 * Copyright 2002, Marcus Overhagen. All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

#include <MediaNode.h>

#define NOTIFICATION_PARAM_WHAT "be:media:internal:what"
#define NOTIFICATION_PARAM_TEAM "be:media:internal:team"
#define NOTIFICATION_PARAM_MESSENGER "be:media:internal:messenger"

namespace BPrivate {
namespace media {
namespace notifications {

/*!	This are the possible notifications that can be watched.
	The notifications marked with "N" are only send when the
	media_node specific BMediaRoster::StartWatching() is used
	and the notification belongs to the watched node.

	In addition, anyone watching a specific node will also receive
	error notifications generated by BMediaNode::ReportError()

	B_MEDIA_WILDCARD 					used to match any notification in
	B_MEDIA_NODE_CREATED 				"media_node_id" (multiple items)
	B_MEDIA_NODE_DELETED				"media_node_id" (multiple items)
	B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_MADE				"output", "input", "format"
	B_MEDIA_CONNECTION_BROKEN			"source", "destination"
	B_MEDIA_BUFFER_CREATED				"clone_info" -- handled by BMediaRoster
	B_MEDIA_BUFFER_DELETED				"media_buffer_id" -- handled by
	B_MEDIA_TRANSPORT_STATE				"state", "location", "realtime"
	B_MEDIA_PARAMETER_CHANGED		N 	"node", "parameter"
	B_MEDIA_FORMAT_CHANGED			N 	"source", "destination", "format"
	B_MEDIA_DEFAULT_CHANGED				"default", "node" -- handled by
	B_MEDIA_NEW_PARAMETER_VALUE		N 	"node", "parameter", "when", "value"
	B_MEDIA_NODE_STOPPED			N 	"node", "when"
	B_MEDIA_FLAVORS_CHANGED				"be:addon_id", "be:new_count",

// used for BMediaRoster::StartWatching() parameter validation
bool		IsValidNotificationRequest(bool node_specific, int32 notification);

// called by BMediaRoster::StartWatching()
status_t	Register(const BMessenger& notifyHandler, const media_node& node,
				int32 notification);

// called by BMediaRoster::StopWatching()
status_t	Unregister(const BMessenger& notifyHandler, const media_node& node,
				int32 notification);

// called by BMediaNode::ReportError()
status_t	ReportError(const media_node& node, BMediaNode::node_error what,
				const BMessage* info);

void		NodesCreated(const media_node_id* ids, int32 count);
void		NodesDeleted(const media_node_id* ids, int32 count);
void		ConnectionMade(const media_input& input, const media_output& output,
				const media_format& format);
void		ConnectionBroken(const media_source& source,
				const media_destination& destination);
void		BuffersCreated(area_info* areas, int32 count);
void		BuffersDeleted(const media_buffer_id* ids, int32 count);

// called by BMediaNode::NodeStopped()
void		NodeStopped(const media_node& node, bigtime_t when);

// called by BControllable::BroadcastChangedParameter()
status_t	ParameterChanged(const media_node& node, int32 parameterID);

// called by BControllable::SetParameterWeb()
void		WebChanged(const media_node& node);

// called by BControllable::BroadcastNewParameterValue()
status_t	NewParameterValue(const media_node& node, int32 parameterID,
				bigtime_t when, const void* parameter, size_t parameterSize);

// called by the media_addon_server AFTER a flavor change has been
// handled. NOT CALLED by BMediaAddOn::NotifyFlavorChange()
void		FlavorsChanged(media_addon_id addOnID, int32 newCount,
				int32 goneCount);

void		FormatChanged(const media_source& source,
				const media_destination& destination,
				const media_format& format);

// TODO: missing: B_MEDIA_TRANSPORT_STATE	"state", "location", "realtime"
// TODO: missing: B_MEDIA_DEFAULT_CHANGED	"default", "node"

}	// namespace notifications
}	// namespace media
}	// namespace BPrivate