/* * Copyright 2001-2006, Haiku. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * DarkWyrm */ /** Handles the system's cursor infrastructure */ #include "CursorData.h" #include "CursorManager.h" #include "HaikuSystemCursor.h" #include "ServerCursor.h" #include "ServerConfig.h" #include "ServerTokenSpace.h" #include #include #include CursorManager::CursorManager() : BLocker("CursorManager") { // Set system cursors to "unassigned" // ToDo: decide about default cursor #if 1 fDefaultCursor = new ServerCursor(kHaikuCursorBits, kHaikuCursorWidth, kHaikuCursorHeight, kHaikuCursorFormat); // we just happen to know where the hotspot is fDefaultCursor->SetHotSpot(BPoint(1, 0)); #else fDefaultCursor = new ServerCursor(default_cursor_data); #endif AddCursor(fDefaultCursor, B_CURSOR_DEFAULT); fTextCursor = new ServerCursor(default_text_data); AddCursor(fTextCursor, B_CURSOR_TEXT); fMoveCursor = new ServerCursor(default_move_data); AddCursor(fMoveCursor); fDragCursor = new ServerCursor(default_drag_data); AddCursor(fDragCursor); fResizeCursor = new ServerCursor(default_resize_data); AddCursor(fResizeCursor); fNWSECursor = new ServerCursor(default_resize_nwse_data); AddCursor(fNWSECursor); fNESWCursor = new ServerCursor(default_resize_nesw_data); AddCursor(fNESWCursor); fNSCursor = new ServerCursor(default_resize_ns_data); AddCursor(fNSCursor); fEWCursor = new ServerCursor(default_resize_ew_data); AddCursor(fEWCursor); } //! Does all the teardown CursorManager::~CursorManager() { for (int32 i = 0; i < fCursorList.CountItems(); i++) { delete (ServerCursor *)fCursorList.ItemAt(i); } } /*! \brief Registers a cursor with the manager. \param sc ServerCursor object to register \return The token assigned to the cursor or B_ERROR if sc is NULL */ int32 CursorManager::AddCursor(ServerCursor* cursor, int32 token) { if (!cursor) return B_ERROR; Lock(); fCursorList.AddItem(cursor); if (token == -1) cursor->fToken = fTokenSpace.NewToken(kCursorToken, cursor); else { fTokenSpace.SetToken(token, kCursorToken, cursor); cursor->fToken = token; } Unlock(); return token; } void CursorManager::_RemoveCursor(ServerCursor* cursor) { fCursorList.RemoveItem(cursor); fTokenSpace.RemoveToken(cursor->fToken); } ServerCursor* CursorManager::_RemoveCursor(int32 index) { ServerCursor* cursor = (ServerCursor *)fCursorList.RemoveItem(index); if (cursor != NULL) fTokenSpace.RemoveToken(cursor->fToken); return cursor; } /*! \brief Releases a reference to a cursor If this was the last reference to this cursor, it will be deleted. */ void CursorManager::ReleaseCursor(ServerCursor* cursor) { Lock(); if (cursor->Release()) { // this was the last reference, remove the cursor _RemoveCursor(cursor); delete cursor; } Unlock(); } /*! \brief Removes and deletes all of an application's cursors \param signature Signature to which the cursors belong */ void CursorManager::DeleteCursors(team_id team) { Lock(); for (int32 index = fCursorList.CountItems(); index-- > 0;) { ServerCursor *cursor = (ServerCursor *)fCursorList.ItemAt(index); if (cursor->OwningTeam() != team) continue; _RemoveCursor(index); delete cursor; } Unlock(); } /*! \brief Sets all the cursors from a specified CursorSet \param path Path to the cursor set All cursors in the set will be assigned. If the set does not specify a cursor for a particular cursor specifier, it will remain unchanged. This function will fail if passed a NULL path, an invalid path, or the path to a non-CursorSet file. */ void CursorManager::SetCursorSet(const char *path) { BAutolock locker (this); CursorSet cursorSet(NULL); if (!path || cursorSet.Load(path) != B_OK) return; ServerCursor *cursor = NULL; if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_DEFAULT, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fDefaultCursor) delete fDefaultCursor; fDefaultCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_TEXT, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fTextCursor) delete fTextCursor; fTextCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_MOVE, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fMoveCursor) delete fMoveCursor; fMoveCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_DRAG, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fDragCursor) delete fDragCursor; fDragCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fResizeCursor) delete fResizeCursor; fResizeCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NWSE, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fNWSECursor) delete