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Team Monitor

Con la scorciatoia CTRL ALT DEL è possibile avviare il Team Monitor che elenca tutti i programmi in esecuzione.


Programs that were launched by the system are blue, those started by the user black.
Applications that are unresponsive, which is often a sign the program has crashed, are marked red. You can try to quit a program by selecting it and pressing Quit application (or either DEL or Q). If that doesn't work, try Kill application (or SHIT DEL or K) instead.

E' possibile aprire il Terminale con OPT ALT T.

Se il Tracker o la Deskbar vanno in crash oppure si bloccano, apparirà un nuovo bottone (potrebbe essere necessario chiudere prima le applicazioni interessate): Restart the Desktop che riavvierà il Tracker e/o la Deskbar.