/* * Copyright 2011 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Tyler Dauwalder * Ingo Weinhold, bonefish@users.sf.net * Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de * John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com * * Corresponds to: * headers/os/storage/Directory.h hrev43528 * src/kits/storage/Directory.cpp hrev43528 */ /*! \file Directory.h \ingroup storage \ingroup libbe \brief Provides the BDirectory class. */ /*! \class BDirectory \ingroup storage \ingroup libbe \brief A directory in the file system. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory() \brief Creates an uninitialized BDirectory object. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const BDirectory& dir) \brief Creates a copy of the supplied BDirectory object. \param dir The BDirectory object to be copied. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const entry_ref* ref) \brief Creates a BDirectory and initializes it to the directory referred to by the supplied entry_ref. \param ref The entry_ref that refers to the directory. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const node_ref* nref) \brief Creates a BDirectory and initializes it to the directory referred to by the supplied node_ref. \param nref The node_ref that refers to the directory. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const BEntry* entry) \brief Creates a BDirectory and initializes it to the directory referred to by the supplied BEntry. \param entry The BEntry that refers to the directory. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const char* path) \brief Creates a BDirectory and initializes it to the directory referred to by the supplied \a path name. \param path The \a path name of the directory. */ /*! \fn BDirectory::BDirectory(const BDirectory* dir, const char* path) \brief Creates a BDirectory and initializes it to the directory referred to by the supplied path name relative to the specified BDirectory. \param dir The base BDirectory object. \param path The \a path of the directory relative to \a dir */ /*! \fn BDirectory::~BDirectory() \brief Destroys the BDirectory object. If the BDirectory is properly initialized, the directory's file descriptor is closed. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::SetTo(const entry_ref* ref) \brief Re-initializes the BDirectory to the directory referred to by the supplied entry_ref. \param ref The entry_ref referring to the directory. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a ref. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::SetTo(const node_ref* nref) \brief Re-initializes the BDirectory to the directory referred to by the supplied node_ref. \param nref The node_ref referring to the directory. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a nref. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::SetTo(const BEntry* entry) \brief Re-initializes the BDirectory to the directory referred to by the supplied BEntry. \param entry The BEntry referring to the directory. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a entry. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::SetTo(const char* path) \brief Re-initializes the BDirectory to the directory referred to by the supplied path name. \param path The directory's \a path name. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The supplied path name (\a path) is too long. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \retval B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY \a path includes a non-directory. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::SetTo(const BDirectory* dir, const char* path) \brief Re-initializes the BDirectory to the directory referred to by the supplied path name relative to the specified BDirectory. \param dir The base directory. \param path The directory path name relative to \a dir. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a dir or \a path, or \a path is absolute. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The supplied path name (\a path) is too long. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \retval B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY \a path includes a non-directory. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::GetEntry(BEntry* entry) const \brief Gets a BEntry object referring to the directory. If the initialization of \a entry fails, it is Unset(). \param entry A pointer to the \a entry that will refer to the directory. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a entry. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Directory not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn bool BDirectory::IsRootDirectory() const \brief Returns whether the directory is the root directory of a volume. \returns \c true if the BDirectory is properly initialized and represents a root directory of a volume, \c false otherwise. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::FindEntry(const char* path, BEntry* entry, bool traverse) const \brief Finds an entry referred to by a path relative to the directory represented by this BDirectory. \a path may represent an absolute path. If the BDirectory is not properly initialized then the entry is relative to the current directory. If the entry couldn't be found, \a entry is Unset(). \note The functionality of this method differs from BEntry::SetTo(BDirectory *, const char *, bool) in that it doesn't require the entry to exist, whereas this method does. \param path The entry's \a path name. May be relative to this directory or an absolute path. \param entry A pointer to a BEntry to be initialized with the found entry. \param traverse Whether or not to follow a symbolic link. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path or \a entry. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Entry not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The supplied path name (\a path) is too long. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \retval B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY \a path includes a non-directory. \sa BEntry::SetTo(BDirectory *, const char *, bool) */ /*! \fn bool BDirectory::Contains(const char* path, int32 nodeFlags) const \brief Returns whether or not this directory or any of its subdirectories at any level contain the entry referred to by the supplied path name. Only entries that match the node flavor specified by \a nodeFlags are considered. If the BDirectory is not properly initialized, the method returns \c false. A non-absolute path is considered relative to the current directory. \note R5's implementation always returns \c true given an absolute path or an unitialized directory. This implementation is not compatible with that behavior. Instead it converts the path into a BEntry and passes it to the other version of Contains(). \param path The entry's \a path name. May be relative to this directory or may be an absolute \a path. \param nodeFlags Any of the following: - \c B_FILE_NODE: The entry must be a file. - \c B_DIRECTORY_NODE: The entry must be a directory. - \c B_SYMLINK_NODE: The entry must be a symbolic link. - \c B_ANY_NODE: The entry may be of any kind. \returns \c true if the entry exists and its kind does match \a nodeFlags and the BDirectory is properly initialized and does contain the entry at any level, \c false otherwise. */ /*! \fn bool BDirectory::Contains(const BEntry* entry, int32 nodeFlags) const \brief Returns whether or not this directory or any of its subdirectories at any level contain the entry referred to by the supplied BEntry. Only entries that match the node flavor specified by \a nodeFlags are considered. \note If the paths are identical, this method returns \c true to stay consistent with BeOS 5. \param entry a BEntry referring to the entry \param nodeFlags Any of the following: - \c B_FILE_NODE: The entry must be a file. - \c B_DIRECTORY_NODE: The entry must be a directory. - \c B_SYMLINK_NODE: The entry must be a symbolic link. - \c B_ANY_NODE: The entry may be of any kind. \returns \c true if the BDirectory is properly initialized and the entry of the matching kind was found, \c false otherwise. