Deskbar: | ||
Locație: | /boot/system/apps/DeskCalc | |
Configurări: | ~/config/settings/DeskCalc_settings |
DeskCalc este un calculator simplu care are în orice caz câteva caracteristici drăguțe care nu sunt aparente la prima vedere.

DeskCalc understands much more than its simple keypad suggests.
Besides the operators , -, *, /, %, ^ and the constants pi and e the following math functions are supported:
!, acos, asin, atan, atan2, cbrt, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, log, log10, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh.Right-clicking offers these options:
Automatically activates the number block when launching DeskCalc. Switch between "rad" and "deg" as unit for angular measure. ALT 0 A minimal view mode that hides the keypad. ALT 1 The standard look of DeskCalc. ALT 2 Show additional buttons for advanced calculations. When it comes to user input, DeskCalc is quite tolerant:
/, :, \ are all interpreted as division operators,
*, x are valid symbols for multiplication.
Also, be aware that . and , are both considered floating points, which means you mustn't use them as 1000-separators.You can resize the calculator until it fits your needs and then put it as Replicant onto the Desktop via drag & drop of the symbol in the bottom right corner. Make sure is activated in the Deskbar.
The keypad can be colored with a drag & drop from any color well, e.g. from Icon-O-Matic.
You can move up and down in a history of past calculations with ↑ and ↓.
You can select DeskCalc's contents and drag & drop it into any application. Or you drop it into a Tracker window or onto the Desktop and a text file with that clipping is created there.
Even better, the reverse is also possible:
Create clippings as described at various stages of your calculation and go back to them by drag & dropping them back into DeskCalc.
Or you drag & drop a calculation directly out of an email onto DeskCalc.DeskCalc poate fi utilizat în Terminal. Puneți expresia în ghilimele duble, în felul acesta:
~> DeskCalc "sin(45)*(cos(12)+3.45)" 3.65365546732025461817951947270058
Notă: Utilizat în Terminal, DeskCalc va utiliza întotdeauna radiani ca unitate pentru aceste funcții trigonometrice.