

设置:~/config/settings/WebPositive/ - 配置文件,Cookies,缓存文件和浏览历史
~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks - 所有的书签都是单个的文件。

WebPositive,简称 Web+,是 Haiku 的原生网络浏览器。它的命名一半来源于 BeOS 的简洁浏览器 - Netpositive,而另一半则源于它的现代浏览器核心:WebKit。WebKit 的开源 HTML 渲染库也是其他主流浏览器的核心,例如,Mac OS X 的 Safari 和 Google 的 Chrome。随着 WebKit 的不断发展, Web+ 将能够很快的赶上最新的网络应用技术。


WebPositive 的界面非常直观:在菜单栏之下是常用按钮栏,其中包括可用于导航至浏览历史的上一页和下一页,停止载入页面,以及(可选的)跳转至主页的按钮。


您可以从 窗口 菜单中打开 设置 面板以配置 WebPositive 的一些组件。


第一个标签用于常规设置:作为 起始页面 的文件或网址, 搜索页面, 用于放置网络下载文件的 Download 目录
两个弹出菜单可用于设置载入页面 - 当打开新窗口或标签时。
通过下面的选择框,您可以避免在打开单个页面时显示标签栏。 WebPositive 的界面在全屏模式时可以自动隐藏,并且在停止移动一段时间后,鼠标也会自动隐藏。
最后,您可以决定是否在导航栏中包含 “Home” 按钮,并且可以设置浏览器记录的访问历史保存时间。




如果您曾经使用过其他的浏览器,WebPositive 将不会有很大不同。无需查看它的每个菜单项和特性,让我们注意一下几点:

After a while you may experience web pages being loaded slower and slower. Not really a bug in the truest sense, it's more an effect of a deficient handling of cookies. Either way, until that is fixed you'll have to manually intervene: Have a look at ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Cookies.curl. This file stores cookies from webpages and slowly grows while surfing the web. Once it's a few dozen kilobytes in size, it starts to slow down browsing. Just delete the file at that point to start with a clean slate.


WebPositive 的书签以文件和目录的形式存在于 ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/ 中。添加书签将会在此创建一个新文件。 您可以通过 管理书签... 快速的打开该文件夹。


You can change a bookmark's URL, name, title and enter keywords just like with any other file with attributes. Just make sure you have all their columns displayed via Tracker's Attributes menu, then select a file, press ALT E and start editing the attribute; change attribute columns with TAB.
You can sort bookmarks into different folders you create yourself.

By using Tracker to manage and navigate bookmarks you can lift its unique features to quickly find what you're looking for.
Activating Type-ahead filtering in Tracker's preferences, you can instantly trim down your list of bookmarks to matches of your filter-string. A few more or to move the selection and pressing ENTER opens the site. Make sure to display all attribute columns to have the filter applied to name, title, URL and keywords.

For this to work, all bookmarks should be kept in the ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/ folder and only copies should be sorted into custom subfolders for usage in WebPositive's Bookmarks menu (if at all). Also, actually filling the keywords attribute helps...


窗口 | 下载 将打开一个窗口,其中列出所有已完成的和正下载的内容:


Currently downloading files are shown with a growing progress bar and, similar to copying files in Tracker, information on the download speed, file size and expected finishing time. Buttons to the right let you Cancel and Restart a download, or Open the file, or Remove its entry from the list. The Remove missing and Remove finished buttons at the bottom do this for all entries in this list. "Missing" are files that were deleted in the meantime.

Moving a file that is currently being downloaded to Trash will stop the download. You'll also notice, that its icon becomes "ghosted".
Generally, WebPositive is very tolerant when it comes to managing files with Tracker. Files can be renamed or moved even while they are being downloaded and even after the download is finished, these changes are reflected in the Downloads window.

Ever wondered from what site you downloaded a particular package, image or any other file? You can track that down by opening the file with DiskProbe and have a look at its META:url attribute.

Want to have the URL permanently shown in your downloads folder? Just copy a bookmark into it, have the bookmark's URL attribute column displayed and remove the bookmark again.



ALT T打开新的标签。
ALT W 关闭当前标签。
ALT N 打开新窗口。
SHIFT ALT W 关闭当前窗口。
ALT ENTER 切换全屏模式。
ALT RF5 刷新当前页面。
ALT H 打开主页。
ALT D 显示/隐藏下载窗口。
ALT F 显示页内搜索的进度条(可以通过 ESC 隐藏)。
ALT B 添加页面为书签。
ALT M 管理书签,打开书签目录。
ALT 浏览历史中的前一页。
ALT 浏览历史中的后一页。