 * Copyright 2007-2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
 * Authors:
 *		Niels Sascha Reedijk, niels.reedijk@gmail.com
 *		John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
 * Corresponds to:
 *		headers/os/support/Beep.h	rev 19972
 *		src/kits/support/Beep.cpp	rev 34602

/////!!!!!! Note that the workings of the beep still aren't completely clear
///// and not completely implemented, so this needs revision if everything
///// is finished.

	\file Beep.h
	\ingroup support
	\ingroup libbe
	\brief Functions to generate sounds from the computer.

	\since BeOS R3

	\addtogroup support_globals

//! @{

	\fn status_t beep()
	\brief Invoke the standard system beep to alert users.

	From Beep.h and in libbe.so.

	\see system_beep() and add_system_beep_event()

	\since BeOS R3

	\fn status_t system_beep(const char* eventName)
	\brief Invokes the sound for event \a eventName.

	You can add the events using add_system_beep_event().
	From Beep.h and in libbe.so.

	\since BeOS R5

	\fn status_t add_system_beep_event(const char* eventName, uint32 flags = 0)
	\brief Adds an event to the media server.

	Call this method to add a specific event to the media server.
	From Beep.h and in libbe.so.

	\param eventName The name of the event.
	\param flags Currently unused. Pass \c 0.

	\since BeOS R5

//! @}