fNWSECursor; fNWSECursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NESW, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fNESWCursor) delete fNESWCursor; fNESWCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NS, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fNSCursor) delete fNSCursor; fNSCursor = cursor; } if (cursorSet.FindCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_EW, &cursor) == B_OK) { if (fEWCursor) delete fEWCursor; fEWCursor = cursor; } } /*! \brief Acquire the cursor which is used for a particular system cursor \param which Which system cursor to get \return Pointer to the particular cursor used or NULL if which is invalid or the cursor has not been assigned */ ServerCursor * CursorManager::GetCursor(cursor_which which) { BAutolock locker(this); switch (which) { case B_CURSOR_DEFAULT: return fDefaultCursor; case B_CURSOR_TEXT: return fTextCursor; case B_CURSOR_MOVE: return fMoveCursor; case B_CURSOR_DRAG: return fDragCursor; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE: return fResizeCursor; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NWSE: return fNWSECursor; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NESW: return fNESWCursor; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NS: return fNSCursor; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_EW: return fEWCursor; default: return NULL; } } /*! \brief Gets the current system cursor value \return The current cursor value or CURSOR_OTHER if some non-system cursor */ cursor_which CursorManager::GetCursorWhich() { Lock(); // ToDo: Where is fCurrentWhich set? cursor_which which; which = fCurrentWhich; Unlock(); return which; } /*! \brief Sets the specified system cursor to the a particular cursor \param which Which system cursor to change \param token The ID of the cursor to become the new one A word of warning: once a cursor has been assigned to the system, the system will take ownership of the cursor and deleting the cursor will have no effect on the system. */ void CursorManager::ChangeCursor(cursor_which which, int32 token) { Lock(); // Find the cursor, based on the token ServerCursor *cursor = FindCursor(token); // Did we find a cursor with this token? if (!cursor) { Unlock(); return; } // Do the assignment switch (which) { case B_CURSOR_DEFAULT: delete fDefaultCursor; fDefaultCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_TEXT: delete fTextCursor; fTextCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_MOVE: delete fMoveCursor; fMoveCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_DRAG: delete fDragCursor; fDragCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE: delete fResizeCursor; fResizeCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NWSE: delete fNWSECursor; fNWSECursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NESW: delete fNESWCursor; fNESWCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NS: delete fNSCursor; fNSCursor = cursor; break; case B_CURSOR_RESIZE_EW: delete fEWCursor; fEWCursor = cursor; break; default: Unlock(); return; } fCursorList.RemoveItem(cursor); Unlock(); } /*! \brief Internal function which finds the cursor with a particular ID \param token ID of the cursor to find \return The cursor or NULL if not found */ ServerCursor * CursorManager::FindCursor(int32 token) { ServerCursor* cursor; if (fTokenSpace.GetToken(token, kCursorToken, (void**)&cursor) == B_OK) return cursor; return NULL; } //! Sets the cursors to the defaults and saves them to CURSOR_SETTINGS_DIR/"d void CursorManager::SetDefaults() { Lock(); CursorSet cursorSet("Default"); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_DEFAULT, default_cursor_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_TEXT, default_text_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_MOVE, default_move_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_DRAG, default_drag_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE, default_resize_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NWSE, default_resize_nwse_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NESW, default_resize_nesw_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_NS, default_resize_ns_data); cursorSet.AddCursor(B_CURSOR_RESIZE_EW, default_resize_ew_data); BDirectory dir; if (dir.SetTo(CURSOR_SET_DIR) == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) create_directory(CURSOR_SET_DIR, 0777); BString string(CURSOR_SET_DIR); string += "Default"; cursorSet.Save(string.String(), B_CREATE_FILE | B_FAIL_IF_EXISTS); SetCursorSet(string.String()); Unlock(); }