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::GetStatFor(const char* path, struct stat* st) const \brief Returns the stat structure of the entry referred to by the supplied path name. \param path The entry's path name. May be relative to this directory or absolute, or \c NULL to get the directories stat info. \param st A pointer to the stat structure to be filled in by this method. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a st. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Entry not found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The supplied path name (\a path) is too long. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \retval B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY \a path includes a non-directory. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::GetNextEntry(BEntry* entry, bool traverse) \brief Returns the next entry as a BEntry object. Unlike GetNextDirents() this method ignores "." and "..". \note The iterator used by this method is the same one used by GetNextRef(), GetNextDirents(), Rewind() and CountEntries(). \param entry A pointer to a BEntry to be initialized to the found entry \param traverse Specifies whether or not to follow a symbolic link. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a entry. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND No more entries found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::GetNextRef(entry_ref* ref) \brief Returns the BDirectory's next entry as an entry_ref. Unlike GetNextDirents() this method ignores "." and "..". \note The iterator used be this method is the same one used by GetNextEntry(), GetNextDirents(), Rewind() and CountEntries(). \param ref A pointer to an entry_ref to be filled in with the data from the found entry. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a ref. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND No more entries found. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn int32 BDirectory::GetNextDirents(dirent* buf, size_t bufSize, int32 count) \brief Returns the next entries of the BDirectory object as a pointer to dirent structures. Unlike GetNextEntry() and GetNextRef(), this method returns also the entries "." and "..". \note The iterator used by this method is the same one used by GetNextEntry(), GetNextRef(), Rewind() and CountEntries(). \param buf A pointer to a buffer filled with dirent structures containing the found entries. \param bufSize The size of \a buf. \param count The maximum number of entries to be returned. \returns The number of dirent structures stored in the buffer, 0 when there are no more entries to be returned or a status code on error. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a buf. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_NAME_TOO_LONG The entry's name is too long for the buffer. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::Rewind() \brief Rewinds the directory iterator. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \sa BDirectory::GetNextEntry() \sa BDirectory::GetNextRef() \sa BDirectory::GetNextDirents() \sa BDirectory::CountEntries() */ /*! \fn int32 BDirectory::CountEntries() \brief Returns the number of entries in this directory. CountEntries() uses the directory iterator also used by GetNextEntry(), GetNextRef() and GetNextDirents(). It does a Rewind(), iterates through the entries and Rewind()s again. The entries "." and ".." are not counted. \returns The number of entries in the directory (not counting "." and "..") or a status code on error. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. \sa BDirectory::GetNextEntry() \sa BDirectory::GetNextRef() \sa BDirectory::GetNextDirents() \sa BDirectory::Rewind() */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::CreateDirectory(const char* path, BDirectory* dir) \brief Creates a new directory. If an entry with the supplied name already exists this method returns an error status code. \param path The new path name of the directory. May be a relative path to this directory or an absolute path. \param dir A pointer to a BDirectory to be initialized to the newly created directory. May be \c NULL. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a path does not refer to a possible entry. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_FILE_EXISTS An entry with that name does already exist. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::CreateFile(const char* path, BFile* file, bool failIfExists) \brief Creates a new file. If a file with the supplied name does already exist, the method fails, unless it is passed \c false to \a failIfExists -- in that case the file is truncated to zero size. The new BFile will operate in \c B_READ_WRITE mode. \param path The new file's path name. May be relative to this directory or an absolute path. \param file A pointer to a BFile to be initialized to the newly created file. May be \c NULL. \param failIfExists Whether or not to fail if the file already exists. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a path does not refer to a possible entry. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_FILE_EXISTS A file with that name does already exist and \c true has been passed for \a failIfExists. \retval B_IS_A_DIRECTORY A directory with the supplied name already exists. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn status_t BDirectory::CreateSymLink(const char* path, const char* linkToPath, BSymLink* link) \brief Creates a new symbolic link. This method fails if an entry with the supplied name already exists. \param path the new symbolic link's path name. May be relative to this directory or absolute. \param linkToPath the path the symbolic link shall point to. \param link a pointer to a BSymLink to be initialized to the newly created symbolic link. May be \c NULL. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path or \a linkToPath. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a path does not refer to a possible entry. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_FILE_EXISTS An entry with that name does already exist. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */ /*! \fn BDirectory& BDirectory::operator=(const BDirectory& dir) \brief Assigns another BDirectory to this BDirectory. If the passed in BDirectory object is uninitialized, the returned object will be too. Otherwise it will refer to the same directory, unless an error occurs. \param dir The original BDirectory object. \returns A reference to this BDirectory object. */ /*! \fn int BDirectory::get_fd() const \brief Returns the file descriptor of the BDirectory object. This method should be used instead of accessing the private \c fDirFd member directly. \returns the file descriptor, or -1 if not properly initialized. */ /*! \fn status_t create_directory(const char* path, mode_t mode) \brief Creates all missing directories along a given path. \param path The directory path name. \param mode A permission specification, which shall be used for the newly created directories. \returns A status code. \retval B_OK Everything went fine. \retval B_BAD_VALUE \c NULL \a path. \retval B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND \a path does not refer to a possible entry. \retval B_PERMISSION_DENIED Directory permissions didn't allow operation. \retval B_NO_MEMORY Insufficient memory for operation. \retval B_LINK_LIMIT Indicates a cyclic loop within the file system. \retval B_BUSY A node was busy. \retval B_FILE_ERROR A general file error. \retval B_NOT_A_DIRECTORY An entry other than a directory with that name already exists. \retval B_NO_MORE_FDS The application has run out of file descriptors. */