnabledRequested( Watchpoint* watchpoint, bool enabled) = 0; virtual void ClearWatchpointRequested( target_addr_t address) = 0; virtual void ClearWatchpointRequested( Watchpoint* watchpoint) = 0; virtual void InspectRequested( target_addr_t address, TeamMemoryBlock::Listener* listener) = 0; virtual void MemoryWriteRequested( target_addr_t address, const void* data, target_size_t length) = 0; virtual void ExpressionEvaluationRequested( SourceLanguage* language, ExpressionInfo* info, StackFrame* frame = NULL, ::Thread* thread = NULL) = 0; virtual void DebugReportRequested(entry_ref* path) = 0; virtual void WriteCoreFileRequested(entry_ref* path) = 0; virtual void TeamRestartRequested() = 0; virtual bool UserInterfaceQuitRequested( QuitOption quitOption = QUIT_OPTION_ASK_USER) = 0; }; #endif // USER_INTERFACE_H