La traducció d'aquesta pàgina encara no està acabada. Fins que ho sigui, algunes part correspondrà a la versió anglesa.

Benvingut al Manual d'Usuari del Haiku

Below, you'll find the documentation of the most important aspects of Haiku. Naturally, completing and extending the documentation is a continuing process (see the online version for updated pages and translations). If you find errors, would like to suggest topics or maybe even contribute yourself, please get in touch on the documentation mailing list. If you're interested in helping with translations, you'll find information on that at the i18n user guide wiki.

Boot Loader Opcions d'arrencada segures per resoldre problemes de configuració.
Filesystem layout Understand the filesystem hierarchy and get familiar with important file locations and folders.
Haiku's GUI Conegueu els elements bàsics de l'entorn gràfic d'usuari.
Workspaces Feu servir els escriptoris virtuals per tenir un entorn de treball ben endreçat.
Twitcher Switch between running applications.
Team Monitor Atureu les aplicacions o components del sistema que no responen.
Tracker Learn all about navigating, working with files and folders and how to configure Haiku's file manager.
Shortcuts and key combinations Les dreceres més usuals per agilitar la vostra feina.
Deskbar Use and configure Haiku's version of the "Start" menu and taskbar.
Filetypes Indiqueu les aplicacions per omissió, canvieu els tipus de fitxers i afegiu els vostres.
Attributes One of Haiku's main features lets you manage and add any kind of data to any file.
Index Use indexing to be able to search for attributes.
Queries Use Haiku's lightning fast queries to quickly find what you're looking for.
Workshop: Filetypes, Attributes, Index and Queries Learn to use some of Haiku's key features by organizing your DVDs.
Workshop: Managing Email Learn to use Haiku's mail system with custom statuses and queries.
Workshop: Wireless networking Set up your open or encrypted wireless network.
Applications Learn how to un/install applications in general and how work with the ones that come with Haiku.
Desktop Applets Ginys senzills per instal·lar al vostre Escriptori i Barra de l'Escriptori.
Preferences Configurar i ajustar el vostre sistema.
Bash and Scripting Learn of some interesting scripts used by the system and about online resources for working in the shell and scripting.